This is just an idea... On many 3D modelling websites (and others), there is this fun thing, the themed monthly challenge. I thought maybe we could do the same with NWN custom content, just for the fun of it and as a community wide entertaining event.
The principle is to decide each month a particular theme. The theme concern the realization of 1 very specific item/model, but that could also be a scripts battery, or a portrait, or loadscreen or doors, or a new torch model, or even better 1 fore arm bodypart (or neck!) list is endless. It must be very specific, and it shouldn't be too hard to modelize so that it remains open to beginners and amateurs like me.
There would be simple rules:
- open to everyone who wants to participate.
- all submissions must be original work (no conversion or modifications)
- group work is acceptable (for exemple 1 modeller and 1 texturer)
- only full ingame working submissions are accepted
- submission muist be submitted before the closing date
- insert some technical specs here, like polygon limitation, texture size maybe
- there would be a precise start and closing date for each challenge
- a specific monthly challenge theme must be kept secret until its launched, so that everyone start at the same time
Now, once the challenge is launched, the candidates can post preview of their work to challenge and tease their competitors
'> (but mostly is to have fun). They must send/give/submit their work before the closing date. Once the closing date is reached, challenge is closed and all candidates must post a preview screenshot of their submitted final work (so that everyone can see it
'> ) AND accept that their piece of art will be publicly released on the vault in a specific month package.
Then there should be a vote, maybe using the poll system of these forums to decide who is this month winner!
The winner would win a nice and tiddy pretty icon to add to his signature and a worldwide awesome reputation and recognition XD
But that's not all about fame and glory. Most of all that would be a entertainig for everyone, a nice way to learn and progress for aspiring artists, but also to offer the community regularly new Custom Content.
Anyways, there is the need for a small team to organize that, I won't do it myself as I'd prefer to submit stuff, so the idea is free to loot
Any volunteer?
Edit December 12th, 2011 -
List of all Monthly CCC submissions on the vaultEdit October 1st, 2012 - CCC links page at - Thanks to Amethyst Dragon!
Modifié par Jez_fr, 08 octobre 2012 - 09:00 .