the .asci bit is not necessary, and will not always occur.
If the mdl is already in ASCII form, then it will appear as if the conversion failed, when in actuality, the file was already in ASCII format.
Check the mdl first by using notepad or any other .txt editor.
One other thing, I typically use
NWN Carotes to process the files for me. While it is a french program, it does the job very well. It comes with an english "NWN carottes help.txt" file which explains how to use it. It has 3 buttons, "Valider" which validates which files in the input folder are actually compiled, and "Executer" which will be greyed out until you press the first button. Once it is enabled, the program will execute nwnmdlcomp for you in a series of cmd prompts and convert the necessary mdls and place them in the output folder specified.
What I do is validate, execute, then copy every thing from intput to my working folder, and then copy everything from the output folder to same folder, overwriting everything. This will leave you with ALL ascif files in your working folder, none of which will have the .ascii extension, but all of which WILL be in ascii format.
Modifié par Bannor Bloodfist, 11 juillet 2011 - 02:12 .