Thanks for reporting this, YeOlde. This is the same old bug I had fixed before with the nDynamicType of the lights being 0 instead of 1.
All the tiles which have those lights and which I edited again after I had changed nDynamicType to 1 have set that value back to 0. I know for sure that I didn't set it back, so this must happen when exporting the tiles from gmax.
From now on each time I change one of those tiles with the orange lights in the windows I'll check the file in a text editor afterwards to make sure nDynamicType is still set to 1.
I'm checking all the tiles with the orange lights in a text editor now (nearly done). With the next update this bug will hopefully be crushed once and for all.
EDIT: I finished checking the file and most of them were okay, except for those you have in your screenshots and one other tile (tcm01_c18_04) which probably caused the worst lag because it had two lights which had nDynamicType set to 0.
The tiles that cause lag now but will be fixed in the next update are:
If you want to avoid lag there's one more thing you should make sure and that is that you don't use many tiles with the conifers on them. I once changed every tile that has a variation with one of those trees on it to that variation to get a lot of trees because it looked nice, but that caused bad lag.
Usually there are enough tile variations without trees though, so that this won't be a problem.
But if your area is laggy and you see that you have a lot of those trees in it, change some of the tiles to variations without trees.
Modifié par Zwerkules, 15 décembre 2011 - 08:48 .