If you are hosting a FULL PVP server it probably will, just like every other spell does...
However, I don't think spells should effect the caster, that's kind of ridiculous..
If spells effect casters, then their already low hit points will be all the more in jeopardy!
If it wasn't bad enough they have monsters bashing on them, trying to concentrate while casting, and surviving, you now have to worry about your own magic too?
I mean come on, that seems like a stiff penalty to levy against casters...
It's indicative to making fighters take X dmg every time they score a successful hit on a creature, becuase they have a chance of hitting themselves with their own sword... (pfft! ridiculous...)
(I'd bet you would hear some rage about that one, yes?)
You gotta just love how servers are quick to nerf magic & casters, yet they give out powerful weapons which slice casters to pieces... (Or worse give X monsters unresistable damage that will drop casters in seconds) The base system is just fine till you start figuring in uberness of things like devastating criticals, then you realize that casters really are not all that great in combat situations, unless of course they have powerful items to protect them from dropping like flies..
Just my 2 copper pieces...
P.S. And I so hope that this mentality is well noted by other builders...
Modifié par _Guile, 19 mai 2012 - 11:21 .