I also think a lot of PW admins may still be in the mindset of assuming any interested player will giver their server "a fair shake" or something even if things aren't so great on the website or the starting experience on the world is mediocre -- when in reality there's so much available in both NWN and games in general that many people are almost looking for reasons NOT to play somewhere, if you get my drift.
I can't help but double and triple agree with MM on that. As a player, nothing would make me less interested to try your world than to not have any available information other than "a billion custom areas, awesome DMs, blah blah blah" posts without any details.
If you can't be bothered to take 30 minutes and list out specifically what gameplay changes you've made (rest restrictions, feat and spell changes, rough magic level, fast or slow leveled, factions, etc) in some sort of organized fashion, I'm probably not going to try it out. We all have certain gameplay aspects we just don't like (mine are rest restrictions greater than 5 real life minutes and over-customization of spells and feats to the point where you're no longer playing NWN with some tweaks, but an entirely different game that shares the same game engine) and I want to know ahead of time what changes have been made.
Quadruple agree on the starting experience - after character creation is done, if nothing remotely fun or interesting has happened in an hour or 90 mins, I'm probably not coming back. It doesn't have to be combat even, but anything that will say "yes, that was a fun hour or two, I'm gonna come back tomorrow night". As an example, I started one server awhile back, saw the starting town, geared up,and ventured into the only area you could leave town. Each encounter had a group of 3 bees/bugs that chipped away a few points off my life total and with a 20 minute rest, I was basically SOL sitting around waiting not to die. The only path I could find out (besides back to town) had a bunch of tough looking goblins at the start of the next area. needless to say, that was the only time I logged in there, it just wasn't fun. As an FYI, level 1-2 NWN solo combat on most servers I've been on is boring as all s**t, so if that's the main thing to do just starting out, try to make it more than you standing there wait to hit the rat/spider. And no more clear out the basement/barn/hold of the ship of rats/spiders, at least do something interesting like have the spiders talk and all they want is a fair wage for keeping the barn/inn free of flies and other vermin. Now that would be an interesting start to a PW.
So sort of tied into the first hour of gameplay experience, please remember that while you may want your server to be one of those "tough but fair" servers which usually means it's setup for party play, if you're a new server starting out or just have a low player base, there isn't going to be a party, which will lead back to not having a fun time getting mauled by wolves 30 seconds after leaving town.
just some random thoughts from a guy who has started up a character on a lot of places and didn't come back after more than 2 visits.