Author Topic: Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists  (Read 1526 times)


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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:52:15 pm »

               I would like a critique on the reshuffling I have done to wizard spell lists and spell schools in Arnheim. The prupose of this was to maintain ballance while adhering more strictly to the essence of each spell school and better express the setting. One thing you will notice is that I have added a few new spells, and changed the name of some spells.

I have tried to maintain a healthy balance of power between the schools as well. This is what I primarily need feedback for. I am also curious as to whether specialization would be considered clearly weaker than being a generalist, a possibility, or a clear advantage over being a generalist.

Some changes to note:
  • all the hand spells require a glove as a material component. Glove is destroyed. Grapple of a hand is also opposed by the Escape Artist skill in tandem with small size rather than just large size and great strength. This should give some dex based characters a defense against these spells.
  • Sword spells are cast on a sword. Black blade destroys the sword. (sword is a henchman rather than a summon)
  • Illusion spells draw upon a real place in game - Shadow Plane - which exists in parallel with most "prime material" areas of game. This will open up new spells for the illusionist such as shadow walk, and overlooked additions like summon shadow etc... Shadows and shades incidentally are not undead in Arnheim, but fear light.
  • Necromancy raise dead spells etc... have not been altered yet, but I intend to change the way they work, and enabling Necromancers to cultivate armies of undead rather than just one summon at a time. Raising an undead however will likely require an appropriate corpse or the like as material component.
  • I'd like to give Conjurer specialists the ability to chose from a wider list of summons, but have not worked this out yet.
  • I'd also like to restrict the Time Stop spell to Divination specialists, but am unsure if this is going to far.
Spell Schools and Opposition
Abjuration <---> Evocation
Conjuration <---> Enchantment
Divination <---> Illusion
Necromancy ----> Evocation
Transmutation ---> Abjuration

Wizard Spells Per School


Endure Elements
Protection from Alignment

Lesser Dispel
Resist Elements

Dispel Magic
Protection from Elements
Circle of Protection from Alignment

Lesser Spell Breach
Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Remove Curse

Lesser Mind Blank
Lesser Spell Mantle
Energy Buffer

Globe of Invulnerability
Greater Dispelling
Greater Spell Breach

Spell Mantle

Mind Blank

Greater Spell Mantle

Acid Splash

Summon Creature I

Acid Arrow
Cloud of Bewilderment
Summon Creature II

Stinking Cloud
Summon Creature III
Acid Breath

Summon Creature IV
Tentacle Swarm

Lesser Planar Binding
Summon Creature V
Acid Armor
Mind Fog 

Acid Fog
Planar Binding
Summon Creature VI

Summon Creature VII

Greater Planar Binding
Summon Creature VIII

Summon Creature IX

True Strike

See Invisibility
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning

Find Traps

Remove Blindness/Deafness

True Seeing
Legend Lore

Power Word, Stun


Power Word, Kill
Time Stop


Charm Person
Magic Weapon
Mage Armor

Continual Light
Eagle's Splendor
Flame Weapon
Hideous Laughter
Animate Dagger

Hold Person
Greater Magic Weapon
Keen Edge

Charm Monster

Dominate Person
Hold Monster

Mass Haste

Protection from Spells
Animate Weapon

Mass Charm

Dominate Monster
Black Blade of Disaster

Electric Jolt
Ray of Frost

Burning Hands
Magic Missile
Ice Dagger
Sonic Boom

Electric Loop
Blast of the Iron Horn

Flame Arrow
Lightning Bolt
Scintillating Sphere

Elemental Shield
Wall of Fire
Ice Storm
Lesser Missile Storm

Cone of Cold
Ball Lightning

Chain Lightning
Greater Missile Storm

Delayed Blast Fireball
Prismatic Spray
Great Thunderclap

Incendiary Cloud

Meteor Swarm

Dancing Lights

Color Spray

Ghostly Visage

Invisibility Sphere

Improved Invisibility
Phantasmal Killer
Shadow Conjuration

Greater Shadow Conjuration

Ethereal Visage

Shadow Shield

Mass Blindness/Deafness


Bind Familiar

Ray of Enfeeblement
Negative Energy Ray

Ghoul Touch
Death Armor
Stone Bones

Vampiric Touch
Negative Energy Burst


Animate Dead

Circle of Death
Undeath to Death
Channel Warrior Spirit  (aka tenser's transformation)

