That is still encouraging people to use as many themes as possible. I mean, if i used one theme from each list, that would be 35 points right off the bat, right? Then I include the other 6 themes in the list, that would essentially give me 30 more points. That's almost double it!
There's a maximum of four themes. However, it still encourages combining "Into the Abyss" with "Island Adventures." Rogueknight, I'd suggest just giving a +10 bonus for each technical theme and a +10 bonus for using EITHER story theme -- so maximum of 30 points. I'd also suggest we up the base submission reward from 25 to 100. Yes, there's technically no difference between scoring 30 when someone else scores 60 compared to scoring 120 when someone else scores 150 but it feels better from the lower score's point of view.
I suspect most people who try to have a module built and polished in just one month will fail, and end up using the second month exactly as intended: fixing up and putting the finishing touches on a project that already exists in a "rough draft" form. Alternatively, if it turns out a lot of people actually can produce a high-quality project in just a single month it would be good to know that: helpful for planning the times to allow in future cycles. In an earlier post you yourself indicated you might prefer a one-month challenge. This way you, and anyone else who feels the same, has a reason to actually treat the limit as a single month, if desired.
+1 per day additional bonus for being early
-5 for a submission that is seriously buggy
If that's your suspicion, then why would we want to encourage people to try exactly that?
On top of that, with that scoring system, you're better off submitting a week early with serious bugs -- you'll still wind up 2 points ahead.
I realize that the points don't ultimately matter -- but I also don't think we should structure them in a way that encourages behavior that we don't want to actually happen, if that makes sense. For the first (renewed) ABC, at least, why don't we do something simpler?
+10 points for being at least a week early
-10 points for being seriously buggy
-1 point per day late
Put that all together and we would get...
+100 for submitting a module
+10 for each technical theme
+10 for using at least one storyline theme
+20 for respecting the custom content restrictions
+20 for not being late
+10 for being at least a week early
-1 per day for being late
-1 per MB for exceeding CC restrictions
-10 for a submission that is seriously buggy
+15 for a submission with no game-breaking bugs (possibly we could have additional bonuses for a generally well-polished module, although that might involve us in making some more subjective and potentially controversial judgments).
Does any of that raise concerns for you? You're still encouraged to finish early but it's a smaller deal and you're still given theoretically three weeks to polish (as opposed to four).