is just a URL.
Yes - the community has had a long history with its use, but given that there is absolutely no value in its current state (the site itself) - I would move to start a new project.
Would anyone be open to starting a new match making site with me?
I would be keen to develop one in .Net - its what I'm best at, I wouldn't mind having a team of people to work with :
I am happy to front the cash for hosting and purchase of a new domain - and the team will have full development access to the site.
This would be a good opportunity for anyone interested to learn .Net web development.
(I can be a good teacher when I want to be '> )
Alternatively - if the community opts for a PHP or Java site, I can also provide hosting for a Linux machines - which are cheaper and easier to deploy to.
(Recently I did a CI for a client system that uses Rake and Drush to deploy to drupal sites etc - sets maintenance mode, deploys, clear cache, ends maintenance mode etc)