Control Undead
Finger of Death

Create Undead
Horrid Wilting

Energy Drain
Wail of the Banshee

Expeditious Retreat
Iron Guts

Ursine Strength
Feline Grace

Gust of Wind
Rogue's Cunning

Polymorph Self
Dimensional Jump
Baleful Polymorph

Dimensional Portal
Interposing Hand

Greater Stoneskin
Flesh to Stone
Stone to Flesh
Forceful Hand

Grasping Hand

Clenched Fist

Crushing Hand


                     Modifié par henesua, 28 septembre 2012 - 03:22 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2012, 09:01:53 pm »

               OK... had an idea about how my alternate for Mordenkainen's sword would work.

Name: Animate Weapon
Target: Weapon
Result: Targeted weapon fights as a henchman of the spell caster for same duration as Mord's sword

I'll create an invisible creature (null human) with construct properties, that can equip any weapon, has 10 str, an AB of 10. Damage depends on weapon enchanted. (might be cool to give the null human the arcane alt combat phenotype as well) This creature will be added to the caster's party as a henchman, so it does not take a "summons" slot. An enchanter could theoretically animate a number of weapons to fight for them. Weapon is considered to be flying for the sake of determining vulnerability to grease, entangle, caltrops, etc... And can cross chasms or open water (scripted in AI). Otherwise AI of weapon should be very limited - defend caster, or do not attack at all.

Animated weapons can be dispelled. A successful dispel would cause the weapon to fall to the ground. Dismissal would not work.

Too powerful?



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 04:58:31 am »

               By way of comparison I am posting some of the other class spell lists:

of note for bards: cure wound spells and charm spells do not have somatic components and so can be cast while armor is worn without any chance of spell failure

-------Bard 0-------
Cure Minor Wounds
Dancing Lights

-------Bard 1-------
Charm Person
Cure Light Wounds
Lesser Dispel
Mage Armor
Summon Creature I
Protection from Alignment
Blast of the Iron Horn
Expeditious Retreat
Sonic Boom
Iron Guts
Magic Weapon

-------Bard 2-------
Blindness and Deafness
Ursine Strength
Feline Grace
Cure Moderate Wounds
Hold Person
Ghostly Visage
See Invisibility
Sound Burst
Summon Creature II
Eagle's Splendor
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning
Hideous Laughter
Cloud of Bewilderment

-------Bard 3-------
Charm Monster
Cure Serious Wounds
Dispel Magic
Gust of Wind
Invisibility Sphere
Remove Curse
Remove Disease
Summon Creature III
Circle of Protection from Alignment
Find Traps
Rogue's Cunning
Wounding Whispers
Keen Edge
Greater Magic Weapon

-------Bard 4-------
Cure Critical Wounds
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Improved Invisibility
Neutralize Poison
Summon Creature IV
War Cry
Legend Lore
Dimensional Jump

-------Bard 5-------
Greater Dispelling
Healing Circle
Mind Fog
Ethereal Visage
Summon Creature V

-------Bard 6-------
Mass Haste
Summon Creature VI
Ice Storm
Energy Buffer


of note for the clerics I have expanded the domain lists and powers. Travel for example gets various teleport spells. Animal has some special polymorph spells and speak with animals. Heal and Death are the only two which can raise dead or resurrect. Death also gets the create undead spells (which you will notice are no longer on the gneral cleric list), but no other special abilities. If this sounds interesting to anyone I'll open up my cleric lists and domains in another thread for discussion.

