_six wrote...
Quite a few of the Project Q creature models require 2da changes (particularly for envmaps - ie whether they're reflective or seethrough) that could cause compatibility issues. Many of those are ignorable up to a point, but there are one or two (my skeletons and lich come to mind) where it can look really bad - so I'd suggest you include a 2da and keep that updated to the lastest CEP version as well.
I have not seen any in the ones we have done but then again it has just been the orcs and bugbears...I will look at the list when i get home though.
Would the people here (not Q as the list would not help them I would think) who are doing it the way WSI and us at TSM are doing it want us maybe to post the ones here we have seen problems arise with "if" they do have problems?
AndarianTD wrote...
A CEP/Q "top hak" merge is definitely doable, and some of us have pioneered the way by implementing versions of it and providing feedback for others on the results (for example, here).
I am also currently working on a new update to Sanctum of the Archmage Chapters 1 & 2, to version 4.0. In addition to other updates, it will include using the Sanctum / CEP / Q integration top haks that I developed for Sanctum 3 (still in development). I hope to get it out this summer; and when I do, anyone who wants to use those top haks as a blueprint or example for how to do this is welcome to. It won't be perfect for your needs, since I tailored the merge for the specific needs of my own modules as well as to provide for some of my own module-specific custom content. But it should be good enough to use as a start to modify for your own purposes.
Note that my top haks were designed using the 2DAs from the last Q release (Q1.3) and CEP 2.2. I may update them to include the new Q release 1.4 2DA entries before releasing Sanctum v4.0.
I had thought you were not going to release your stuff Andrian? If so that is awesome news as I have followed your notes here and there and very intrested in seeing the hak/merge you have done released if it is to be so.
Modifié par TSMDude, 17 juin 2011 - 05:28 .