Might as well share my experiences here then.
And BTW, i usually (read 99.9% of the time) play the good guy in my RPGs, i recently tried the bad guy approach on Fable 3 and the game was seriously not designed properly for an EVIL character, but anyways...
I picked up BG2 back in early 2004, it was my first game of it's kind and i had little idea what the hell i was doing, so most of the time i just ordered all my dudes and dudettes to mass attack enemies...i guess that worked for the most part, but i eventually encountered a certain Umber Hulk on which aforementioned tactic didn't work, so i eventually got bored and moved on.
After that came NWN in late 2004/early 2005 which i highly enjoyed. I never finished the OCs (i'm working on fixing that right now) but nevertheless i spent a crapload of time on it on and off. I played a couple of modules, spent countless hours on various PWs, gradually learned how to use the toolset and how to semi-understand scripts and finally landed a position as a Builder and DM on a friend's PW. I made many friends, some of which i still regularly talk to with today and some enemies, honestly speaking NWN holds some of the best gaming-related memories i have.
Then came NWN2 in late 06, a couple months before i got myself a new PC, for among other things, NWN2. At first i was terribly disappointed at the overall "bleh" experience, even the toolset was modified to be beyond my current capabilities (i can't design any "outdoor" areas to save my own life) so i quickly ditched NWN2 and moved on to other things. However, in 2009 i picked up both expansions for NWN2 and dived back in, by then i upgraded the graphics card on my PC and got the game to run respectively well on my PC and was able to comfortably complete the OC and i think it's a great game nowadays, not "NWN great", but great in it's own unique way. However, i'am diappointed by the lack of half-decent PWs (at least since i last looked)...but then nowadays i also prefer modules over PWs, so maybe it's not that bad of a thing.
Earlier this year i saw BG on and picked it up, despite never finishing BG2, i had good memories about it and i had liked it a lot, so i figured BG would be an instant like...not. I was immediately put off by having to micromanage (which i HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE and yes.....HATE SOME MORE!!!) my 6 member party. I also found it to be not as linear as i would have liked, by chapter 3 i had rage quit the game with absolutely no intention whatsoever to play it again. A couple months ago i talked about the experience i had had with the game with my friend and his like "really?" and then his like "we need to play BG2 then so i can show you how fun the BG games can be", i'm like "sure, whatever" because i had NOT liked BG and i seriously DOUBTED i would enjoy BG or BG2 playing it with someone else...i always saw the BG games as single player games, like i usually do most RPGs outside of Action/RPGs like Diablo. Then about a month ago, we land back on the subject of BG and he suggests we play BG2 because at the time we were looking for a new game to play together after an incident on my laptop wiped all the save game i had for the game we were playing on Sacred, so i reluctantly agree on the condition that we play BG first because i already had it and if i was going to play BG2, i wanted to play and complete BG first.
Approximately two and a half weeks ago we began playing BG, i rolled a Ranger and my friend a Fighter, about 4hrs in my friend was not content with his character, so we start over, this time i roll a Mage and my friend rolls a Paladin, i also roll a Cleric to help out with healing. We take Imoen and later Khalid and Jaheira with us. After a while, i realize i'm actually enjoying the game a lot and yes, my opinion of the game changed drastically. We finished the game yesterday and plan to begin working on BG2 as soon as today, we had many great moments throughout BG, exchanging ideas for defeating impossible odds, debating the answer to a riddle or simply laughing at the absurdity of things (seriously...a mage casting lightning bolt which goes on to ricochet around the small room, decimating 75% of the enemies, including the very caster herself and leaving my friend with just 1HP...thats priceless
'> ). I can only hope that BG2 holds as many great moments as BG did and my personal suggestion for those that did not enjoy the BG games on their own, grab a friend or even someone you know online or whatever thats willing to play with you, once the burden of micromanaging a 6 person party is divided between 2 people (or even more if you are so inclined) the experience only gets better. Just make sure that whoever you get to tag along with you for the ride is a good playing and not just someone who randomly runs around like a headless chicken.