Since the theme chosen for this month is one that I suggested, I figured I'd put together a little something for the challenge. The package is being emailed, but here's screenshots of what I made for those that want to know what's included.
Several placeables and one creature. The big trees originated with lordofworms, then were modified by me to add the hollow inside and one of okto's visual effects. Textures will be included for the trees (same as the ones in CEP) and the beetle (new texture), all others use NWN textures.
Note: You need to set the large trees as static in the toolset, or else you'll get overwhelmed by the huge "selection aura" if your mouse is anywhere near them. I'm not sure what exactly causes this (besides the massive canopies of leaves), so static is the way to go here.
Because gardens are prime food sources for things like rabbits and giant moles...
People have been known to try to hide things in their gardens...
Someone needs to clean one of these so he can sit down, but the other is just broken...
What could be inside the hollow of this large tree? Hmmm...
When you need a mystical portal tree for more than just summer...
The gardener really needs to clean this out...
Because something needs to eat the giant mutant aphids...