Author Topic: Keeping new and old players informed as to the current state of multiplayer functionality  (Read 933 times)

Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               THis is what the game manual states:

Journeying Online
The first time that you play online, you will be prompted for a
player profile. The player profile allows Neverwinter Nights to differentiate
between the different players and allows you to access
special areas in the Neverwinter Nights community site (www.neverwinternights.
com). If you have already created a player profile
either in the game or on the Neverwinter Nights community site,
simply enter your player name and password to continue. If you
haven’t yet created a profile, press the create profile button and
enter in your desired player name and password. You will also be
prompted for an email address. Although you are not required to
enter an email address, if you do not enter one, you will be unable
to recover your password if it is lost.
Joining a Multiplayer Game
If you just wish to play in a game, you click multiplayer at the
start menu and then choose the join option. A listing of games
will appear in a game browser window. If you are playing without
an Internet connection, the game may pause at this screen for a
moment. You can click the LAN tab at the top of the panel to
scan your local network for games instead of scanning the
Internet matching service. If you have an Internet connection you
will see a large listing of the games currently available. You can
sort the games using the various filters at the top of the matching
page by simply clicking the filter name. You can also click the
gameplay types toggle on the bottom left and it will show you the
games that are posted as that type of gameplay. When you find a
game you like, click the game and then click the connect button
and you are underway….”


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 13 décembre 2012 - 07:05 .



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               not seeing the interesting except for a choice of font colours that made me have to highlight the text to read it, this kind of stuff is in any game's manual



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               As with all games with an online element to them.
Bioware likely has a disclaimer that says that online game experience may change - and they are not responsible for whether we like it or not.

We can still play online, its just become our responsibility to match make - which was never biowares responsibility either - it was Gamespys



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               The game is 10 years old. Many things that were released with the original game, have been changed over the years. Scripting funtions, rideable horses, prestige classes. Since its release, Bio-ware was bought out, Atari fell apart. Wizards of the Coast created 3.5 edition, and now 4th edition. Now, official support is gone. It is not going to come back, no mater how many times some one bleats about it. Now that gamespy is also moving on, once again its on this community to work it out. We will. Its not going to happen overnight, but it will get fixed.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               The questions are, should the game manual that comes with the game be modified to reflect the current state of affairs?

If modifying the manual is not possible (which it likely isn't) should the distributor (, and anywhere else you can get it), include some information with the purchase regarding the current state of affairs, and what possible workarounds there are (xfire), or will be (a community driven one)?

The issue is new players will have no clue about this, unless there is information provided with their purchase informing them. At the very least, in terms of this site, there should be a stickey here, and in the PW forums (if not all the NWN 1 and 2 forums) informing customers what the current state of things is, and what alternative solutions are out there.



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               who reads manuals? ':police:'



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

The questions are, should the game manual that comes with the game be modified to reflect the current state of affairs?

If modifying the manual is not possible (which it likely isn't) should the distributor (, and anywhere else you can get it), include some information with the purchase regarding the current state of affairs, and what possible workarounds there are (xfire), or will be (a community driven one)?

The issue is new players will have no clue about this, unless there is information provided with their purchase informing them. At the very least, in terms of this site, there should be a stickey here, and in the PW forums (if not all the NWN 1 and 2 forums) informing customers what the current state of things is, and what alternative solutions are out there.

Updating the manual is very unlikely.
I worked in a company on a QA Team - the company manufactured Security Camera systems, and they had QA Teams that were responsible for proof reading manuals, localization of the manuals, and ensuring the validity and legality of the content.

No one would do that for free.
Short answer is - 
It would cost bioware money to update the manual.
Even if we think it is a single paragraph - its an afternoon or two for X amount of people, who are charging YYY per hour for their time.

The best we would get, would be GOG including a text file with the installation to state that online capabilities are now limited.

