3RavensMore wrote...
Very nice! Question - is it possible to make this work with PC/NPC or NPC/NPC as well? I know, I don't ask for much. '>
The rave you uploading was something I'd not thought of with the dance - it looks fantastic.
With the default wand, no. Because of the way the consent convo works that will only work with two PCs.
The positioning scripts themselves are another matter entirely. As long as you're calling them from a seperate source you can feed any combination of PC/NPC into it that you want.
This is the OnActivateItem script I used for testing to allow a PC to waltz with the NPC:
#include "x2_inc_switches"
#include "social_inc"
void main()
if (GetUserDefinedItemEventNumber() != X2_ITEM_EVENT_ACTIVATE) return;
object oPC1 = GetItemActivator();
object oPC2 = GetItemActivatedTarget();
SetLocalInt (oPC1, "SOCIAL_EMOTE", 4);
SetLocalObject (oPC2, "SOCIAL_SUITOR", oPC1);
ExecuteScript ("social_cons_yes", oPC2);
As long as the proper variables are stored onto the NPCs first, you can just have one of them run that execute script command, and they'll position themselves and start the animation automatically.
To make an NPC "rave", you could add this to the end of their OnSpawn:
PlayAnimation (ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM19, 3.0, 9999.0);
They'll dance until interupted, at which point you'd have to assign that to them again.