Heh you assume I don't know what I'm talking about I see '>
It wont be that much, Oculus rift comes out at the end of the year (For around $200-300) along with HTC Vive. And even less than that if you go for a mobile VR experience via the Gear VR.
Nwn1 would be extremely difficult to make into a comfortable vr experience,
it's not just a case of creating side by side images with FOV changes via a VorpX plugin unless your playing on a virtual cinema screen.
While that's an experience, it's not what I was really talking about.
You should listen to the legend that is John Carmack for a better idea of the challenges.
For your enjoyment if you love Johns super technical off the standard PR message talks:
But anyway, just to mention a few, fps needs to be 90+ at all times.
Positional tracking data to be considered.
UI issues.
Low persistence is vital.
Then think about if a single-threaded, single CPU based game can achieve this.
Even things like maintaining correct draw calls for framerate.
To back up what I say... The information is here, as given by pretty much all the top in the industry:
It's nowhere near as easy as your making out. Infact.. it's not easy at all.