Thanks for all the feedback!
Re. texture-mapping twist, I'm glad my feelings were confirmed. I don't know what I was thinking when I first mapped it that way! Will switch to the alternate (proper) mapping. Should only take a few minutes to fix that.
Re .bugginess: I should have known it would be shadows, since I understand so little about them in general! I actually meant to make the anatomy parts shadowed and the neck parts separate non-shadowed objects parents to the anatomy parts, but I got so obsessed with adjusting verts to make the parts not clip (with at least some torsos) that I forgot to do it in the end. Will do that too; similarly, it will take only a few minutes because all different parts can easily be selected by smoothing group. Not sure about the "tiny gap." My sanity checks fail on welding grounds almost constantly when I'm working at a very fine level of detail, so I've learned to ignore them on such models. (Seriously, I see failed verts, yet when I select all verts and go to weld I am told that there's none that need welding.) Do you remember where this gap was? Anyway, will fix the issues I can fix and throw up the result ASAP. :-)
Modifié par Estelindis, 20 décembre 2010 - 12:52 .