nod nod, the old: "why play a non-caster?" discussion.
yes, casters are generally better. epsecially a full buffed cleric trumps a fighter. more so in the official campaign, where resting is not an issue.
resting restrictions and spell changes (like changes to duration) may shift the balancing in an online environment. being a dedicated meleer with no buff oportiúnity will still make you a worthwhile aaddition to any team, if you bring lots of feats to the table. not gonna start a discussion whether cleric + figher is better than two clerics. that's just too situational. any yes, most situations favori two clerics.
still, there are people who love playing fighters. i know i do.
so to get some on topic advice:
fighter is great for versatility. if you want to go pure fighter, check the wiki to see which feats you may want to get. you will get a lot of feats, so you should plan ahead and work with that abundance. get offense and defence, make sure you have all the prereqs (e.g. dual wielding for offense requires 15 dex, imp expertise for defense requires 13 int.)
i like a human with 16 str, 15 dex, 14 in con and int for my fighters.
make sure to not waste too many regular (no fighter bonus) feats. take other things on those levels, that may help you otherwise (e.g. saving throw feats, more below).
if you were playing in a challanging environment with low magic items, you may want to think about investing in two different weapons (scimitar for crit, warhammer against undead for example).
this is what you should think about, when making a pure fighter.
but honestly, i wouldn't do it.
melle classes lend them selves much better to multiclassing than casters. you don't lose much, but only gain new feats you couldn't otherwise. casters allways lose some casting power when multiclassing. so use this to your advantage.
e.g. by level 20 when going rogue 4/fighter 16 you lose a few HP, 1 AB and two feats vs a pure fighter.
look at the feats you want, and if you find you don't need those two, why not do it?
you gain evasion, 2d6 sneak attack, increased reflex save, lots of additional skillpoints and the opportunity to skilldump in many many usefull skills.
and while you are at it, swithing 10 fighter levels for chanpion of torm adds +5 to all saves without losing anything.
here's a character i like to play. has lots of versatility (imp expertise, improved two weapon fighting, power attack, impressive saving throws for a non paladin, evasion and slippery mind. doesn't deal criticals but goes bludgeoning (good against skeletons) with some nice sneak attacks (good against most others) on top for damage. mainly done for PVE and party play. fills the role of tank or Damager depending on needs. of course for tough dungeons extra buffs are needed, but who doesn't need them?)
Rogue(16), Fighter(14), Champion of Torm(10), Human
STR: 16 (32)
DEX: 15
CON: 14
WIS: 8
INT: 14
CHA: 8
Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Rogue(1): Strong Soul, Luck of Heroes
02: Fighter(1): Expertise
03: Fighter(2): Knockdown, Improved Expertise
04: Fighter(3): STR+1, (STR=17)
05: Fighter(4): Weapon Focus: Mace
06: Fighter(5): Weapon Specialization: Mace
07: Fighter(6): Two-Weapon Fighting
08: Rogue(2): STR+1, {Evasion}, (STR=18)
09: Champion of Torm(1): Iron Will
10: Champion of Torm(2): Blind Fight
11: Champion of Torm(3): {Smite Evil}
12: Champion of Torm(4): STR+1, Ambidexterity, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, (STR=19)
13: Rogue(3): {Uncanny Dodge I}
14: Champion of Torm(5)
15: Champion of Torm(6): Improved Knockdown, Power Attack
16: Champion of Torm(7): STR+1, (STR=20)
17: Champion of Torm(
: Cleave
18: Rogue(4): Great Cleave
19: Champion of Torm(9)
20: Champion of Torm(10): STR+1, Dodge, (STR=21)
21: Rogue(5): Epic Will
22: Rogue(6)
23: Rogue(7)
24: Fighter(7): STR+1, Great Strength I, (STR=23)
25: Fighter(
: Epic Weapon Focus: Mace
26: Fighter(9)
27: Fighter(10): Great Strength II, Epic Weapon Specialization: Mace, (STR=24)
28: Rogue(
: STR+1, (STR=25)
29: Rogue(9)
30: Rogue(10): Great Strength III, Slippery Mind, (STR=26)
31: Rogue(11)
32: Rogue(12): STR+1, (STR=27)
33: Fighter(11): Great Strength IV, (STR=28)
34: Fighter(12): Armor Skin
35: Rogue(13): Crippling Strike
36: Rogue(14): STR+1, Great Strength V, (STR=30)
37: Rogue(15)
38: Fighter(13)
39: Fighter(14): Great Strength VI, Epic Prowess, (STR=31)
40: Rogue(16): STR+1, Improved Sneak Attack I, (STR=32)
Hitpoints: 416
Skillpoints: 329
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 32/28/31
Saving Throw bonuses: Traps: +3, Death: +1
BAB: 29
AB (max, naked): 44 (melee), 32 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 22/32
Spell Casting:
Alignment Changes: 0
Disable Trap 1(3), Discipline 42(53), Hide 43(45), Listen 43(42), Move Silently 43(45), Open Lock 32(34), Search 43(45), Set Trap 1(3), Tumble 40(42), UMD 41(40)
only 14 levels of fighter, but you tell me: enough fighter in this guy? i see him mostly as a fighter, despite the rather even multiclass split.
Modifié par Gruftlord, 23 décembre 2013 - 11:50 .