FunkySwerve wrote...
I suggest removing entirely, though I do see your note next to it. Despite many repeated attempts to contact them via email and their submission form, our server has never been listed, along with every other NWN1 action server. Useless, and apparently abandoned by the host.
Gruftlord wrote...
the page may be bugged, but as i understand it (judging from the links and decriptions on the NWNCX site) the is the main MS behind the client extender.
and i can confirm, that ingame (using the CX) all action servers show up, and Higher Ground servers are all there.
they may not show up in your browser, but the servers are added to the list propperly, and the servis is working.
what is up with the page itself, i don't know. but please continue using that listing service.
Reply to two posts really...
Technically they are just a 3rd party, the listing in nwnlist or NWNcx is just another consumer of the data. Getting listed means you are in the central list maintained by skywing, who is actually more closely allied with virusman as fellow NWNx cohorts. I think there was somewhere which listed the integer for action servers wrong as most who have implemented it have ended up with zero action servers, as it seems something most people implementing things have problems with, even virusman who fixed it very fast. ( I think i had it easy because i was already testing the correct values in relation to the ini files i was working on )
Unless something new got added recently, there is not a working web site which implements the Web service properly, and which allows a PW owner to add their listing and have it show up. The one which is prefered and slow is actually using it's own system ( i am pretty sure it gets a given list, uses the web service to find new servers, but basically pings all of the servers directly using the old gamespy, i did provide php code, and was assured he is cooperating with other sites, but not really sure how it works exactly or how he is sharing data ) The ones which work are using the hosts edit, which points the game server to the underlying web service just like they used to talk to gamespy.
The nice thing about doing a web service, is that it lowers the bar to who can create things based on it, but likewise it lets people set up things they normally cannot do themselves. nwnlist does not show action servers, nor does adding a server using their interface do ANYTHING at all, as of the last time i tested it. I reported both, provided working example code and a php class ( which was used to fix some servers, and i can provide it to anyone who wants it, but never wanted to post it in public because i actually wrote it at 2am so don't want to be judged harshly as a coder by it, but i used it to prove the issue was with nwnlist and not with the underlying web service. )
Never launcher does work and is available with the exact same listing ( again i am JUST another consumer of an OPEN list anyone can use ), it allows you to add servers, list servers by category, and can also do a bulk add if you have a set of known ip's and ports. I am setting up the direct connect so it can auto add a server if it's not listed, or just let a pw admin add their pw's new ip quickly. ( and if you prefer the php class has the xml which is sent back and forth which you can use as well, i also can add you, if you make me aware of the ip:port, i was actually going thru posts here and adding any which weren't yet listed )
Trying to get some sanity back in my life so i can resume working on it, but it does work fine for making sure you are listed in NWNcx, and for browsing games, just have not worked out the means of getting the haks on a given server so i can download them for the end user yet as they launch the chosen PW, not to mention the other vault integration features. The server listing was never my goal, it was actually meant as a means of making joining a new PW or even better server hopping easier for end users, I just had to move to that when gamespy went down. Ideally it lets players note the vault rating and other metrics about a PW instead of judging things solely on player count.
Again just to be clear, the data source behind the listing is NOT directly affilated with any of the sites or tools which are used in NWN1, getting listed means you are available on just about every system out there except xfire, and those making tools can compete on implementation instead of who has a better list.
Just want to add, the number of people involved, from Lazarus to Virusman to Skywing, to the various people who set up sites, some of which probably are just learning how to use a web services, and to the PW admins, to the various tool makers, the amount of sharing and the lack of ego, is just plain impressive how everyone worked together and made sure the resulting data is shared by everyone.
Modifié par painofdungeoneternal, 02 septembre 2013 - 09:47 .