-------Cleric 0-------
Cure Minor Wounds
Inflict Minor Wounds

-------Cleric 1-------
Cure Light Wounds
Endure Elements
Remove Fear
Summon Creature I
Protection from Alignment
Divine Favor
Entropic Shield
Inflict Light Wounds
Shield of Faith
Magic Weapon

-------Cleric 2-------
Cure Moderate Wounds
Hold Person
Lesser Dispel
Lesser Restoration
Remove Paralysis
Resist Elements
Sound Burst
Summon Creature II
Eagle's Splendor
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning
Negative Energy Ray
Find Traps
Inflict Moderate Wounds
Stone Bones

-------Cleric 3-------
Blindness and Deafness
Cure Serious Wounds
Dispel Magic
Invisibility Purge
Negative Energy Protection
Protection from Elements
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Remove Curse
Remove Disease
Searing Light
Summon Creature III
Circle of Protection from Alignment
Continual Light
Inflict Serious Wounds
Magic Vestment
Glyph of Warding

-------Cleric 4-------
Cure Critical Wounds
Death Ward
Divine Power
Freedom of Movement
Hammer of the Gods
Neutralize Poison
Summon Creature IV
Inflict Critical Wounds
Greater Magic Weapon

-------Cleric 5-------
Circle of Doom
Flame Strike
Healing Circle
Slay Living
Spell Resistance
Summon Creature V
True Seeing
Monstrous Regeneration

-------Cleric 6-------
Blade Barrier
Control Undead
Greater Dispelling
Summon Creature VI
Planar Ally
Undeath to Death

-------Cleric 7-------
Greater Restoration
Summon Creature VII
Word of Faith

-------Cleric 8-------
Fire Storm
Mass Heal
Summon Creature VIII
Aura versus Alignment

-------Cleric 9-------
Energy Drain
Storm of Vengeance
Summon Creature IX
Undeath's Eternal Foe


of note here. I thik druids are a little too powerful and am looking to reduce their spell choices.

-------Druid 0-------
Cure Minor Wounds
Faerie Fire

-------Druid 1-------
Cure Light Wounds
Endure Elements
Summon Creature I
Magic Fang
Pass Without Trace

-------Druid 2-------
Ursine Strength
Feline Grace
Charm Person or Animal
Cure Moderate Wounds
Flame Lash
Hold Animal
Lesser Dispel
Lesser Restoration
Resist Elements
Summon Creature II
Eagle's Splendor
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning
One With The Land
Blood Frenzy
Steady Stride
Speak With Animals

-------Druid 3-------
Call Lightning
Cure Serious Wounds
Dominate Animal
Neutralize Poison
Protection from Elements
Remove Disease
Summon Creature III
Greater Magic Fang
Spike Growth
Infestation of Maggots
Healing Sting

-------Druid 4-------
Cure Critical Wounds
Dispel Magic
Flame Strike
Freedom of Movement
Hold Monster
Remove Curse
Summon Creature IV
Mass Camouflage
Baleful Polymorph

-------Druid 5-------
Death Ward
Slay Living
Spell Resistance
Summon Creature V
Wall of Fire
Ice Storm
Owl's Insight
Monstrous Regeneration
Vine Mine

-------Druid 6-------
Greater Dispelling
Greater Stoneskin
Healing Circle
Summon Creature VI
Energy Buffer

-------Druid 7-------
Fire Storm
Protection from Spells
Summon Creature VII
True Seeing
Creeping Doom
Aura of Vitality

-------Druid 8-------
Finger of Death
Nature's Balance
Summon Creature VIII

-------Druid 9-------
Elemental Swarm
Mass Heal
Storm of Vengeance
Summon Creature IX


I haven't touched this yet. If anyone is convinced that paladin spells should be tweaked one way or another, please let me know. I haven't put much thought into these guys.

-------Paladin 1-------
Cure Light Wounds
Endure Elements
Protection from Alignment
Divine Favor
Deafening Clang
Bless Weapon
Magic Weapon
-------Paladin 2-------
Ursine Strength
Cure Moderate Wounds
Remove Paralysis
Resist Elements
Eagle's Splendor
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning
Aura of Glory
-------Paladin 3-------
Cure Serious Wounds
Dispel Magic
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Circle of Protection from Alignment
Greater Magic Weapon
-------Paladin 4-------
Cure Critical Wounds
Death Ward
Freedom of Movement
Neutralize Poison
Holy Sword


Cure Light Wounds
Resist Elements
Summon Creature I
One With The Land
Magic Fang
Pass Without Trace
Steady Stride
Speak With Animals

