Whew damn. Got alot to reply to.
_six Wrote...
Big groups...giving you a lot more freedom to make everything how you want it - but not so much if you're making the tileset for other folks' usage.
I do have alot of specific ideas for the tileset, but I don't want to make it so specific that no one else can use it. Right now, I'm trying to find that perfect balance between the two.
Like my exteriors will be your usual various tiles, save for a couple of scenes. The plans I have for the interiors though, they're gonna be specific per building. They'll be built as single scenes taking up multiple tiles, sorta like Infinity Engine interiors. What I'll probably do is do the layouts, add in all the details, so the whole building plops into the editor complete as a single group, but keep all the detail objects like beds, tables, chairs, ect as placables so people can design their own scenarios within them.
Bannor Bloodfist wrote...
...light info
If you are NOT talking about the mainlights, then you will have to clarify your question a bit more.
Yup. That's exactly what I was talking about, and it sounds about perfect. Thanks
6x6 is about the largest average you will find. In fact, I think most groups are less than 5x5. A 5x5 group, takes up a HUGE amount of space in the normal 16x16 sized areas that tend to be the practical limit on building with. Folks can build larger areas, but it tends to cause more lag issues, and the older the pc in question, can cause crashes.
I doubt I'll ever make anything as large as that. Just looking at it, a 4x4 tile seems more than big enough for most anything. Though it's nice to know how far I can branch out in case I want to do something absolutely flat out huge. Like a mountain pass, or any other detailed landscape.
Yeah, it can do that. Depends on your settings, your vid card, your specific version of vid card driver, how much ram you have (although nwn really doesn't use much more than about 128 meg or so...
THere are threads regarding adjustments that can be made to the .ini files for different things, as well as multiple threads regarding how NWN does NOT support the latest/greatest video cards/drivers etc...
Well, I don't have the latest and greatest graphics card or computer anymore, but it's fairly well up there. From all evidence, it looks like a multiple CPU problem. It's not so much choppy as it is sloooooow. I need to remember where I found that program that lets you set affinity before you launch an application. It was handy.
Michael DarkAngel wrote...
That's a good point. But I klnow Renzatic is using NWMax Plus which due to my work with The Witcher models has had the heap and stack increased considerably.
I'll probably never get a group or model so large I have to set it above what you've got in NWNMax, but assuming I do, is it fairly difficult to do?
You don't have to be specific here. This is just a general curiosity thing.
Modifié par Renzatic, 31 décembre 2010 - 08:17 .