Author Topic: Keeping new and old players informed as to the current state of multiplayer functionality  (Read 932 times)


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               The Grimoire is the most accurate pdf available and even that needs quite a bit of revision.  If you have a decent pdf editor, I suppose you could attempt to update it and load to the Vault, including a supplement about any of the information applicable to installing and running digital versions of the game.

The NWNwiki remains as close to gospel information for the default game and has value for players and designers of any level of experience.  One huge benefit of the wiki format is that one can navigate very quickly and with multiple windows as compared to a pdf which only displays the most currently linked page.

Next to nobody uses physical documents anymore.  Just too dern slow, especially for those of us who can hear the clock ticking louder each day.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Baaleos wrote...

@ Laz
We havent lost anything that Bioware was responsible for.
Gamespy may have sold out - but thats not Biowares responsibility.

Multiplayer is still possible- granted, its a bit more complicated to find servers, but nothing NWN wise has been broken.

Last I checked; e.g. loaded the game, the gamespy server listings were intergrated into the game. So say we haven't lost anything Bioware was respoinsible for is like saying... well this part in my machine is faulty, but I didn't make it, I only included it in my machine, so I am not responsible for it.

Don't get me wrong, gamespy hijacking it's customers (e.g. bioware, ect...) is messed up. But bioware being like... oh we are not even going to try to help our consumers out by providing information about the situation, and present workarounds, is akin to being like, oh we have a perfect scapegoat (gamespy), it's all their fault, we wash our hands of it, despite the fact that we entered into a contract with them to provide a service (which apparantely they can change the terms of at will), and since they changed the terms, which we don't want to ante up to, they are the jerks, and we owe our consumers no information about our stance on this issue, let alone possible alternatives...


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 14 décembre 2012 - 05:06 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Baaleos wrote...

Besides - I messaged Chris over the weekend, asking him to comment on the situation - as im sure others have, and got no response.

Big supprise... 'Posted


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Baaleos wrote...

Bioware have washed their hands of this game - it is community driven now.
Dont expect anything from Bioware, and you wont be disappointed.

Sorry.. I don't accept that. You don't just wash your hands of a child you bore, unless you are a cold hearted baztard.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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AlgernonsGhost wrote...

... it would be simple for them to add a fourth pdf titled "Changes to Multiplayer NWN/How To" or something similar. This would be a good step in the right direction (in addition to a sticky on their forum as well).

Here here...


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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AlgernonsGhost wrote...
Once we have any community alternatives for match making squared away, we could write up some instructions in a pdf to send to GOG, just to make their job easier.

Again here, here (aka cheers).


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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HipMaestro wrote...

The Grimoire is the most accurate pdf available and even that needs quite a bit of revision.  If you have a decent pdf editor, I suppose you could attempt to update it and load to the Vault, including a supplement about any of the information applicable to installing and running digital versions of the game.

The NWNwiki remains as close to gospel information for the default game and has value for players and designers of any level of experience.  One huge benefit of the wiki format is that one can navigate very quickly and with multiple windows as compared to a pdf which only displays the most currently linked page.

Next to nobody uses physical documents anymore.  Just too dern slow, especially for those of us who can hear the clock ticking louder each day.

Umm... I use physical documents. I refer to my original manuals quite often, even after 9+ years of playing... but hey call me oldshool. You do make a good point though, updating the wiki and what not will be crucial moving forward to help keep those players who actually take the time to look, rather than just assume the game is dead from the initial install, and lack of official info here, informed.



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Lazarus Magni wrote...
Umm... I use physical documents. I refer to my original manuals quite often, even after 9+ years of playing... but hey call me oldshool.

So does the legal and banking community to a great degree.  But it is quickly coming to an end.  With the trend to reduce the staff and floorspace in all industries, the copy machines are being replaced by scanners, memos have become emails, FAXed transmission are stored and archived in digital format or microfiche and physical contact with service folks replaced by audio menus.  People and paper have become passe'.  The public have become merely vectors for the flow of information and technolgy today.  It's a hungry monster for sure, but one we all lent a hand in nurturing and lauding.

Scan those manuals before the paper becomes too yellow or brittle to use anymore.  Better yet. Use OCR software and convert into editable, searchable medium for your grandkids who will still enjoy NWN. 

I am old school as well, with endless notebooks and catalogs still cluttering sagging shelves.  But I can read the writing on the wall though I can barely read the contents of the library anymore.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               "♦ ♦ ♦ Madness is a beautiful thing... a blessing for the chosen few. ♦ ♦ ♦"

Cheers M8.


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 14 décembre 2012 - 08:49 .



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

Baaleos wrote...

@ Laz
We havent lost anything that Bioware was responsible for.
Gamespy may have sold out - but thats not Biowares responsibility.

Multiplayer is still possible- granted, its a bit more complicated to find servers, but nothing NWN wise has been broken.

Last I checked; e.g. loaded the game, the gamespy server listings were intergrated into the game. So say we haven't lost anything Bioware was respoinsible for is like saying... well this part in my machine is faulty, but I didn't make it, I only included it in my machine, so I am not responsible for it.

Don't get me wrong, gamespy hijacking it's customers (e.g. bioware, ect...) is messed up. But bioware being like... oh we are not even going to try to help our consumers out by providing information about the situation, and present workarounds, is akin to being like, oh we have a perfect scapegoat (gamespy), it's all their fault, we wash our hands of it, despite the fact that we entered into a contract with them to provide a service (which apparantely they can change the terms of at will), and since they changed the terms, which we don't want to ante up to, they are the jerks, and we owe our consumers no information about our stance on this issue, let alone possible alternatives...

