Author Topic: Dual-wielding Rogue  (Read 1886 times)


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Dual-wielding Rogue
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:59:36 pm »

               I'm TRYING to play the Original Campaign(more like this game) again. The problem I had the last time I played this game is that I can't decide which class to play and what build to use. I decided that I'll definitely play a rogue that can wield dual-wield, persuade, open locks, disable traps and all that good stuff. I'm thinking of going Rogue/Fighter 16/4. The problem is, I can't decide on a race and ability score distributions!
Here's my basic plan:

If Human:
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Wis 10, Int 12, Cha 10   OR
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Wis 8, Int 12, Cha 10
- +1 extra feat
- +4 skill points at level 1 and another skill point per level

If Elf:
Str 14/12, Dex 16, Con 14, Wis 8/10, Int 14, Cha 10   OR
Str 14/12, Dex 18, Con 12, Wis 8/10, Int 14, Cha 10
- +2 dex ability adjustment
- immunity to sleep
- +2 saving throws againt mind-affecting spells
- bonus proficiencies(if I ever decided to equip a bow for some odd reason)
- +2 to listen, search and spot
- keen sense

Skills: (6 leftover points)
Disable Trap 23
Discipline 22 (last fighter level at character level 19)
Listen 23
Open Lock 23
Persuade 23
Search 23
Spot 23
Tumble 20
UMD 20

Weapon Finesse
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Knockdown

I'm not taking any weapon focus/specialization or improved critical feats because I don't want to get married to certain weapon configurations. Although I prefer using rapiers/shortswords, I might change my mind and/or there was a better weapon currently available. I decided to forgo hide and move silently skills since they have little use to me based on my past experience.

To be honest, I prefer the elves over humans simply because they have many racial bonuses that are useful to rogues. The multiclass penalty is what bothers me since I heard XP you get from quests also gets reduced and that slows down your leveling and lower your possible level cap for the original campaign. These are just my speculations based on what I've read/heard so please Please PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong.


                     Modifié par SVKnight, 19 juillet 2012 - 07:02 .



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 08:32:03 pm »

               More of an optional suggestion: consider using some ranged feats to widen your Kill Zone, and if they close, you are still covered.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 09:43:18 pm »

               Sure you don't want to take some more points on Hide/Move silently? Unless you're planning to have a companion you would lose the chance of getting more sneak attacks on your opponents. Lock picks are quite common in the OC, you may drag sone points from "open lock". You're not wrong on points deduction. As elf you will be proficient in longbows and longswords apart with some other feats but as human you would get more XPs. I agree with you when you say you don't want to be bound on a fixed set of weapons. Points' distribution seems good in both ways. Let's play it and you will know what works better



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 04:34:43 am »


Elhanan wrote...

More of an optional suggestion: consider using some ranged feats to widen your Kill Zone, and if they close, you are still covered.

The enemy will probably close in on me before I can do much damage with a bow.

cds13 wrote...

Sure you don't want to take some more
points on Hide/Move silently? Unless you're planning to have a companion
you would lose the chance of getting more sneak attacks on your
opponents. Lock picks are quite common in the OC, you may drag sone
points from "open lock". You're not wrong on points deduction. As elf
you will be proficient in longbows and longswords apart with some other
feats but as human you would get more XPs. I agree with you when you say
you don't want to be bound on a fixed set of weapons. Points'
distribution seems good in both ways. Let's play it and you will know
what works better

I never really liked the Hide/Move Silently skills. They require full investment to be able to properly stealth undetected in my experience.


Legacy_Gregor Wyrmbane

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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2012, 04:58:54 am »

               I hope you realize you're not likely to make it to level 20 in the OC. In fact, you'll have to be diligent about gleaning all available xp just to make it to level 17. You might wanna rethink your build a bit.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2012, 05:03:14 am »


Gregor Wyrmbane wrote...

I hope you realize you're not likely to make it to level 20 in the OC. In fact, you'll have to be diligent about gleaning all available xp just to make it to level 17. You might wanna rethink your build a bit.

Yes but I'm thinking of continuing this character on to other modules.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2012, 05:26:31 am »


SVKnight wrote...

Elhanan wrote...

More of an optional suggestion: consider using some ranged feats to widen your Kill Zone, and if they close, you are still covered.

The enemy will probably close in on me before I can do much damage with a bow.

Perhaps, but if the enemy is an archer themselves, they now have the advantage and may force you to close to them, if that is even possible. I would recommend PB Shot, at least. But then, I am not much of an all eggs in one basket kinda Player.

