AndarianTD wrote...
EDIT : A Kindle book! Very cool -- something to read on my new Xoom. Did you self-publish it, and if so was it difficult to arrange? I may be trying to go a similar route with Sanctum of the Archmage in the next couple of years, so I'd be very interested in knowing what was involved, if you're willing to elaborate. '>
I found all the documentation to be completely wrong, and had to figure it out by asking the help desk directly. I plan on writing up a quick webpage for my site detailing how I did it, since I found all the guides I'd use to be inadequate
amers1015 wrote...
Congrats Savant! I've started reading
it and it's excellent so far! I will be returning to it tonight after I
get the tiny lunatics, kids, in bed. '>
Lunatics, hehee, I love that. Glad you're enjoying it, I endevoured to make it a good read, even though a lot of fantasy sagas start off a bit slow. I made an effort to make it interesting and witty even when nothing much was happening. Also, chapter 19 onwards is where it goes into 'awesome mode', so keep an eye out
WebShaman wrote...
Savant1974, is your book part of a series, or a stand-alone work?
I'm already nearly done with writing chapter 2 of book 2, based on 'Defender of the crown'. I'll be making books out of all of them, though I think act 4 will become two books instead of three, as they were smaller mods.
Book 4/5 will go more into what happens to betray the protagonist, which I glossed over in a montage in act 4 pt 1. As for how I'm going to capture that same feel, well, I haven't fully planned that bit out yet (it's a couple of years away) but there won't be a death involved, for starters (raise dead is a gaming mechanic designed to let players keep playing, not appropriate for a novel) and heading into Fairloch, the main characters won't be covered in magic items, as it's not wartime (again, a difference between the game and the novel). So I guess they'll be pre-stripped of magic items
Finally, After book 5 is done and the saga ends, I'll be doing a second saga, the one I originally wanted to do in nwn2 as a new series of mods. I've started laying the groundwork for that already, so you'll eventually get to read what happens with Osric
Modifié par Savant1974, 14 août 2011 - 03:33 .