I am attempting to copy over Wall2 tiles from one tileset (wtr01 - Rural ENRICHED) into another (tte01 - Forest 2), and am running into uncharted territory for me. Four of the tiles are straightforward, as they belong to Feature and Groups. But it is the other fourteen that have me wondering...because they are Terrain files, and not simply Features, Groups, or Modified.
Cutting out the files to be worked was not an issue. I have all the models, woks, set files, and itp's I need for the respective tilesets affected.
So...my set-up. I renamed all the tiles ***02_***. Is the "02" designator valid to diiferentiate them from the parent tiles? I have never seen 02, I just want to make sure that does not break anything. WOK files are named 02 as well.
All "Grass" references have been changed to "Forest", as the parent tiles were a grass base. But I could not find, in any instance in the set files, where the Grass plane texture was set. Is this not the case in terrain tiles, as opposed to my experience with Features?
Also, when working with my set files, I noticed that in all three original tilesets (original to our mod, not neccesarily Bioware original) that Wall2 occupies the same crosser postion in all three tilesets.
"Set" File Positions
Crosser 2 in all 3 cases
I assume that I want the same StrRef for my new Wall2 Terrains. I will simply need to bump the ones below and repair the numbering sequence.
The Struct positions for my ITP's however only had two that matched. I assume that it is not as important for the ITP file. See example below.
"ITP" File
Struct Positions
tsh01 = 8
ttr01 = 10
wtr01 = 10
And one last. Based on a suggestion I received a while back, when I was attempting to cut out a single tile, I received the following suggestion. However, when trying to open the model files, I do not see the same format from the wok files to the mdl files, and could not make the changes from grass to forest.
You will probably also have to change the leaves material of the walkmesh to grass material (at least if you want 3d grass to be rendered on that tile).
If you don't have 3dMax or gmax, you can open your model and the wok file in a text editor. The wok file only contains the walkmesh, so it is easy to find the numbers you got to change.
Look for where it says 'faces xxx' where xxx is the number of faces in the walkmesh.
A lot of numbers follow that line until there is a line starting with 'aabb'.
In all the lines between 'faces' and 'aabb' you have to look at the last number of the line. If it is 14 (leaves) you have to change it to 3 (grass). Once you're finished save the wok and look at the mdl file.
Do a search for 'aabb' and you'll find the walkmesh part of the model. It should look the same as in the wok file.
Again change all the 14 in all the lines between 'faces' and 'aabb' to 3. Save and you're done. You'll now have grass on your tile and the footstep sound will also sound different (as if you walk on grass instead of leaves).
Here are the material numbers for future use. They were
taken from the file surfacemat.2da:
0 NotDefined
2 Obscuring
3 Grass
4 Stone
5 Wood
6 Water
7 Nonwalk
8 Transparent
9 Carpet
10 Metal
11 Puddles
12 Swamp
13 Mud
14 Leaves
15 Lava
16 BottomlessPit
17 DeepWater
18 Door
19 Snow
20 Sand
21 Barebones
22 StoneBridge
So, needless to say, any help here would be appreciated!
Am I at least on the right track?