Also, your Base ST at 20th are +11 REF/ +9 FORT/ +6 WILL before any adjustments, I believe. You may wish to consider shoring up the weak links with a Feat or two unless you are certain Immunity items are available.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2012, 09:28:16 am »

               Once I tried the "wizard/rogue elf" and seemed to work good since it added some hitting power to the plain elf wizard (constitution being the main issue here). Relying on evokers' magics when dealing with undead and on your suggested combo (rapier/short sword) when on living creatures seemed to me the best way to work it through. The nicer thing is the plenty of points you get when levelling as rogue. I'll tell you, maybe I find DEX 18 more suitable for your needs



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2012, 11:59:34 am »

               Some general notes for the OP:

First, if you are looking at DEX builds, which seems to be the case, it is well worth your while to have a bow and some decent ammo handy. Sure, there are many situations when it won't help, but there are many when it will and it is particularly valuable for a rogue character when you take on undead who are 1) immune from sneak damage and 2) often slow-moving, giving you plenty of chances to do some real damage before they close on you. And, of course, being able to disrupt spellcasters at a distance is a big plus. Then again, putting feats into a bow may not be feasible, and it isn't strictly necessary, particularly if you are trying to get your dual wield feats relatively quickly. Though, I would say point-blank shot is pretty nice it if you can spare a feat.

Second, I don't know if you are planning on playing the OC with any add-ons, but I highly recommend Tony K's henchmen AI override. (See jmlzemaggo's "Add-ons and Tips..." thread in the NWN1 General forum.) It makes the baddies more challenging, and thus more fun, and it makes your henchmen smarter, which is a huge improvement and saves a lot of frustration in the game.

Third, most of the NPCs in the OC have 0 or low skill levels in listen and spot, so points in hide and move silently can be very useful, particularly to a sneaker. There are also items that help out, but the skill points will give you a solid base and don't take up valuable equipment slots. Keep in mind that you are getting a DEX bonus to both of those for free, so it doesn't take all that much to get them to effective levels.

A note on character race: I like elf rogue builds, myself. But, since you are correct in noting that the XP penalty will impact your build by the end of the OC, there is a downside to elves for your build. You may also want to consider a dwarf for this build, which will suffer no XP penalty and won't have the potential dual wield issues with weapon choice that a halfling might. In addition, the dwarvish CON bonus means that you might be able to drop Toughness and still have the same HP (and +1 fortitude saves), leaving that feat open for PBS or (even better) Iron Will.

About the skills: You probably don't need 23 skill ranks in disable trap for the OC, unless you are determined to disable tough traps during combat. Yes, there are a couple DC 45 traps, but you can get them with items. If you are playing with Tony K's AI enhancement, then discipline is useful in the OC. Otherwise, my recollection is that very few monsters (maybe none?) attempt knockdown or disarm. As noted, lock picks (even +10 by chapter 3) are plentiful, so the open lock skill doesn't need to be maxed. Honestly, 10 ranks in it, along with the DEX bonus and a +10 pick, will open any lock in the OC (probably less with items). There are several items that substantially increase persuade and it's never needed during combat, so there's no problem swapping items to use it. My preference would be to pull some points from those skills and improve hide, move silently, and put at least 10 ranks into set trap (which, with items and your DEX bonus, will let you set all the traps in the OC).

Feats: I think you have three rogue bonus feats to take and one or two more fighter bonus feats not shown in your feat list. Also, I understand not wanting to be locked into only one weapon, but foregoing Weapon Specialization is really giving up one of the best fighter feats. And, it's doing so in a DEX build, who will already have difficulty when it comes to inflicting damage on opponents who are immune to sneaks. What's more, since you are going the dexing dual-wield route and will have a natural preference for both light and finessible weapons, your best choice for weapons is restricted, anyway. Give up Improved Critical as you like - you already have a way to do extra damage via sneaks to anyone who isn't crit-immune. But, you should seriously consider picking up the Focus and Specialization feats.

Anyway, I know that some of my suggestions aren't exactly along the lines you mentioned, but I hope this is helpful anyway. I quickly put together a sample build on the CBC and the summary is below. (Not optimized at all, but somewhat balanced and I think it goes essentially where you want to go.) I choose dwarf because I was interested in what that looked like, but you could go human and take the extra feat. And, of course, you might choose to keep charisma minimal and just put an extra couple skill points into persuade to make up the difference for that skill. That would leave more ability points available elsewhere, perhaps for wisdom to increase that Will save, which is a significant weakness in this build.

