Author Topic: How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?  (Read 1651 times)


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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:00:53 am »

               Most gameworlds in nwn have very huge lists of available emoteanimations like lapsit, dance and the like and i was wondering how those animations where put into the game. What application is best to create the animations and how to add them to the game so that every character can perform them? For the beginning was planning rather easy things like an alternative "lay on the back" wich isnt taken from the deathanimation (the position is kinda creepy with the half broken neck). But even thought about a "lay on the bench" animation..wich simply let the char hover in a layposition in the air so that it can be moved on top of benches.

Has somebody experiences with this kind of stuff and can give me some advices and directions, perhaps?

Thank you in advance.


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 06:36:53 pm »

               This is a very complicated task.

It requires you to fully understand how to use Gmax/3dsmax.

You have to edit multiple .mdl files and place them into either a hak or your override folder.

As to what mdl files need to be edited, you have to decide what races you wish to screw around with, then edit both male and female versions of same.

If you search for Ragnarok_MR4's alternate combat pack you will find one set, and if you search for Ninjaweasel Intimate animation hak you will find a futher set.  This extra set likely includes the animations that you mention above and various others as well.

It will require you to do some reverse engineering though, you would have to look at the animation mdls and the tlk file to see how the animations get added into the game.

FEW folks have taken up the challenge of full animations as it is quite detailed work and the game requires you to create new tlk entries etc, so that you can call your animations via script or dialog entries AND because you have to edit sooooo many mdl files to make it all work for the various races, male and female.



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 10:13:30 pm »

               Another great set of custom animations is Additional Animations by Vaéi.  Comes with a demo module, as I recall, which should help you to understand how to implement the animations in your module.

I second Bannor's comments, by the way.  Character animations are difficult and, as a general rule, only the most expert and experienced custom content makers have mastered the full range of abilities needed to make good new ones.



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2011, 10:34:24 pm »

               So its nothing to get into by doing it, learning by doing, no? *sighs* well better know it from the start than to find out after spending ages for impossible stuff^^

Thanks for the fast answers '<img'>



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2011, 10:40:21 pm »

               "Learning by doing" is a great NWN philosophy in general, and I wouldn't want to discourage you.  In this case, it would take quite a lot of doing to learn the necessary skills.  It's not something you could do very quickly.  On the other hand, once you'd learned it, you'd be able to do lots of other things as well as animations.  It's up to you.  ;-)


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2011, 10:48:43 pm »

               I would love to see new folks get involved with Animations, but I can completely understand why most folks don't stick to it long enough to create much custom content in that particular arena.

It is a large amount of work, even for skilled folks, and for new folks, just learning how to edit a given mdl file in 3dsmax can be overwhelming.

It CAN be done, it HAS been done by folks in the past, but it takes a strong willed person that really doesn't mind spending the time needed to make it all work.

NWN gave us a huge amount of power for allowing custom content in general.  Up to and including creating/using new animations, but creating that custom content does require a bit a time and the attitude that you can take a few knocks on the head before accomplishing something really useful.

But a quick, 2 or 3 step click here, click there, type of process does not exist for animations.


Legacy_Master Jax

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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2011, 06:32:11 am »

               Most of us start easy on the NWN customization madness. Why, I remember when "Modding" to me was creating portraits for the game out of any image I could pilfer! (My poor portraits folder still suffers from such a wondrous awakening of my modding skills!)

You should start with something a little easier, and make your way to the top. If you're already an intermediate modder (say, you have created/edited geometry of models) then I would encourage you to go deep, and explore the animation fringes! Mystra knows we need a new Ragnarok_MR4 to take the former's place! (Deserter...)



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2011, 08:50:31 am »

               All right i got an animation tool and started to work with it but..what would be usefull..would be an animation file for 3ds max before it is compiled into nwn, so that i do know my goal. I mean i could open it in the tool and examine it.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2011, 04:38:30 pm »

               <chortles with Glee...>

Estelindis wrote...
Another great set of custom animations is Additional Animations by Vaéi.  Comes with a demo module, as I recall, which should help you to understand how to implement the animations in your module.


TY :-)

<...though Glee is not amused>


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2011, 06:23:02 pm »

               <trying to be helpful...>

Simpson3k wrote...

All right i got an animation tool and started to work with it but..what would be usefull..would be an animation file for 3ds max before it is compiled into nwn, so that i do know my goal. I mean i could open it in the tool and examine it.

I do highly recommend reading the tutorials on the CTP forums.

They are focused and informative, if not comprehensive.  At any rate, they are a great place to start.

