Lazarus Magni wrote...
Baaleos wrote...
@ Laz
We havent lost anything that Bioware was responsible for.
Gamespy may have sold out - but thats not Biowares responsibility.
Multiplayer is still possible- granted, its a bit more complicated to find servers, but nothing NWN wise has been broken.
Last I checked; e.g. loaded the game, the gamespy server listings were intergrated into the game. So say we haven't lost anything Bioware was respoinsible for is like saying... well this part in my machine is faulty, but I didn't make it, I only included it in my machine, so I am not responsible for it.
Don't get me wrong, gamespy hijacking it's customers (e.g. bioware, ect...) is messed up. But bioware being like... oh we are not even going to try to help our consumers out by providing information about the situation, and present workarounds, is akin to being like, oh we have a perfect scapegoat (gamespy), it's all their fault, we wash our hands of it, despite the fact that we entered into a contract with them to provide a service (which apparantely they can change the terms of at will), and since they changed the terms, which we don't want to ante up to, they are the jerks, and we owe our consumers no information about our stance on this issue, let alone possible alternatives...
Gamespy server listings are still integrated into the game, its not biowares fault that gamespy listings arent there anymore to be listed.
Bioware as a company cannot be held accountable for the actions or inaction of an external vendor - aim your rant at Gamespy.
Biowares Code still works - its gamespy that is no longer providing the service.
NWN1 is a dwindling player base - less than a few hundred to thousand players at any one time world wide.
In order for them to provide a new multiplayer service, they would need to start new development projects, and devote time and money to those projects.
Your talking
1. A project that creates the server (one project at the very least)
2. A project for the client patch (lots of game testers to regression test the entire game afterwards)
Each project having X amount of people, charging Y about of dollars per hour.
Your probably thinking - hey but they get their hourly rate anyway just for being bioware employees, thats true, but it doesnt work like that in a company.
Companies generally have different projects, which have different project codes, which they assign their hours to.
Each project has a budget, and the amount of hours allocated to a project dictates how much that project is spending.
Taking people from their normal day to day activities (which might be SWTOR development) and putting them onto NWN1 development, would be like saying.
Ok - I want to take money away from Starwars, and give it to NWN1, regardless of the fact that its a game with a smaller player base.
It wouldnt be a business wise decision - and in these economic times - A bad business decision can be the end of a company, which would be the end of all future game productions from that company.