ElgarL wrote...
Just about ALL character creation is hard coded. I've been digging in the code for a few weeks now and almost everything about initial character creation is hard coded and does NO reading from 2da's.
Any alterations you make to the 2da's will only take effect once you level up, and then it won't add spell casting as it wasn't hooked in at creation.
Not true. Feats/skills are not hardcoded, especially if I predict OP this is for singleplayer where are haks loaded before. So if you would make rogue-wizard combo, everything you need is to add rogue feats to wizard class cls_feat_wiz.2da and cls_feat_rog.2da. And you would want to change hitdice AB etc, this must be done in classes.2da, however there im not certain with hardcoding, maybe for first level the hitdice will be still d4 but other levels it will be correct. The bab works.
PRC uses ugly and troublesome workaround which uses feats. Every level you gain you must (re)select spells you want to learn via conversation which was(last time I tried PRC) bugged (not all choices may appear and then you are lost). Then you gain those spells you selected as feats into radial menu. Very ugly solution. And swashbuckler do not fully work too - the dodge +2> doesn't work properly, neither weakening/wounding critical.
BTW I have PW where I have added spellcasting ability to assassin, I used different approach than PRC however. The Assassin gets at levels 1,3,5,7 feat into radial menu "spells lvl 1-4" which has 5 subfeats with various spells. Then it works like sorcerrer's spells, you cast one, all other uses per day drops by one and the spells per day are dependant on assassin level and inteligence modifier. Its not exactly per rules, but its very user friendly and even more powerful and players likes this. + this enforce assassin to take any prestige class with 1-4 arcane restriction requirements.
Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 28 août 2010 - 07:57 .