But even then - they may or may not be allowed to put that in.
No doubt they have contractual arrangements with Bioware/Atari that says what they can and cannot put in the installer package.
Before GOG could change the installer, they would need bioware to vet it first.
(Same reason why game companies cant release updates instantly to PS3 Games - Sony needs to check them)

And then this brings us back to issue 1 - Cost.

If GOG needs Biowares Permission to include a new object / artefact in the bundle - it would likely need to be covered by a contract.

These companies arent best buddies - they dont simply send an e-mail across to eachother and say
'Hey, can I include this in the installer?'
'Yeah.. go right ahead'

The proposed changes need to be proposed, vetted, signed off, tested, etc.

Which costs money - cause it costs time.

Unless GOG has an arrangement that allows them to add anything they want - which I doubt.
I would even suspect that a change to the GOG NWN Page would require biowares input.

(Imagine facebook going onto your facebook profile, and updating it without your consent - Same sort of thing with GOG -  Just because GOG host/sell the product, doesnt mean they can change how its described or advertised without the OK Nod from Bioware)

All in all -  I think the best we can hope for as far as GOG goes - is maybe a notice on the NWN Page - before people buy it, alerting them to Multiplayer capabilities are limited/require a patch.
But as mentioned - even then, they may have their hands tied through contractual obligations.



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ShaDoOoW wrote...

who reads manuals? ':police:'

When I was younger, and I got Diablo 1 for my birthday (18+ Game for an 11 year old - I know.... )
I was so excited to play it - but my Mum and Dad wouldnt let me play it until it was actually my birthday.

But in the days leading up to it, they did let me open the box, and read the manual.
Just cause I love manuals that have lore sections etc.

Also - the Diablo 1 Manual had lovely printed pages, that smelt - I dunno how to describe it - just like a really expensive tome.
Every page was watermarked with a cloud/hazy texture/backdrop - and the Art Work was great.

So - who reads manuals?
I do.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               Regarding informing the consumers of NWN 1 as to the current state of multiplayer functionality, and the existing workarounds, I don't care who does it, but someone should. It would take less than an hour for 1 person (hi Chris) to create stickies on these boards explaining the situation, and highlighting the existing workarounds (Xfire, and what ever else may be coming.) And the same goes for the NWN 1 page on or even including a text file in the installation.


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 13 décembre 2012 - 06:59 .


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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               There is no one left to blame for anything that we as a community cant accomplish or find ways around. And thats the last time i will comment on these kind of topics because the only thing matters is how good we are keeping this game alive and improving. The latest gamespy thing and how quick you guys were to find ways around shows we can honestly say we dont need anyone official:)

and back on topic, someone who buys nwn now might have enough brain to go to the original dev´s forum and start asking or searching for related questions on how to play online;)


                     Modifié par NWN_baba yaga, 13 décembre 2012 - 07:04 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               And if there is no Stickey? There is a stickey about the masterserver, why wouldn't there be one about the loss of gamespy service, and possible alternatives (at this point, only Xfire, and perhaps a browser based server listing, although neither at this point are true full listings)?


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 13 décembre 2012 - 07:11 .


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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               then we bump one topic without replies or just an updated serverlist infinite till one of the lost mods is so nice and does it...


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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               "BUMP" you  see... it´s easy '<img'>



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               @ Laz
We havent lost anything that Bioware was responsible for.
Gamespy may have sold out - but thats not Biowares responsibility.

Multiplayer is still possible- granted, its a bit more complicated to find servers, but nothing NWN wise has been broken.

Besides - I messaged Chris over the weekend, asking him to comment on the situation - as im sure others have, and got no response.

Bioware have washed their hands of this game - it is community driven now.
Dont expect anything from Bioware, and you wont be disappointed.



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               The edition comes with 3 pdf manuals. There might be copyright issues with them changing the official manual, but it would be simple for them to add a fourth pdf titled "Changes to Multiplayer NWN/How To" or something similar. This would be a good step in the right direction (in addition to a sticky on their forum as well).

Once we have any community alternatives for match making squared away, we could write up some instructions in a pdf to send to GOG, just to make their job easier.