WHOA there guys and gals! No fighting....dont make me look like the guy in the room with the big pants because I assure I am not it.
The reason I would love for this to happen is because latley I went about starting to do the dance with special content...including your wonderful cloak stuff, Est.
And i saw so much overlap my eyes started to bleed. I saw things though that were awesome in ProQ and some that were pretty cool in CEP and some in this and some in that...and yet to get all those wonderful great things to work is going to take a bit of time that takes me away from our PW.
So i felt forced to cut things out or not even add. Then seeing notes all over the place on vault submissions about Do not use this with so and so and it floored me...I could not understand it at all.
I know I am so old dude who likes to drink his mead and can muddle around in the toolset...even write some scripts that work somehow, lol. And when i see something awesomely awesome and people not willing to let it be added because so and so spit in thier tea then really it is not the spitter who get shurt but the players. You know the folks we build this crap for...(who run by it looking for shinys the ingrates
I was in a round about way saying thank you to them ALL OF THEM from the AMA to the ZZDialog group...and any other acroynm in there. Yet I was also saying yes...maybe now that our playerbase is smaller we can do the whole new year thingy and put this crud behind us and see if maybe...just maybe we can all raise a pint to the players still here and work together.
Find a welcoming area/forum for devolpers to talk that is not going to go down and SHARE your dang stuff with one another. The secerets thing is done as there is not 1000s of new players weekly now...there is just us diehards left.
Sorry if I brought up bad blood and if we need to lock this thread let me know and I will have it deleted in a minute as all I wanted to say was you all rock and if I learned one thing from the PW Alliance of stopping the Griefers it is that open communication works when people put down thier own egos and start talking like I dont know...humans to one another.
I end this with a quote from two great men,
Be excellent to each other.
Modifié par TSMDude, 09 mai 2011 - 01:18 .