Author Topic: Warhammer 40k  (Read 1767 times)


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Warhammer 40k
« Reply #45 on: August 31, 2011, 04:18:25 am »


WebShaman wrote...

This is an AWESOME journey, and tut, folks!  Please, keep posting!

Here here! I'm very impressed with the progress and consistency here. A big kudos goes out to OTR and Raven for their hard work thus far~



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« Reply #46 on: August 31, 2011, 11:36:32 am »

               Thanks but now I'm on a point with a lot of misst, can't see anything try this time to have a look on tutorials and videotutorials to understand and to imitate that! But I think thats a long way because only the helmet is to difficult to transfer to Neverwinter Nights! I wish it will be easier!

First try to make something with gmax... haha what it is? A Warhammer (twohanded^^)


                     Modifié par Raven_Xantrice, 31 août 2011 - 11:08 .



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« Reply #47 on: August 31, 2011, 03:45:03 pm »

               Do NOT give up!  Yes, the curve now is probably getting steeper - you have figured out how to get a model to the NWN format, now you have to do the "meat" of the work ahead : making it into something usable ingame!

As OTR has said, you need to "chop up" the model into the parts that NWN understands (if going the armor route, which is what I would also suggest).  So what you will need are the necessary tools to do that, and you will need helping tools that will make your job much easier.  The NWArmory is superb for helping you with all the parts, once you have them.  And, of course, the NWN Lexicon is a MUST!  It will show you what parts you need, and how to go about dealing with the naming, etc! in an easy to follow tut.

When I think that the pioneers of NWN custom content trod this path without all this information, tools,



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« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2011, 05:35:29 pm »

               Yes looking during all the day for helpers and information, my problem is: I be able to write/speak and understand (read) english, but often not so well as I understand the difficult tutorials for gmax or NWN.. '<img'> sads thick, maybe I have to learn more english before! '<img'>



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« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2011, 05:54:00 pm »

               Working in a secondary language is, of course, an obstacle (I realize this - I have to do it in German).  However, with time, it becomes much easier.

Please keep us posted, and try to give us some step-by-step feedback here.  It is turning into a really nice tut!



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« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2011, 06:07:42 pm »

               Me german, too! Yes, I stay on this project!

The second hammer:


                     Modifié par Raven_Xantrice, 31 août 2011 - 11:25 .



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« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2011, 05:47:09 am »

               Looking good!  I always enjoy models more when I can see them in game.  These are simple steps to get a model from GMax to NWN as a placeable.  Any mesh (object) can be turned into a placeable to quickly view it in NWN.  There are some important things related to Placeables like PWKs, but we're going to skip over those.  This will at least give you the general idea of how to get a model exported.

1.Load GMax
2.Create an AuroraBase by clicking on Helpers (1) then AuroraBase (2):
3. Then click somewhere in your perspective view.  It doesn't matter where.  A window will come up which looks like this:
4. Click "Center to [0,0,0]" (3) and change the name to plc_a01 (4).  Thern hit the OK button on that window.  You now have an AuroraBase centered at 0,0,0 (which is important) and named.  The name I chose is the name of the very first placeable in NWN.  It is the armoire model.  We're going to export this model into our override directory and when we load up the toolset & game, this model will override the armoire model.
5. Now we're going to go back to the Geometry panel and create a box (1), like this
6. Go back into select object mode (1), select the box by clicking on it (if it is not already selected) and while the box is selected, right click on it and select "Convert to Editable Mesh" (2), like this

Notice that when you select the box from now on it displays the Modifiers tab and it shows you that the box is an Editable Mesh.  This is a type of object that the NWN engine can understand and whenever an object is to be exported to NWN it needs to be in Editable Mesh format.  When I created it, it was just a box.  It was just a primitive.  A primitive is a basic shape like a sphere, cone, cube, etc.  It should looke like this.

7.Now you're going to add a modifier to the Editable Mesh.  What's a modifier?  It's something that affects your mesh.  Usually it's something that distorts or changes your mesh's shape.  How it all works is they "stack" on top of your editable mesh and then when you're happy, you right click on the modifiers which are "stacked" above your Editable Mesh and "collapse" them onto your Editable Mesh.  To "collapse the stack" means you're applying all of your modifications to your mesh and you don't need to fiddle with them anymore.  You can learn more about that from the GMax help file, which is also included for searching in the NWN Omnibus.

