Author Topic: Warhammer 40k  (Read 1764 times)


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Warhammer 40k
« on: August 20, 2011, 11:43:35 am »

               Thread to the releated idea entry

Hi guys and girls!
This thread is to discuss about the nwvault.ign entry (Link: )

It would be great if some artists of Neverwinter Nights CC give that a change and maybe try to make something for it!
Or think you, that is impossible to create such a armor or tileset? Please give me answers! ':bandit:'
I think this is an new feeling that is possible to do with the Neverwinter Nights Engine!

Thank you!



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« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2011, 02:51:26 pm »

               You could try contacting Xialya. From what I understand making outfits is among the more difficult things to do where custom content is concerned, and it may be easier to see if what she had going could be released or finished rather than looking for someone to start on a whole new set from scratch.

I tried myself the other week but alas I fear she no longer checks the email she used to register on the vault with. An incredible pity as the armor is of great looking quality, and I'm sure any number of interesting projects could benefit from their release.

C'est la vie~


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2011, 07:12:17 pm »

               You might also want to take a look at what the D20 team made, and there are other "futuristic" type tilesets, hak packs etc.. available on the vault, even if it is a real pain to find them all.

D20 Modern version 2.0



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« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2011, 09:03:05 pm »

               FWIW, anyone working on converting material which uses a diffuse map (i.e. a normal, non-PLT texture) could probably save a ton of time by using this method, which allows for the display of TGA's on PC body parts.  Doesn't require fiddling with the model after export and it also plays well with existing PLT portions on the model.  It can be used to rapidly prototype something or just get it out the door without having to worry about converting to PLT.  There are a couple screenshot examples at the bottom of that linked thread and also this video where I used the process to preserve the texture on a Titan Quest creature I was turning into a robe for NWN a few weeks back.



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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 08:05:24 am »

               @Ork_horC: Yes think so, too. I've try to contact her but have no answer or reaction, don't know...the pictures of her powerarmor are awesome.

@Bannor Bloodfist: Yes, know them, D20 is great and you can still use a lot of it for warhammer but some things I simply need for specially warhammer, the powerarmor e.g.

@OldTimeRadio: I have read this and view the videos but don't understand something of this... maybe I have to read tutorials and try to do something for it but now I don't understand something about creating a model with textures and make ready vor Neverwinter Nights.

Thank you! '<img'>

Edit: Have created a blog where I try to collect stuff for warhammer fantasy and warhammer 40k and create by myself a warhammer setting (Not change the whole D20-system but to create other classes and races, spells and maybe talents and skills) for now I'm still working more on the fantasy setting because its for now more realistic!
Link: whnwn-Blog


                     Modifié par Raven_Xantrice, 22 août 2011 - 10:12 .



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« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2011, 02:06:57 pm »

               Hmmm...models from Warhammer 40k - Soulstorm, etc, should be relatively easy to convert to NWN.  Have you looked into it?



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« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2011, 12:31:01 am »


WebShaman wrote...

Hmmm...models from Warhammer 40k - Soulstorm, etc, should be relatively easy to convert to NWN.  Have you looked into it?


My best guess is that Xialya did the same. If you played Soulstorm and take a look at her Adeptus Sororitas models, it isnt a stretch to say that they're identical. If indeed they are, they are they turned out seemingly flawless as well with no readily apparant conversion flaws. Sadly, something 'relatively easy' to those reasonably familiar with the process translates into "whut.." for me, as I haven't the faintest semblance of modelling skill or experience.

I wish I did, as I already finished the first chapter of a self-run campaign for some friends set in the 40k universe back back when Xialya was still updating, but it's true completion hinged upon the release of her power armor models.



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« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2011, 01:31:48 pm »

               Well, Soulstorm is pretty cheap these days, and relatively easy to work with - lots of tools and CC available for that game!  So it should be rather easy to extract the models and textures to a 3d modding program.  Then convert (if need be) to a format that NWN can understand, and import.



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« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2011, 02:11:21 pm »

               Seems simple enough in theory. Any chance you'd be able to help guide me through the particulars, WebShaman? I have Soulstorm sitting around somewhere, along with the time and inclination.

On a side note, I assume they would be imported as non-colourable robes rather than piecemeal that you could swap around and recolour at your discretion? There may be more work involved in doing that, but it may outweigh the work involved in ripping a model for every marine chapter and legion simply for the shoulder badge and colour scheme. Then again the texture or colour depth and richness of the original model may not be perfectly recreated in NWN's palette, so perhaps leaving them be would be the best route.. But I'm rambling.



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« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2011, 05:12:05 pm »

               Check this post out from Borden - http://social.biowar...index/3124699/2

I would suggest NOT making them into Robes.

The NWArmory doesn't convert Robes for the various sexes/races.  Also, you can make your pieces and "mix and match" them, as one needs.  Besides, some characters do have well as the Armor.


                     Modifié par WebShaman, 23 août 2011 - 04:12 .



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« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2011, 06:26:49 pm »

               I assume you mean his link and reference to the '3D Object Converter'? Or is there other info I may have missed in my read-through of the thread?



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« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2011, 10:21:55 am »

               I try to have a look into it! I know that I will stumble soon, because I don't know how it work, but maybe somebody is able to help me than. NOW I'm installing Dawn of War 1. '<img'>



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« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2011, 01:38:29 pm »

               Yes, the converter.  That should remove the first, major hurdle - converting.



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« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2011, 02:54:25 pm »

               Have convert the DoW Model to 3ds but gmax shows me an error and I don't be able to open... maybe one of the converter ways work wrong.

Link to the mdl Model:

maybe someone could help out!


                     Modifié par Raven_Xantrice, 24 août 2011 - 02:19 .



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« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2011, 05:09:45 pm »


Raven_Xantrice wrote...
Have convert the DoW Model to 3ds but gmax shows me an error and I don't be able to open... maybe one of the converter ways work wrong.

GMax cannot load 3DS models.  That file is...something, but it's definitely not NWN MDL format.  What did you use to convert the DoW model to 3DS?