The water system I put on the vault doesn't include the flying phenotype cause I wanted people without cep to be able to use it so I just left it out. However my personal version does have the flying pheno added since I'm using CEP.
This can get a bit tricky depending on what you have available in your module and whether or not you have mounts or are using other phenotypes for other things.
Basically you use the function "SetPhenoType" to 16 or 25 depending on whether they made a skinny or fat character during the character creation.
So the question is. How do you want the flying/swimming to begin? When the player enters the area? When they use or equip an item? When they enter the area and just have the item in their inventory? Etc...?
Not sure if it will help you but I'll post my scripts:
///////////////////////////GOG's Underwater System//////////////////////////////
//Created By : GOG
//Created On : Dec. 8th 2009
//Script Type: #include
//-This is meant to be used as an #include for underwater area functions.
//-If criteria is not met, creatures in water area will recieve an attack
// penalty and a movement speed decrease. Freedom of Movement negates the speed
// decease.
//-Any creatures that are not equipped with a drowning prevention item or using
// a water breathing reagant/spell will take drowning damage every area HB.
//-All creatures in area will have their foostep sound changed to
// "FOOTSTEP_TYPE_SHARK" and will be restored upon leaving the under water area.
//-Creatures that are meant to live in the water area or spawn in the water area
// and are not to be effected, must have the following local integer set on
// them. "UNDER_WATER_IMMUNE" set to 1.
//-DMs are not effected at all.
//-RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD is not effected by drowning but still recieves the other
// effects.
//-RACIAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCT is not effected by drowning but still recieves the
// other effects.
//-Water Elementals are not effected at all.
//-Followers and henchmen WILL be effected as well.
//The following constants may be changed to fit your needs. If you do make any
//changes make sure you "build" your mod afterward. Otherwise the changes will
//not take effect.
//Amount of damage to take every x seconds from drowning. Default 10.
const int DROWNING_DAMAGE = 10;
//Amount of attack penalty for being underwater. Default 5.
const int ATTACK_DECREASE = 5;
//% of movement speed decrease. 0-99. Higher number = slower. Default 30.
const int MOVE_DECREASE = 30;
//Turn bubbles effect off and on. TRUE = on. FALSE = off. Default TRUE.
const int BUBBLES_ON = TRUE;
//If you have C.E.P. installed you can use the flying phenotypes to simulate a
//swimming effect. This will currently only support characters that are using
//a standard pheno type before they enter the water area. IE."NORMAL" or "LARGE"
//This also assumes that you are using the bioware skin system(pc properties).
//Set to TRUE to turn it on. Default FALSE.
const int FLYING_PHENO = TRUE;
//If you want an item simply possessed by the creature to give immunity, enter
//the tag of your item below. Do not leave blank. If you do not provide a tag,
//leave a random string that will not match and of your item tags in game.
//Tags of your items that prevent drowning. Examples already below. Do not leave
//blank. If you do not provide a tag, leave a random string that will not match
//any of your item tags in game. Default "xxxxx".
const string HELM = "HELM_OF_GILLS";
const string ARMOR = "ARMOR_OF_THE_FISH";
const string CLOAK = "xxxxx";
const string BOOTS = "xxxxx";
const string BELT = "xxxxx";
const string ARMS = "xxxxx";
const string AMULET = "MERMAID_AMULET";
//If set to TRUE, up to 10 subraces may be excluded. Default TRUE
const int EXCLUDE_SR = TRUE;
//Subraces not effected by being underwater. Do not leave blank. If you do not
//provide a string leave a random string that will not match any of your other
//subrace names. Default "Name of subrace#".
const string SR1 = "Mermaid";
const string SR2 = "Name of subrace2";
const string SR3 = "Name of subrace3";
const string SR4 = "Name of subrace4";
const string SR5 = "Name of subrace5";
const string SR6 = "Name of subrace6";
const string SR7 = "Name of subrace7";
const string SR8 = "Name of subrace8";
const string SR9 = "Name of subrace9";
const string SR10 = "Name of subrace10";
int GetHasWaterBreathItemEquipped(object oCreature);
int GetHasWaterBreathItemEquipped(object oCreature)
if (GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD, oCreature)) == HELM ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST, oCreature)) == ARMOR ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CLOAK, oCreature)) == CLOAK ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BOOTS, oCreature)) == BOOTS ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BELT, oCreature)) == BELT ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_ARMS, oCreature)) == ARMS ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_NECK, oCreature)) == AMULET ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTRING, oCreature)) == RING1 ||
GetTag(GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTRING, oCreature)) == RING2)
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
int GetIsWaterSubrace(object oCreature);
int GetIsWaterSubrace(object oCreature)
int iWaterRace;
