Aleron wrote...
New question!
In my testing of the PRC, I was using their basic character builder. I noticed that there is a "PRC Options" in the subradial menu you can bring up that allows you to enter a store and buy any scroll you want and other such things. Absolutely nothing in there we want accessible to a PC on our persistent world, I'll add.
Is this easily disabled or is it even a part of the PRC itself? I mean was this made for that particular module, or is it something characters receive automatically. I'm leaning the later as it shows up as a feat...meaning I believe I could probably disable it in the feats 2da...but I want to make sure I'm right. Thoughts? Thanks again!
This dialog contains some useful options which are important for players but not always obvious. Some of them:
- epic spellcasting system (adding/removing spells from epic spell radial, learning new spells etc)
- Leadership feat (recruting cohorts, storing custom cohorts)
- Telflammar Shadowlord PrC requirements (you can join Shadowlords guild from there)
- dynamic wild shape for druids (wild shape/elemental shape/dragon shape options)
If you're 100% sure you will never use those options, than yes, you can disable the feat, but you'll have to do that by editing all cls_feat_*.2da files for base classes.
But if you want to use them you can disable options you want by setting 'switches' (local ints/strings/floats) on your module. For example:
- to disable template gain option you need to set 'PRC_DISABLE_CONVO_TEMPLATE_GAIN' int to 1 on your module
- to disable switch changing convo set 'PRC_DISABLE_SWITCH_CHANGING_CONVO' int to 1
- to disable store with spell scrolls - 'PRC_SPELLSLAB_NOSCROLLS' int to 1
- store with epic spells - 'PRC_SPELLSLAB' int = 1
You can find all available switches in prc_inc_switch.nss file in prc_include.hak.
Edit: dynamic wild shape is still experimental and there is no switch to disable it, so you should warn your players that it
may not work as intended
Modifié par Alex Warren, 23 mars 2011 - 04:23 .