There is no obfuscation here that is not caused by your lack of reading comprehension. Ask a grown-up to help you with the words you don't understand.
Wow - loving the arrogance
LOL, brilliiant. Now that you've carped on me for days, NOW you finally ask questions. Thimble full of lore and a bucket full of loud opinion. At this point I'm disinclined to share the whys and wherefores with you, you never wanted that information anyway, you came here intending to disparage me and you have.
Ok, fair enough, don't answer the 'whys and wherefores' of why NeverwinterConnections has laid in a dilapidated state for at least 2 years.
I know how this works - One day we have a brilliant idea to start a project, and it can be disparaging to be the only person contributing. I've been there, I've promised things to players and then lost enthusiasm. The reason why I was never burnt at the stake is because
1. It was something that players could live without
2. I kept the players or stakeholders apprised.
The unfortunate thing here is that you just happened to promise something that the community actually wanted, which was fundamental to the project as a whole: Its not like you promised them a nifty chat room to go on the existing site. You promised them a site... and instead they got a non-functional mess.
When one of my sites goes offline or experiences 404 errors or whatever, I actually feel a sense of urgency to fix it. Your priorities have obviously laid elsewhere however.
Thimble full of lore
Criticize my experience when your own creation isn't having a 404 errors on the css stylesheet. So far you have demonstrated nothing to suggest you possess the experience required to judge anyone.