s e n wrote...
shadow, can you test this thing and see what happens when the client uses a different version of the set file of the server?
Depends on what the differences actually are.
Anything NEW on client side would be ok, but anything NEW on server side would crash it.
By new, I mean additions to exisiting.set, NOT a renumbered version, ie a version where a specific tile's location is different that what the server has.
It's too bad that the .ARE doesn't use/save tile NAME instead of it's numbered reference point in the .set file. I think the design reason was that they originally intended the .SET to be a 2da type of file with column data instead of grouped row data.
Any tileset that is over 12-1500 is way too large. There really is no way to save area load time as the server must search the entire .set to find the tiles referenced, then pull the .wok file from that huge hak and ship that off to the client, that along with all the placeable, trigger, and creature data. The biggest slow down on large .sets is searching for, and sending the .wok data. (Client doesn't need a wok, it is built from the tile mdl file while loading for sp, and in MP mode, it is sent byt the server REGARDLESS of client side hak contents.)
By the by, patch 1.69 raised the maximum TOTAL allowed tilesets to 100.