Hey Barry,
in regards to registry.... slightly off topic I know, but
I recently developed a c# application to help distribute content to my players.
BMU,mp3's (which get inflated/converted to wav for nwn) and 2da etc.
For clients who have windows xp, reading from the registry works fine,
however, when I try to read from a vista and possibly windows 7 registry, to get the nwn path, it returns a permission error, and if I request read permission via the RegistryKey.ReadSubKey overloaded method for requesting permissions, it returns a null key.
It only seems to do this in vista or above though.
Was just wondering what you guys built your updater in, and if it was c#, did you have any problems with cross compatability?
The way my updater works, is 2 fold sorta.
Files in a web directory of mine, get processed by a cronjob, in php, taking note of their md5, and files names etc,
then these are outputted to an xml.
The downloader application then downloads the xml to the nwn directory, and then compares local files md5 with the expected values in the xml.
If not present, or not matching, they are added to a download queue, and then the player has the option to download them by pressing the Download Button.
Nice wee graphical interface etc, and displays a nice report at the end of what was updated.
some Screenies of the app can be seen here.