Rogue(16), Fighter(4), Dwarf

ABILITIES (at level 20)
STR: 14
DEX: 16 (21)
CON: 14
WIS: 10
INT: 14
CHA: 8

01: Rogue(1): Iron Will
02: Fighter(1): Weapon Finesse
03: Rogue(2): Ambidexterity
04: Rogue(3): DEX+1, (DEX=17)
05: Rogue(4)
06: Rogue(5): Two-Weapon Fighting
07: Fighter(2): Weapon Focus
08: Rogue(6): DEX+1, (DEX=18)
09: Rogue(7): Blind Fight
10: Rogue(8)
11: Rogue(9)
12: Fighter(3): DEX+1, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, (DEX=19)
13: Rogue(10): Slippery Mind
14: Rogue(11)
15: Rogue(12): Knockdown
16: Rogue(13): DEX+1, Improved Evasion, (DEX=20)
17: Rogue(14)
18: Rogue(15): Improved Knockdown
19: Fighter(4): Weapon Specialization
20: Rogue(16): DEX+1, Defensive Roll, (DEX=21)

Hitpoints: 176
Skillpoints: 206
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 11/8/16
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +2, Traps: +3, Poison: +2
BAB: 16
AB (max, naked): 22 (melee), 21 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 19/26

Disable Trap 11(15), Discipline 22(24), Hide 19(24), Listen 19(19), Move Silently 19(24), Open Lock 11(16), Persuade 4(3), Search 19(21), Set Trap 18(25), Spot 19(19), Tumble 21(26), UMD 22(21), remaining skillpoints 2


                     Modifié par MrZork, 20 juillet 2012 - 11:11 .



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2012, 12:05:11 pm »

               Or perhaps comsider Ranger instead of Fighter since you are planning on skipping the class only Feat; then favored Enemy will give you a little extra against Undead, or Giants, etc.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2012, 12:54:05 pm »

               Okay, so I decided to put at least 20 points to these skills:
Move silently

The rest will be split evenly between Open Locks, Disable Trap, & Persuade. That's probably 15 points each with 1 points to spare for a total of 206 skill points. Attainable through a human with 12 int or an elf with 14. I probably will be using a human though.

I also decided to get focus/specialization with rapiers mostly because they're my favorite weapon(aside from scythes) and finesse-able. I would like to know your opinions on the said changes.

@ MrZork Thanks for the extensive reply. I probably won't be using the dwarf race since I like to play as either a human, elf, or an half-elf.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2012, 03:12:20 pm »

                I used this build and it cruised through the OC (of course any vaguely competant build will do so), but it was a strength-based dual-wielding ftr/rogue/assassin.  Being strength based really helped in terms of carrying gear and extra damage early on when it matters.  There's some good discussion there about skills too.

you definitely don't want a multi-class XP penalty in a fixed XP module.  Not that being a level or two back with a good build run by a fully conscious player wouldn't be able to finish, but why limit yourself unless you need to.  



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2012, 04:45:19 pm »

               As I recall, while rapiers may be finessed, they may not be small weapons; thus the off-hand will have larger penalties. Many seem to like short swords instead for this reason, while I prefer handaxes for the extra crit multiplier and slashing effect (ie; Keen spell).. But then, I luv my Dwarves!

But as for XP, simply play what you want; everyone ends up getting max eventually as you still plan on continuing elsewhere... Elves included.


                     Modifié par Elhanan, 20 juillet 2012 - 03:47 .



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2012, 03:41:46 am »


Elhanan wrote...

As I recall, while rapiers may be finessed, they may not be small weapons; thus the off-hand will have larger penalties. Many seem to like short swords instead for this reason, while I prefer handaxes for the extra crit multiplier and slashing effect (ie; Keen spell).. But then, I luv my Dwarves!

But as for XP, simply play what you want; everyone ends up getting max eventually as you still plan on continuing elsewhere... Elves included.

I know that rapiers are medium weapons. As I said, raper/shortsword was my preferred configuration when dual-wielding. As for the XP thing: I really want the best rewards in all things I do in these kind of games. Whether it's killing monsters or finishing a quest, I always choose the option that gives me the maximum rewards even if it means going at the limit of the boundaries of playing as a "goody two-shoes" character which I always do.



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Dual-wielding Rogue
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2012, 11:27:56 am »


SVKnight wrote...

I know that rapiers are medium weapons. As I said, raper/shortsword was my preferred configuration when dual-wielding. As for the XP thing: I really want the best rewards in all things I do in these kind of games. Whether it's killing monsters or finishing a quest, I always choose the option that gives me the maximum rewards even if it means going at the limit of the boundaries of playing as a "goody two-shoes" character which I always do.

Then for max reward, choosing a finesse weapon that applies to both hands might be something worth considering....