Feline Grace
Cure Moderate Wounds
Hold Animal
Protection from Elements
Summon Creature II
Eagle's Splendor
Owl's Wisdom
Fox's Cunning
Rogue's Cunning

Cure Serious Wounds
Invisibility Purge
Neutralize Poison
Remove Disease
Summon Creature III
Greater Magic Fang
Blade Thirst

Cure Critical Wounds
Freedom of Movement
Polymorph Self
Summon Creature IV
Mass Camouflage


                     Modifié par henesua, 25 septembre 2012 - 03:59 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2012, 02:59:16 am »

                I'm looking at the Polymorph Self Spell and making changes to the five creatures that you can change into. I'd like some feedback on what I am doing.

I'm developing the following polymorphs:
  • Wyvern (large) can fly (enables crossing of water and chasms), and has stinger tail, no hands (can't open doors). 18 strength, 8 NAC
  • Ogre (large) uses a large club (merges with equipped weapon), some bonus rep with goblin factions, can speak, has hands (open doors etc...), 22 strength, 8 NAC
  • Giant Spider (medium) can spider climb (enables crossing of chasms indoors and success at any climb), poison bite, immune to webs, no hands, 14 str, 18 dex, 5 NAC
  • Giant Crab (medium) aquatic (unimpeded underwater), has "hands", 2d4 claw, 18 str, 16 dex, 10 NAC
  • Ochre Jelly (medium) softbody (unimpeded underwater, can pass under doors, immune to grapple), acid attack, 10 str, 18 dex, 4 NAC



                     Modifié par henesua, 27 septembre 2012 - 02:15 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2012, 11:01:29 am »

               Personally trying to follow specifit ruleset, mostly 3.5 which I consider to be the best of the best. If something cannot be done in NWN, or I feel it doesnt suit my environment, only then I make up my own version.

Got few notes for you:
- why do you consider druid to be so powerful? His spell selection is quite weak actually, he got only one spell that doesnt allow reflexes and thats ice storm, at higher levels there isnt many good offensive spells, maybe except storm of vengeance - physical dmg spells, earthquake and bobardment are totally useless as they have low dmg and yet they are also resisted by any soak
- why didnt you considered my change from community patch beta, to move sunbeam at lvl 7 ? '<img'>

Some suggestions from 3.5:
- i think you should implement spell list from this ruleset, from quick look I saw that druid has charisma boost, why? according to 3.5 he should have str, con, dex, wis (but not int, cha) - I think that 3.5 makes more sense

Ad. polymorph - like your idea with hands and unable to pick locks, but how do you achieve that? I think that it will be always technically possible, and the way that gives huge penalty doesnt look to me great
also, how do you achieve the flying across chasm?



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2012, 03:28:23 pm »


ShaDoOoW wrote...

- why do you consider druid to be so powerful? His spell selection is quite weak actually, he got only one spell that doesnt allow reflexes and thats ice storm, at higher levels there isnt many good offensive spells, maybe except storm of vengeance - physical dmg spells, earthquake and bobardment are totally useless as they have low dmg and yet they are also resisted by any soak

I had not considered the issue of reflex saves and druid spells, but in general the druid spell list has more depth than a cleric's and druids have many other benefits beyond spells.

- why didnt you considered my change from community patch beta, to move sunbeam at lvl 7 ? '<img'>

I'll look at it.

Some suggestions from 3.5:
- i think you should implement spell list from this ruleset, from quick look I saw that druid has charisma boost, why? according to 3.5 he should have str, con, dex, wis (but not int, cha) - I think that 3.5 makes more sense

Whats the problem with that?

Ad. polymorph - like your idea with hands and unable to pick locks, but how do you achieve that? I think that it will be always technically possible, and the way that gives huge penalty doesnt look to me great

Hands/not hands is cachieved by modifying the appearance 2da with a new column called HAS_HANDS. Then in the door scripts I catch an event when a door/placeable that requires hands to open is opened by someone without hands. In that case I immediately close the door/placeable. It seems like its not powerful, but you'd be surprised how annoying it is to be unable to open a door when wildshaped or a familiar.

also, how do you achieve the flying across chasm?

