Bannor Bloodfist wrote...
ehye_khandee wrote...
Ican't speak for the CTP people, but, to the best of my knowledge, once a hak or nwn something is released on the vault, no author can make you stop using it. Released is released, done is done. You'll not have to remove anything from any module on account of an author leaving the nwn fold. Double check the TOS over at the vault, I doubt you'll find any clause allowing an author to demand removal of their published material. If you do find such a clause, I'd sure like to see it.
Be well. Game on.
Sorry, that is NOT the case, and this debate has been argued multiple times. The most signifigant bit is author's discretion and choice. Artwork, regardless of location, IS 100% protected by copyright law, most especially when said artwork has been posted with rules/requests etc regarding it's usage.
This discussion does NOT belong in this thread, Take it elsewhere.
Don't debate him and THEN say the debate doesn't belong in the thread. Having your cake and eating it too much?
'> The question was raised by another poster, who was showing you a great dealof courtesy. Eye Khandee is right, by the way - copyright doesn't extend to cases of detrimental reliance unless the author contracted (via license) up front (and quite possibly not then either). That's not even touching on the limits of copyright suits imposed by the bioware EULA (no commercial damages). And yes, I'm a licensed attorney. And yes, I know you don't want to hear it, and won't listen anyway, so I'll shut up now.
To omen shepard: no, now that you've invested time putting it into your module, no one can make you remove it by simple fiat, unless you agreed as much when you downloaded it, in an included license. I won't go into more detail than that.
Modifié par FunkySwerve, 03 janvier 2011 - 07:29 .