Gamespy server listings are still integrated into the game, its not biowares fault that gamespy listings arent there anymore to be listed.
Bioware as a company cannot be held accountable for the actions or inaction of an external vendor - aim your rant at Gamespy.
Biowares Code still works - its gamespy that is no longer providing the service.

NWN1 is a dwindling player base -  less than a few hundred to thousand players at any one time world wide.
In order for them to provide a new multiplayer service, they would need to start new development projects, and devote time and money to those projects.

Your talking
1. A project that creates the server (one project at the very least)
2. A project for the client patch (lots of game testers to regression test the entire game afterwards)

Each project having  X amount of people, charging Y about of dollars per hour.
Your probably thinking - hey but they get their hourly rate anyway just for being bioware employees, thats true, but it doesnt work like that in a company.

Companies generally have different projects, which have different project codes, which they assign their hours to.
Each project has a budget, and the amount of hours allocated to a project dictates how much that project is spending.

Taking people from their normal day to day activities (which might be SWTOR development) and putting them onto NWN1 development, would be like saying.

Ok - I want to take money away from Starwars, and give it to NWN1, regardless of the fact that its a game with a smaller player base.

It wouldnt be a business wise decision -  and in these economic times - A bad business decision can be the end of a company, which would be the end of all future game productions from that company.


Legacy_Highv Priest

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               Actually I tried to contact BioWare(via a direct email) about having them temporarily paying GameSpy for one month out of my own pocket(about 20 to 200 dollars depending on player access and API requests, but they NEVER responded back with me. My goal was to pop up the server list, grab an IP address from -every- server as well as a name associated and compile a list of them and post them somewhere on nwnwiki or otherwise. Not all modules are still being actively run, but they are still good adventures(I do module hop a lot). However it would seem BioWare even having no loss of money would not want anything to do with this game and GameSpy REFUSES to let me pay for it. Stating to me "The company discontinued support for this game and you must speak with them in regards for reinstating it."



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Highv Priest wrote...

Actually I tried to contact BioWare(via a direct email) about having them temporarily paying GameSpy for one month out of my own pocket(about 20 to 200 dollars depending on player access and API requests, but they NEVER responded back with me. My goal was to pop up the server list, grab an IP address from -every- server as well as a name associated and compile a list of them and post them somewhere on nwnwiki or otherwise. Not all modules are still being actively run, but they are still good adventures(I do module hop a lot). However it would seem BioWare even having no loss of money would not want anything to do with this game and GameSpy REFUSES to let me pay for it. Stating to me "The company discontinued support for this game and you must speak with them in regards for reinstating it."

I dont mean to sound insensitive here - but 200 dollars wouldnt cover their team coming into the office for a single day, let alone turning the lights on,  or them postponing regular work, to setup the server on a temporary basis.

Commercial servers like what Gamespy hosted were likely hosted in a datacenter somewhere, and had software set to monitor it etc - and technicians on hand to handle any issues.

They have likely disconnected the actual physical box from the power, internet and rackspace.

Setup would involve

1. Individuals time  (hourly rate x hours x people involved)
2. RackSpace (amount of space required for the server to be hosted)
3. Maintenance costs -  electric, bandwidth, basic maintenance/time involved for technicians to restart it etc
4. Setup Time/Cost - both of setting up the server, but also tearing it down.

If it is just a list of servers you are after -  then the cached master list is still out there in google archives.
Its a month or two out of date, but its still got about 200-300 good servers on it.


Legacy_Aelis Eine

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               HLSW keeps a list of 343+ servers. There's a good chance it's a combination of a mirror of Gamespy's list and their own servers.

Trouble is, I tried registering to view the list and they still haven't sent me their validation email '<img'>


                     Modifié par Aelis Eine, 14 décembre 2012 - 03:22 .



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               @Aelis - I actually have HLSW and that 343 number is...well, I see that too but I'm not sure that's what you think it is.  HLSW seems to have keeled over a while back.  It's not dead but it's not alive, either.  I was aware of this at the time, about a year, year and a half ago.  The program itself works, but the whole thing is kind of dormant. I'm showing (1/343) for NWN but I'm seeing no way to actually "see" that 343.  A long time ago, HLSW used to actually have a web page which listed servers but they took it down.  I see per another one of your posts that the/a page still exists.  There used to be a list of all servers for a game- do you know the url at that site for that list?

Here is a text export I did of the last list I grabbed from HLSW, a year+ ago.  If you imiport that using the text import function in HLSW, you'll see some servers.

That 343 number, though...I know I was puzzled what that number meant (it wasn't always 343, obviously), but I'm not sure if I ever figured it out.


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 14 décembre 2012 - 04:46 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               I am not sure where you are getting all this Baaleos. Would I like to see the masterserver and gamespy services restored? Absolutely, but I have accepted the fact that's not going to happen. My petition is just to let the companies involved know my (and everyone else’s’) displeasure at this fact.

For the purposes of this thread, and what I am asking, all I am asking here is that Bioware make some official mention (a stickey) about what happened (like other game publishers who have also been affected by this have done), what this means for multiplayer functionality (loss of ingame server list, but direct connect still works), and to include information about any possible workarounds (as far as the server list is concerned, Xfire is the only current solution that I know of that even comes close to replicating what gamespy did. And to also update it if the community comes up with an alternative solution [like funkyswerve's account security system after losing the master server.])

And I would also like them to do the same thing for their nwn1 advertisement page (or give permission to do so.)


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 14 décembre 2012 - 08:01 .