This is done with a flight spell and feat. The feat is an action feat that enables the player to select a target location. Then it uses the Appear/Disappear effect. The spider climb feat is similar. Both feats/spells have limitations based on a few factors. Spider climb only works indoors. Fly does not work indoors if the creature exceeds the maximum creature size for flight for the area.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2012, 08:23:01 pm »

               ShaDoOoW since I have your attention I was curious what you thought about my changes to the spell school lists and to the opposition schools of each spell school. Do you think this will make any difference to the game? Or is it irrelevant beyond the thematic/aesthetic changes it creates for the player?



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2012, 08:59:25 pm »


henesua wrote...

ShaDoOoW wrote...

- why do
you consider druid to be so powerful? His spell selection is quite weak
actually, he got only one spell that doesnt allow reflexes and thats ice
storm, at higher levels there isnt many good offensive spells, maybe
except storm of vengeance - physical dmg spells, earthquake and
bobardment are totally useless as they have low dmg and yet they are
also resisted by any soak

I had not considered the issue
of reflex saves and druid spells, but in general the druid spell list
has more depth than a cleric's and druids have many other benefits
beyond spells.

Hm, I dont agree. I played druid many times both low lvl and high lvl multiplayer modules and he sucks. Druid is definitely better caster than cleric by default, however what else he got? Polymorphs are weak till dragon, animals are nice, but no DR, no special abilities, merges only armor, low dmg with +0 attack and mainly very poor AC. Elemental shapes have better stats, but at that moment, no AB, low dmg, no AC (unless monk-multiclassed already) again make them useful only when you need immunity to critical hit/mind effects. Dragon can be taken first around lvl 33 i think, and thats a different level - but yes dragon is powerfull. (im not taking shifter into consideration as that has some benefits but for not very good choice for pure druid)

on the other hand, cleric - has spells to improve melee combat in which he is very good at, also can take two domains which grants him access to very powerful spells that druid cannot get - haste (if environment doesnt have on items) and improved invisibility (most powerful spell in high lvl environment), cleric can also take plant domain and then gets access to the best druid spell creeping doom, add magic domain and you got even better caster than druid is. +cleric has +1slot/lvl over druid, can take divine might/shield, can turn undead, gets healing spells earlier so can have more of them (silent mh), has GR and negative immunity (100% immu to negative dmg from any source + ability/level immunity) and clarity/alignment mind immunity - lack of these boosts is very annoying for druid

henesua wrote...

Shadooow wrote...
Some suggestions from 3.5:
i think you should implement spell list from this ruleset, from quick
look I saw that druid has charisma boost, why? according to 3.5 he
should have str, con, dex, wis (but not int, cha) - I think that 3.5
makes more sense

Whats the problem with that?

Well the 3.5 grants classess ability boosts based on abilities they are "proficient with". Whats the charisma for to druid? Nothing he got uses it. I feel its better this way and it matches rules - just my opinion.

henesua wrote...

ShaDoOoW since I have your attention I was curious what you thought about my changes to the spell school lists and to the opposition schools of each spell school. Do you think this will make any difference to the game? Or is it irrelevant beyond the thematic/aesthetic changes it creates for the player?

I havent looked, I dont remember each spell school so I am not able to determine how did you changed it from your spell list. Basically, the reason why spell schools doesnt match DnD rules entirely is because there are more spells in rules, but they couldnt be transferred into nwn from various reasons. Also, a caster wizard doesnt really specializes, as the advantage is too small for giving up more choices in spell selection. In default setting, specialization has sense only for multiclassed wizards which prefers combat and doesnt have intelligence higher than 20.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 27 septembre 2012 - 08:01 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2012, 10:32:01 pm »

A druid's power is somewhat environment dependent. And I am providing what a druid needs to make good use of their abilities. Example: the Animal Empathy ability (which is charisma based by the way) is very powerful on the right server for two reasons (1) you need decent animals/beasts to dominate and (2) you need natural areas filled with hostile animals that will go neutral to someone that has animal empathy. Furthermore their ability to ignore terrain affects is nice in Arnheim since I have scripted terrain affects. Their is more to them, but I won't go on and on about it. I think druids are powerful and I'm not the only one. Forgot to mention four skill points per level which is also handy.