if (GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR1 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR2 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR3 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR4 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR5 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR6 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR7 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR8 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR9 ||
GetSubRace(oCreature) == SR10)
iWaterRace = TRUE;
else iWaterRace = FALSE;
return iWaterRace;
float BubbleDelay();
float BubbleDelay()
float fDelay;
case 0: fDelay = 0.3;break;
case 1: fDelay = 0.6;break;
case 2: fDelay = 0.9;break;
case 3: fDelay = 1.3;break;
case 4: fDelay = 1.6;break;
case 5: fDelay = 1.9;break;
case 6: fDelay = 2.3;break;
case 7: fDelay = 2.6;break;
case 8: fDelay = 2.9;break;
case 9: fDelay = 3.3;break;
return fDelay;
int GetNumEffectsFromObject(object oCreature, object oCreator);
int GetNumEffectsFromObject(object oCreature, object oCreator)
int iEffects = 0;
effect eEffect = GetFirstEffect(oCreature);
while (GetIsEffectValid(eEffect))
if (GetEffectCreator(eEffect) == oCreator)
eEffect = GetNextEffect(oCreature);
return iEffects;
int GetIsWaterImmune(object oCreature);
int GetIsWaterImmune(object oCreature)
object oSkin = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR, oCreature);
int iImmune = GetLocalInt(oCreature, "UNDER_WATER_IMMUNE");
int iImmune2 = GetLocalInt(oSkin, "UNDER_WATER_IMMUNE");
int iWaterRace = GetIsWaterSubrace(oCreature);
if (iWaterRace == TRUE) return TRUE;
if (iImmune == TRUE) return TRUE;
if (iImmune2 == TRUE) return TRUE;
if (GetItemPossessedBy(oCreature, IMMUNE_ITEM) != OBJECT_INVALID) return TRUE;
if (GetAppearanceType(oCreature) == APPEARANCE_TYPE_ELEMENTAL_WATER ||
GetRacialType(oCreature) == RACIAL_TYPE_ELEMENTAL)return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
void ApplyUnderWaterEffects(object oCreature);
void ApplyUnderWaterEffects(object oCreature)
if (GetIsDM(oCreature)) return;
effect eWaterSlow = SupernaturalEffect(EffectMovementSpeedDecrease(MOVE_DECREASE));
effect eBubbles = SupernaturalEffect(EffectVisualEffect(566));
effect eLowerAttack = SupernaturalEffect(EffectAttackDecrease(ATTACK_DECREASE));
int iSharkStep = GetLocalInt(oCreature, "SHARK_FOOTSTEP");
int iImmune = GetIsWaterImmune(oCreature);
float fBubbleDelay = BubbleDelay();
object oSkin = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR, oCreature);
int iPhenoType = GetPhenoType(oCreature);
int iPhenoSET = GetLocalInt(oSkin, "PRE_WATER_PHENO_SAVED");
if (iPhenoSET != TRUE)
SetLocalInt (oSkin, "PRE_WATER_PHENO", iPhenoType);
int iSavedPheno = GetLocalInt(oSkin, "PRE_WATER_PHENO");
if (iSavedPheno == 2 && iPhenoType != 25)SetPhenoType(25, oCreature);
if (iSavedPheno != 2 && iPhenoType != 16)SetPhenoType(16, oCreature);
if (iSharkStep != TRUE)
SetFootstepType(FOOTSTEP_TYPE_SHARK, oCreature);
SetLocalInt(oCreature, "SHARK_FOOTSTEP", TRUE);
if (iImmune == TRUE) return;
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eWaterSlow, oCreature);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eLowerAttack, oCreature);
DelayCommand(fBubbleDelay, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eBubbles, oCreature));
void ApplyDrowningAndFXIfNoFX(object oCreature);
void ApplyDrowningAndFXIfNoFX(object oCreature)
if (GetIsDM(oCreature)) return;
if (GetIsDead(oCreature)) return;
int iImmune = GetIsWaterImmune(oCreature);
int iWaterItem = GetHasWaterBreathItemEquipped(oCreature);
int iReagant = GetLocalInt(oCreature, "WATER_BREATH_ACTIVE");
int iAreaEffects = GetNumEffectsFromObject(oCreature, OBJECT_SELF);
if (iAreaEffects == 0)
if (iWaterItem != TRUE &&
iImmune != TRUE &&
iReagant != TRUE &&
GetRacialType(oCreature) != RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD &&
GetRacialType(oCreature) != RACIAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCT)
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eWaterDamage, oCreature);
FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You are drowning.", oCreature);
void RemoveUnderWaterEffects(object oCreature);
void RemoveUnderWaterEffects(object oCreature)
object oArea = OBJECT_SELF;
object oSkin = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR, oCreature);
int iPhenoType = GetLocalInt (oSkin, "PRE_WATER_PHENO");
effect eEffect = GetFirstEffect(oCreature);
while (GetIsEffectValid(eEffect))
if (GetEffectCreator(eEffect) == oArea)
RemoveEffect(oCreature, eEffect);
eEffect = GetNextEffect(oCreature);
SetFootstepType(FOOTSTEP_TYPE_DEFAULT, oCreature);
SetLocalInt(oCreature, "UNDER_WATER_ON", FALSE);
SetLocalInt(oCreature, "SHARK_FOOTSTEP", FALSE);
SetPhenoType(iPhenoType, oCreature);
//GOG's Underwater System "OnEnter" script.
#include "gogs_uw_inc"
void main()
object oPC = GetEnteringObject();
//The line below must be used in your area's "OnEnter" script to properly add
//effects used in the underwater system.
//Example "OnExit" script for use with with GOG's Underwater System.
#include "gogs_uw_inc"
void main()
object oPC = GetExitingObject();
//The line below must be used in your area's "OnExit" script to properly remove
//effects used in the underwater system.
//GOG's Underwater System "OnHearbeat" script.
#include "gogs_uw_inc"
void main()
object oArea = OBJECT_SELF;
object oCreature = GetFirstObjectInArea(oArea);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oCreature))
if (GetObjectType(oCreature) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE)
oCreature = GetNextObjectInArea(oArea);
Note: I did not add anything for possible mounted issues. I do not allow anyone mounted to transition with the triggers to the underwater areas.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Modifié par GhostOfGod, 28 janvier 2011 - 09:18 .