If there's a silver lining in this, NWN1 is now in the top 100 games on Xfire by hours played, beating out newer games like The Secret World
Also, It looks like Aventia 3 Merged has a port blocked. When I added it as a custom IP, the server shows up as blank even though I can double click to connect to it. According to this:
http://www.techencla...ts-xfire-53251/ , it randomly queries a huge range of UDP ports. Maybe there's a specific Xfire port for NWN though, you'll have to ask on their forums.
I see 204 servers now, up from the 159 when I first posted, so it definitely doesn't look like an exclusive club.
If anyone has a server that shows up fine in Xfire queries but hasn't been added to their server list yet, post here. I'll connect to it to add to the count of "enough Xfire users".
Modifié par Aelis Eine, 12 décembre 2012 - 03:23 .