I will look at them again, and make sure that I am not limiting them too much. I have scripted spell loss if metal armor, shield or helmet is worn, and restoration requires atonement.  But other than that, I think they have much going for them.

CLERIC Domains:
I have implemented a religion system in my mod which brings consequences with domain choices and alignment restrictions. Almost all combinations are available, BUT not in the major religions. And the major religions are those with world influence. Having world influence matters. Although I have not yet implemented a "retainer" system like Border Kingdoms has I have long intended to. And there is more to influence than just having henchman. Influence matters in DM moderated play.

I take your point that specialization is too much of a sacrifice for the gain of only one spell per level. I agree. I'd like to be able to provide another perk from specialization, but haven't come up with one yet. I'm open to suggestions. Also if there is a script that enables a server to identify one's specialty without using NWNx... please let me know. I have not looked into writing this yet.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 12:18:09 am »

               animal empathy, right that is powerful, yet its not only druid power, anyone can have it via multiclass

if there is most content pre-max lvl then its less likely this to be used from multiclass indeed (EDIT: but also have to take into consideration XP drop, mostly if there is a XP loss from lured animals, player are avoiding this unless they are not able to survive without), if majority of content is post-max lvl then it doesnt matter, cleric can have it too via ranger which is great benefit for caster-type of cleric, also i dont know your loot, im used to find items such as ring of animal friendship +12 (x2), gloves of (greater +6/epic +30) animal empathy which will do the trick even without too much rank in there and there is one spell druid has for this also think +8bonus

the main problem of animal emnpathy (from builders perspective) is that the DC is quite low, 15+HD and player can take 20 + skill + mod charisma as the HD usually matches players level (could be greater but then we, builders would have to use various scripts to balance the creature down as more HD can add extra attacks, saves, hps etc.)

also, mostly the player is using this outside of combat thus taking full 20, you know if you are currently not in combat and some hostile animal is reaching you, and you use animal empathy the roll is done earlier than the animal comes close enough to attack so its considered as out of combat

special bonuses for specialization: the bonus to caster level or DC can be easily done without nwnx, either by core function hooking or via my community patch new spell engine and CL/DC override feature, also even more slots would be easy to do via creature skin (but would be pain as these slots would be lost when polymorphed)

i made a function to determine whether is wizard necromancer without nwnx, yet this function isnt global, in order to make this function to determine correct specialization, no school must have shared opposite school, aka the function is able to determine wheter you can or cannot use the scroll of certain spell school - but its lost somewhere in these forums i guess


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 27 septembre 2012 - 11:25 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 12:52:18 am »

               is the test for whether a wizard is a necromancy specialist in your community patch?


Legacy_Bard Simpson

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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2012, 01:12:18 am »

               henesua, I really like what you're doing. I can't comment too much on most of the spell lists (having never really played a cleric, sorcerer, or wizard and having pretty much only played druid to take shifter), but I always appreciate a little more love for bards. I can say that your take on cleric domains is quite interesting; it brings back some PnP memories (I played games in the 1st edition and early 2nd edition, so I remember being enthralled when the concept of domains came along and opened many possibilities for DM customization).

The ranger changes would also be nice, the addition of Barkskin and Awaken being particularly so. I love strength-based rangers, but hate the AC with light armor (which I like for low armor check penalty and RP, as well as dual-wielding). I am curious about your Rogue's Cunning, though. Is it One With the Land or something similar? If it is OWtL, then adding it to bard is very nice and giving it to mages is quite interesting.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2012, 02:20:00 am »

               Thanks, Bard. Its always good to get comments.

Bard Simpson wrote...

I always appreciate a little more love for bards.

What changes are interesting to you here? The elimination of somatic components for some spells? Or any spell list changes in particular? If you are into playing bards, I'd like your perspective on whether you think some spells are innappropriate for bards or whether others would be more appropriate.

The ranger changes would also be nice, the addition of Barkskin and Awaken being particularly so. I love strength-based rangers, but hate the AC with light armor (which I like for low armor check penalty and RP, as well as dual-wielding). I am curious about your Rogue's Cunning, though. Is it One With the Land or something similar? If it is OWtL, then adding it to bard is very nice and giving it to mages is quite interesting.

