that which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet.
I have an inquiring mind, a subject which has always interested me is etymology, particularly regarding pseudonyms. Therefore, I pose these questions in the interest of fluff topics and curiosity.
There is also a possible benefit, perchance an encounter on a VoIP, no embarrassing mispronunciations. For years I understood the meaning of
hyperbole but apparently I was putting the
emphasis on the wrong syllable (watch from 1:35), and a good laugh was had at my expense when first I ventured to use that word in conversation. The Hyper-Bowl, you know it's like ten Superbowls in one.
1. How do you pronounce your Profile Name?
Compound word Alley+slink (Al-ley + sliNGk)
alley - al·ley
1. a narrow passageway between or behind buildings.
2. a path lined with trees, bushes, or stones.
3. a long, narrow area in which games such as bowling are played.
slink -sliNGk
1. move smoothly and quietly with gliding steps, in a stealthy or sensuous manner.
1. a slinking movement or walk.
2. What are the origins of your Profile Name?
The fantasy and science fiction author Fritz Leiber wrote a story in Swords in the Mist which makes references there and other stories to the created word alleybasher. Quote "The twin brothers Kreshmar and Skel, assassins and alleybashers by trade,were menacing a miser in his hovel". I always admired the word because it's simplicity strongly evokes an image.
Time came to make my first character in, then brand spanking new, Baldur's Gate and as usual I made a fighter first. The name which first came to mind was Alleybasher, and so it was. Second pass through the game and I wanted a thief, needed a name, just changed the verb from basher to slink. Thus a legend was born.
In hindsight I wonder if the "slink" part came from Samwise Gamgee's personal names for Smeagol, "Slinker and Stinker". Long time ago and I am not sure but I didn't want to be "Alleystink.".
3. Does you nickname have a nickname? If so, what?
Call me anything you want, but don't call me Francis.
4. Is there anything else you want people to know about your Profile Name?
People have wondered why my avatar is a female when I am a male. Hmm, game like this, the element you will see most, beside GUI, is the backside of your character, I guess it is all about the view. Also, I am secure enough in my sexual identity that I am not compelled to only play male characters.
It's alright if you love me, it's alright if you don't. I am taking cold and flu medicine and can't seem to concentrate on Gmax today, so I spent the morning writing this post, and that was good fun. But I am truly curious as well, I mean I am a Bakshi fan.