Well the problem is I have no clue how the whole numbering scheme works in CEP for armor... The standard states that if you pop in an armor piece with all the phenos (male/female/race & size) your good to go... But when I look at the CEP phenos there not the same at all... the numbering skips alot leaving large gaps and goes beyond what the toolset claims there are eg: 107 for torso... Theres more than 200 in the core4 hak pheno folder... plus the races arent the same... Whats w supposed to be?...
For instance: pfw0_chest212.mdl
p is for pheno
f is for female
w is for wtf?
0 is for normal size
chest for for the torso slot
212 is supposed to be 212 in the toolset but its not... Thats the problem im having... nothing adds up...
Another thing is parts_chest.2da points to higher than 107 as well... And does not tell what part goes where in the toolset as far as the indexing goes... SO Im concluding that there must be hidden somewhere that tells the toolset what part is what from 1 to 107 in the torso slot...
Modifié par keyofrassilon, 10 février 2011 - 03:27 .