One With the Land and Rogues Cunning are similar but not the same. See NWNWiki entry on Rogues Cunning.
I haven't put a whole lot of thought into rangers yet, but I think a nice additoin is my version of Pass Without Trace and Steady Stride. These spells enable a ranger to lead other party members more effectively through the wilderness. Steady Styride mitigates terrain effects, and Pass Without Trace helps prevent other PC rangers from tracking the party. I think that could make for good fun in multiplayer. It has not yet come into play in our sessions, but perhaps when I open up Arnheim to more players it will get a chance shine. What do you think? Would shielding other party members from a tracking feat (which enables other rangers to hunt you) and mitigating terrain which slows characters down (muck, brambles) be of interest?

Also... although you favor strength based rangers, I've given light armor some benefits. The range of dex benefits is much expanded. However while light armor also has some damage reduction properites, the heavier armors offer substatially more protection which should give fighters and paladins a little bit of a needed lift. Dex based rangers will like the increased ranger of dex. The improvements there can be seen in the Arnheim Weapon/Armor thread.


                     Modifié par henesua, 28 septembre 2012 - 01:20 .


Legacy_Bard Simpson

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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2012, 03:46:28 am »


henesua wrote...

What changes are interesting to you here? The elimination of somatic components for some spells? Or any spell list changes in particular? If you are into playing bards, I'd like your perspective on whether you think some spells are innappropriate for bards or whether others would be more appropriate.

Firstly, being able to cast cures while in armor would be very handy, so, yes, eliminating somatic components for cures is interesting to me. Among your list changes for bards, I particularly like Blast of the Iron Horn, Clairaudience (at L2 instead of L3), Scry, and Feeblemind. This is because of my general associations with bards (I first think of Celtic poet-mage types) and the in-game facets with which I most identify (sonic theme, enhancement/reduction of skills and abilities, and lore/information gathering). There are a few other spells that you might consider including for bards; the spell list changes for the EMS package added Deafening Clang, Great Thundeclap, Dominate Monster, and Mass Charm. While the latter two spells might seem too powerful to some, they certainly fit the theme.

I haven't put a whole lot of thought into rangers yet, but I think a nice additoin is my version of Pass Without Trace and Steady Stride. These spells enable a ranger to lead other party members more effectively through the wilderness. Steady Styride mitigates terrain effects, and Pass Without Trace helps prevent other PC rangers from tracking the party. I think that could make for good fun in multiplayer. It has not yet come into play in our sessions, but perhaps when I open up Arnheim to more players it will get a chance shine. What do you think? Would shielding other party members from a tracking feat (which enables other rangers to hunt you) and mitigating terrain which slows characters down (muck, brambles) be of interest?

Would they be of interest? Absolutely, yes! I love the concept, and believe you are creating a world where they would be of great practical value. My own thoughts on rangers are heavily influenced by the 1st edition rules, wherein the class had to be good-aligned and was rather a guide and protector; these spells fit that picture quite nicely. I enjoy using stealth, traps, and tracking with rangers, and think your changes would work well with those abilities, too. By the way, I believe I did a poor job of wording my feelings on strength and light armor. What with my RP views, I try to use light armor, even on strength rangers; this makes Barkskin a most welcome addition to the ranger spell list.


                     Modifié par Bard Simpson, 28 septembre 2012 - 02:48 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2012, 04:21:05 am »

               I think Dominate Monster is much too powerful for a bard, and I am not convinced that a bard's dominate ability should extend to monsters given that a bard's power derives from the culture they are part of. This means to me that their power should fade beyond the realm of people. Anyway, I do think that Mass Charm works as a 6th level bard spell and so I'll roll that one in.

FYI - claireaudience has been modified. It doesn't increase spot/listen. Instead it enables a bard to actually eavesdrop from a distance. You can eaves drop at a memorized location or cast the spell on a door to listen to what is on the other side. The bard is notified of creatures moving in and out of the area of effect, and of anything said that the bard might hear from the scry point. This still has some bugs, but I'll get it working soon.


                     Modifié par henesua, 28 septembre 2012 - 03:21 .