Author Topic: Without having to be "ported", NWN1 seems to work fine on new, cheap Win 8.1 tablets  (Read 475 times)


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Hey, I hope you all had a good summer and I thought I'd share a surprising bit of good news: NWN1 (Diamond, from seems to play just fine on the flood of Windows 8.1 tablets which are being released now.  Less than six months ago, I mused that if no one bothered to port NWN 1 to tablets, tablets would eventually advance sufficiently in order that NWN1 could be played without any porting at all.  At the time, I guessed (incorrectly) that this would be possible "in a few years".


I didn't realize it would be more like "in a few months". ':lol:'


I have a Dell Venue 8 Pro ($199) which has an 8-inch screen and 2GB of ram and the game seems to work fine.  Mouse function has been replaced by touch, automagically, but a little bluetooth keyboard is still necessary (IMO) to really enjoy the game.  While $199 is a lot of money, a newer crop of $99 and cheaper Windows tablets have arrived, with more on the way.  Like my Dell, all these  tabs use some flavor of the Intel Atom chip, which packs more than enough punch for NWN.  The major difference is that the very affordable ones will only have 1gb of ram which, after the OS takes its share, will leave about half a gig for apps, programs and games.  So while the CPU can handle better games, NWN1 is one of the few games which is likely to run smoothly under those memory constraints.


Anyway, just wanted to point that out.  I was surprised.  The game keeps on chugging in the most unexpected ways.




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Alright, I'm half tempted to get a tablet now (darn it!).




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Just curious, because I don't know: how do you right click?




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Just curious, because I don't know: how do you right click?


Left click is tap the screen.  Right click is tap and hold.  Zoom is two fingers moving apart.  Rotating the camera is tap the edge of the screen but sometimes it sends me walking in that direction.




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Wasn't looking to get a Windows tablet, but darnit, may have to look into it now.  Especially now that they have come down in price to cheaper Android ones. 


Does it take a lot of tweaks to play NWN on those things?  I have had my NWN game installed on my flash drive and have taken it and played it without much issue on various PC's with differing OS's.  Do you have to mess with the settings a lot to make it play on those tablets?


If it's not too difficult, I may just have to pick up one of these things so I can take NWN on the road with me. 




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               Nwn does indeed run sufficiently smooth on an asus t100 tablet/convertible (300-400€). Its even halfway decent with a stylus and the keyboard attached (keyboard for camera and text, stylus for mouse replacement except camera). If the windows onscreen keyboard was propperly supported as well as a few more touch gestures, nwn would actually be playable with touch alone (requires a propper port though). Seems my fingers are too thick for an edge tab that does not send my character moving, so keyboard is required for me.

I can't vouch for 200 € tablets, but if 300 can, i don't see why not. Pretty certain they all got the same batch of atom processors.

No need to frickle with any settings. It's a regular win 8.1 (no rt on the asus. It even comes with an office licence). didn't even apply the multicore cpu tweak. The asus has a native resolution of 768x1xxx (don't remember the specifics). Don't expect to run nwn on any higher resolution on a tablet (that is not a surface) just yet. The atom processors can not handle that much yet. The future is bright with 14nm cpu tablets next year.

The intel onboard graphics card has a few issues with menu flickering though.

P.s. once i got used to the win 8 touch features, i really started to like the os. The 'swipe upwards to write numbers' feature of the onscreen keyboard is so much better than the android 'press and wait'