Author Topic: Adding New Skills  (Read 1095 times)


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Adding New Skills
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2012, 02:19:25 pm »

                I'm not sure why it gives the error, my skills.2da goes to line 39 (40 skills counting 0), and I only had issues due to the padding that bioware added at the end of the other skills in any of them.

  I'd missed the request before for my skills.2da, here's a copy of it:  If you want to see the class skill 2da files I use, feel free to pull them from the hak I use for my little mod, second link in the signature gets you to the site those are hosted on.



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2012, 02:50:47 pm »

               Interesting. I don't know why but this just isn't working for me. We must not understand exactly how this works. Perhaps you have to overrun the max number of skills significantly. I dunno. But I am tired of all the guess work and just going to move forward.

So I've added Control Shape, Climb, Swim, Escape Artist, and Scry. I replaced Intimidate with Scry, and Ride with Control Shape. My max skill index is 30. All is working well.

Those are



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2012, 03:04:20 pm »

               no ride is not hardcoded in any way, feel free to replace it, the same with craft skills

idea: maybe its client-side bug? what if a client without custom skills.2da tried to create character and log in to your PW?



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2012, 03:33:16 pm »

               A funny thing that you mentioned craft skills...

I think there is something hardcoded related to crafting. I've noticed that if you require all the crafting skills to be trained, and put no points in the craft skills that you are unable to launch the craft menu. If you put one point in craft armor it still doesn't work. If you put 1 point in craft trap, you can launch the crafting menu. So... what is it about craft trap that is special? I can't find it in the scripts. I suspect its hardcoded in some way. Please let me know if this is script driven.



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2012, 03:55:36 pm »

               bioware "crafting" is a conversation x0_skill_ctrap that can be overriden, personally using this to create "Character Options Menu" with an ir_craft icon chang.

But i dont see that a no-rank in a skill would prevent this conersation to open, if you dont have ranks you wont be able to craft the given type of item but the conversation should open. But I havent tried to remove/reuse crafting skills myself yet so you might find something new to me



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2012, 04:18:28 pm »

               I understand that it uses that conversation, but I don't see a check for skills. And the failure message is different. In this case it is simply: You can not use this skill at this time.

Is there a script that launches that conversation? Perhaps the check is in that script.

I'm stumped. Apparently you need some craft trap skill to be able to use the craft icon from the player menu. I'll enable craft trapping as an untrained skill. Lame, but NWN is like that.


                     Modifié par henesua, 26 janvier 2012 - 04:31 .



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2012, 04:35:32 pm »


henesua wrote...

I'm stumped. Apparently you need some craft trap skill to be able to use the craft icon from the player menu. I'll enable craft trapping as an untrained skill. Lame, but NWN is like that.

Interesting, in any way the conversation will still work if the reused skill will be untrained. Name and purpose can be different.



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« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2012, 05:02:03 pm »

               Yes, I think I will rename the Craft Trap skill to Crafting or something similar, and make all magical crafting feat related. So Craft Trap, Craft Armor, Craft Weapons, Brew Potion, Craft Wand... etc.... all require the relevant feat if you are making a magic item (all of which show up on the wizard's bonus feats).

Then I can work out some sort of mundane crafting system, and make the maximum skill in any mundane craft be equal to the skill points the player has put in their craft skill. That way a system like CNR could be linked to a character's skill, but still have the flexiblity of virtual skills such as carpentry, metal working, cooking etc... Furthermore cosmetic changes that the bioware system allows do not require points in craft armor or craft weapon which was always a silly skill point sink in my view.

Yeah, I think that this works from a game balance standpoint, and it gives me potentially two more custom skills to play with.


                     Modifié par henesua, 26 janvier 2012 - 05:03 .



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Adding New Skills
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2012, 10:47:57 pm »


Failed.Bard wrote...

 I'm not sure why it gives the error, my skills.2da goes to line 39 (40 skills counting 0), and I only had issues due to the padding that bioware added at the end of the other skills in any of them.

  I'd missed the request before for my skills.2da, here's a copy of it:  If you want to see the class skill 2da files I use, feel free to pull them from the hak I use for my little mod, second link in the signature gets you to the site those are hosted on.

Well I took your skills.2da and put it into a test hak and put it in a test module and still had the crash. I checking some other information out.



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« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2012, 03:05:35 am »

               Does your test mod crash if you use Failed.Bard's entire hak?
If his mod doesn't crash, then I'd guess that this is either:
  • Another 2da that got edited which somehow allowed the skills.2da to have more lines.
  • Some bit of code somewhere in the mod which fixed some bug that was causing the crash.
  • A difference between single player and multiplayer. Extra lines for single player?



                     Modifié par wyldhunt1, 27 janvier 2012 - 03:05 .



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« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2012, 03:27:41 am »


wyldhunt1 wrote...

Does your test mod crash if you use Failed.Bard's entire hak?
If his mod doesn't crash, then I'd guess that this is either:

  • Another 2da that got edited which somehow allowed the skills.2da to have more lines.
  • Some bit of code somewhere in the mod which fixed some bug that was causing the crash.
  • A difference between single player and multiplayer. Extra lines for single player?

Yes it crashes with his entire hak. I do not think he has fixed the bug I beginning to think it just some setting or file on a majority of computer / setup that will crash and that his computer has some missing setting / file that does not cause the crash. I will test it on some other computers and see what happens. Maybe a new install on this computer ( a last resort because this is the only problem I have and if I choice premade character then create character there is no crash.)



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« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2012, 03:29:28 am »

               And in my case, I've got enough of a work around that it isn't a problem I need to solve. For the sake of knowledge though... '<img'> ... I hope y'all push on.



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« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2012, 04:06:19 am »

               Ok first laptop with a GOG version, No crash. Pointing now to what I thought, that it a installation issue. Since my desktop has the oldest install from each game as they came out (plus it might be that it vista too) Laptop windows 7 with simple amd video chipset. I have other laptops to test on and I report back later this weekend. I just glad it did not crash (plus it did not crash with my HR base) Other laptop have GOG version and two with the new full pack that has NWN1 and NWN2 included.



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« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2012, 04:11:54 am »

               We have noticed that the NWN1 & NWN2 pack that's being sold is not the same version as the 1.69 critical rebuild patch. A lot of the files are considerably smaller in the 1 & 2 pack even though it reports 1.69, but I haven't seen anyone figure out what's missing from them.
I'm unsure about the GOG version.

Have you run the critical rebuild patch on the different installs?
If so, they should all have the exact same files.



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« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2012, 04:22:55 am »

               I think I have for the desktop (but going to run it again and see if that fix my issue with it) I do not think I did for the gog version on the just tested laptop. I do not remember on the others hehe.