But we don't need to change our cube, it's just fine and so we're going to apply a special modifier which tells NWN how to display the mesh in-game called the AuroraTrimesh modifier.  You can do all kinds of neat things by changing its settings but I'm just going to use the default settings on it for now.

8.Click on the button (1) next to the words Modifier List and scroll down till you see the AuroraTrimesh modifier, then select it.

As you can see we have new modifier in "the stack".  Let's finish up, we're almost there.

9.We need to link the cube to the model base so that when the model is exported the cube goes along with it.  So we select the Select and Link tool (1), then select the cube (the cursor will change to two boxes) and then drag until the cursor is over the model base (2).  The cursor will change back to boxes when you can link your model to something so when your cursor is over any part of the green model base you will see the two boxes again.  Let go of the mouse button and you should see the model base indicate that it has had a new object attached to it.  If you did it right, the two models will now be linked, the cube being a child object of the model base.  Like this

10.Now go back into select mode (1), select the model base (2), change the path to be your override directory (3) and hit the Export Geometry Only button (4).  It may complain that the model failed the sanity check.  You can go ahead and export anyway, if you want.  Or, if you don't like the sanity check complaining, you can turn it off by unchecking its check box (5). Like this

And so we place an Armoire placeable in the toolset and it doesn't look like an armoire anymore because we've overrode the model (by saving a model with the same name).  Instead, we now have our new creation in the toolset and in game:


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 01 septembre 2011 - 05:00 .



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« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2011, 06:11:46 am »

               Those steps are the basics.  I used the exact same steps to do the exact same thing in the video below.  The only difference was the model which I attached to the model base.




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« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2011, 09:39:10 am »

               GREAT stuff, OTR!  Wooohoo!



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Warhammer 40k
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2011, 10:00:06 am »

               Get it! Now my project is to make a Space Marine Statue first! That's little bit to do, but here the results for now:

Edit: Help! NWmax Script says: >> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Runtime error: Out of scripter memory - use options to increase << Try to do without textures only the Space Marine Model, same error!


                     Modifié par Raven_Xantrice, 02 septembre 2011 - 10:08 .



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« Reply #55 on: September 03, 2011, 02:17:42 am »


Raven_Xantrice wrote...

Edit: Help! NWmax Script says: >> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Runtime error: Out of scripter memory - use options to increase << Try to do without textures only the Space Marine Model, same error!

You should be able to change the setting they're talking about in GMax by going to Customize -> Preferences -> MAXScript (tab) -> then jack up the memory settings to...20 megabytes? 50?  Whatever you need to get the job done.  If you hit something like 128 megs and you're still getting the error, let me know.  Looks like this

BTW, that looks nice.  The smoothing groups look really good.  You still on GMax?


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 03 septembre 2011 - 01:20 .



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« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2011, 03:14:42 pm »

               I'm test to use a old version of 3dsmax but I'm happier with gmax I think. I'm wrong? Yeah, now I have only to have texture the model right, because I think I do something wrong (I know that the texture have to be 512x512 and tga 32/ 24-Bit. But don't know how to make it right that NWN make it right! Simply to make with the material editor textures and draw them on the object and export as mdl, that works? Think not, that is to easy... '<img'>



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« Reply #57 on: September 04, 2011, 03:57:28 pm »

               You open the material navigator, on the left side you click on file system and look for the texture you want to apply to the model. Then you drag the texture onto the model. It really is that easy.
If the texture matches the uvw map of the model because you used the texture that was on the original model or changed it but everything in your texture is in the same place as on the original model, everything will be fine.
If there original uvw mapping was lost during the conversion process from one file type to one that gmax can handle, it becomes ALOT more complicated because now you'll have to uvw map the whole statue yourself. Best you could do would be to map one part of the statue after another.
Since this is nothing NWN specific I'm sure there are tutorials on how to do that.



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« Reply #58 on: September 05, 2011, 06:05:48 pm »

               For now I try to make different "things" (Placeables) and convert them to Neverwinter Nights, if that works I go further and make more difficult models... or I try! Thanks!

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« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2011, 09:10:40 pm »

Have take the model of the new game (Warhammer 40k: Space Marine) and I'm allready at the export. The goods news is that every modelpart is different, have only to cut hands and foots! The bad news: I think the models are too good for NEverwinter Nights! '<img'> But see, this is the chainsaw model!

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