Still in the process of updating the a
clothing hak for Mythos and I have a couple questions.
1. Lisa's hak contains "Null" body parts for things like thighs, legs and feet. A creative fix for body part clipping issues with skirts. I plan on doing this for all the body parts. Do I really need to include the mdl files or would a fake line in the 2das have the same results. Meaning fill in the 2da line as if there were hak based content to go with it but do not include the files in the hak. Granted basically blank models are small in file size, but I'll take any reduction in hak size I can get. *grins*
2. Some models have only a male or female version. While I'm trying to fill in those gaps as I can (and wow have some of the attempts been pretty darn funny looking!), not being able to do 3d work some gaps are going to remain. I've noticed that if there is a male version of the clothing, say a torso, present but no female version, then when you look at the empty female slot in the toolset, it shows the icon for the male version. Even though there is actually no such female looking like a male version of the icon in the hak. Aside from loading a null placeholder icon for the female, is there a way to keep the male's icon from showing through? Oddly enough this is not the case if there is female content but not male. No icon shows up in that instance.
3. The
Armory does not work for robes. At least not the version I have (v1.2). Is there a version lurking out there that can handle robes? Or even better the translation between male and female models. That woud solve question #2 quite nicely.
Those are all my questions at the moment. Though I'm sure to have more. Thanks for any insights y'all might have.
-- Mistress