Eriniel:wizard: continues to make great progress - even while not having a hard drive. Though, this week, the much needed hardware arrived (shipped in to her desert isle - really), in Cyprus.
Suffering with a cold, her spirits are much bouyed by the arrival of the needed hardware to get her computer running again. Up until now, for the last several months, she's been using a custom linux install on a usb 4gig flash drive - and not having access to any of her favorite tools. For those unaware, Cyprus recently (last year) blew up the islands main power generation facility, the power grid has been spotty ever since and Eriniel has been suffering with it ever since. At last, she has a working, formatted, and too-loaded hard drive in her system again, and is back up to speed once more. In spite of those handicaps, and as noted in the previous message... we took possession of the data on the last week in March and since have accomplished recovery of the databases and reformatting to a FOSS standard. We have established a new format for the web site (the code was ten years old and needed a little updating to work best with modern browsers and platforms), and propagated that new format to more than half the pages required in the NWC design.
Today, I am working on the '
Schedule Game' page and the '
Manage My Games' page, among others (the named ones being the ones Eriniel requested for her next task - which can be easilly deduced from the text given). We are past a half-way point on conversions and Eriniel has been hooking up the tech behind it all as we go. The basic design was kept, along with several design elements that will make the look familiar. All the underpinning tech will be new, built to run LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP is LAMP - essentially an all FOSS means to run a server online). Testing will continue as we establish the new pages and systems - we look forward to allowing a public beta test very soon.
Please be patient with the process. This is not some "out of the box" solution, but a custom coded work - built to be solid, reliable - and carry the NWC community forward another ten years... not to mention, to allow others to take the passed baton at a later date with FOSS ensuring a no-cost easy transition when the time comes. Though the job "fell in our laps" rather suddenly, and the result has been a brief lapse in service, I think the NWC community will enjoy the advantages the new build and new server will allow, again, very soon.
We will post a notice here soon when the public beta test can begin. Anyone interested in helping in tests before the public beta should contact me by private message on this forum - state your intent and give me an email address at which we can reach you - thanks in advance.
Be well. Game on!