Which tool did you choose?

<...while casing the joint>



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2011, 09:52:30 pm »


Rolo Kipp wrote...

<chortles with Glee...>

Estelindis wrote...
Another great set of custom animations is Additional Animations by Vaéi.  Comes with a demo module, as I recall, which should help you to understand how to implement the animations in your module.


TY :-)

<...though Glee is not amused>

And this, folks, is why we mourn the loss of the Legacy forums.

So much information...knowledge.  Links, ideas, building on each other's works.


I truly hope we get it back.



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 09:04:38 pm »

               Doing a good progress in learning how to use Autodesk 3ds Max, but how am i supposed to open those mdl files in 3ds Max? do i need a plugin for the animationeditor or something like that?

That may sound noobish but i cant open the mdl files with 3ds Max. Do i have to convert them into the max fileformat first?

I wouldnt mind to work through every of those thousands tutorials of the program but if i knew how my goal looks like (a finished, working mdl file) i would have an idea what needs to be done.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 09:23:09 pm »


Definitely get NwMax scripts for 3DS Max. Be sure to install them in the right places.

You should also get Veltools.

<...the buck>



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 09:31:07 pm »


Simpson3k wrote...
...but how am i supposed to open those mdl files in 3ds Max? do i need a plugin for the animationeditor or something like that?

If you have NWMax installed correctly, when you load up Max, NWMax will load up as well.  You load up NWN models in Max not by using the open or import menu items but by going to the NWMax rollout and looking for "NWN MDL Loader".  Click to expand that.  Basically, all you really have to do is click the "Browse" button in there, browse to your NWN MDL and after you've selected it, click the "Import" button a little ways below.  There are some other options which you'lll find use for later, like whether or not to load animations as well as geometry, but those will become more apparent/useful as you progress.

To save a model, it must have an AuroraBase.  If you've imported a NWN model the AuroraBase will already be present.  If not, you can create one by going to the Helpers tab on the Create menu (all of this is on the right side of your screen by default).  Helpers is the icon just to the right of the little camera icon.  When you click on it and then click somewhere in your perspective view you'll see that one of the types of helpers you can create is an AuroraBase.  When you click that another menu will come up asking you for some options.  For a basic test model all you really need to do is have a good name (I use plc_a01 because it's an easy name to remember and anything saved with that name will override the "armoire" placeable) and make sure the AuroraBase is at 0,0,0.  You can put a check next to "Create to [0,0,0]", fill in "plc_a01" (without quotes) and hit "OK".  Bam!  You've got an AuroraBase.

I really nice, simple, exercise would be to just practice a few times making an AuroraBase which overrwrites some existing bit of content, creating a box, right clicking on it and converting it to editable mesh, maybe dragging your favorite 256x256 or 512x512 texture on the box from your override directory, selecting and linking the box to the AuroraBase and then selecting the AuroraBase so you can export it.  Be sure to make sure it has the correct path for your override dir.  You can choose to export just the mesh or the mesh and its animations.  I don't think I do any importing but this tutorial (which is for GMax but should work perfectly for Max) gives you a basic idea of some of the fun stuff that you can do with little work and also shows the exporting process.

When I was first starting out I just had no bloomin' idea where to begin.  There were so many damned buttons.  Buttons and dials and all sorts of crap, everywhere! But really, once you get the hang of it, you use precious little in Max to do your NWN editing.  It's actually kind of merciful that way because even GMax just freaking goes on and on with the buttons and settings.

That may sound noobish but i cant open the mdl files with 3ds Max. Do i have to convert them into the max fileformat first?

Thankfully, NWN 3D modeling for the most part is just dealing with simple editable meshes.  You don't have to convert them into any kind of Max "format", just be able to load and save them like I talk about, above.  While you're working on your model, its recommended to save your model in Max and you just do that like saving any other scene.  It is best to do things like this (as opposed to exporting and importing via NWMax again and again) because with each export into NWN MDL format, little (really little) errors get introduced.  Theoretically, they do stac u with the more imports and exports you do on the same model.  So after an initial import into Max via NWMax, I save my progress in max fies and export to the NWN MDL format only when I'm done.


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 14 septembre 2011 - 08:58 .



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How to add custom animations into neverwither nights?
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 09:50:17 pm »

               Thank you very much Rolo for those two links, looks like i installed them correctly '<img'> And thanks to you OldTimeRadio for that increadible detailed explaining '<img'>

Propably the first forumposting ever i copy-pasted into a txt file as a whole lol ^^

I am really glad i decided to ask for help here, was more than worth the try ^^