Author Topic: - NWN Community Site!  (Read 5125 times)


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« Reply #60 on: August 02, 2011, 09:54:42 am »

               It feels like a lot of links get reppeated under each section.

I think the old homepage has like a page for links.

Then the "Get NWN" cathegory is probably not that link is already under "Home".



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« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2011, 02:25:46 pm »

               Also the page should have as few links as possible.

Even if I love the section about how to play online (under players) there is a specific link to the forum section about multiplayer and PW's.

Perhaps a better way is perhaps to condense all links to one place...and hence only give one link to this forum....(instead of giving a link to each section in this forum).

Keep up the good work...and hope my suggestions are helpful.


Legacy_Jenna WSI

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« Reply #62 on: August 11, 2011, 03:42:47 am »

               I haven't read over this entire thread but, in response to Birdman's design... sorry to say I highly advise against it. We didn't pay the web designer(s) to use it again, nor the graphic designers. That site design is material that we don't have any rights to, imo.


                     Modifié par Jenna WSI, 11 août 2011 - 02:47 .



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« Reply #63 on: August 12, 2011, 07:43:46 am »

               I have a copy of the NWN fansite kit somewhere on my computer if you want to make use of it. It's no longer available online, but well, I saved it a looong time ago. (like 2004) and I still have it.



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« Reply #64 on: August 12, 2011, 08:41:43 pm »

               Btw, the website is missing link to download dedicated servers.



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« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2011, 12:52:05 am »

               Can I get a link to HR DM tool under under dungeon master, just a suggestion and a alternative. Thanks and great site.


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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« Reply #66 on: August 14, 2011, 06:46:35 am »

               Thanks for the suggestions, folks.

For the dedicated servers and HR DM tool (I'm not sure what that is), would you mind posting the links/urls in this thread?  Thanks.  Oh, and if others have things they think should be have links added for, be sure to post the links/urls here, otherwise it might not get added if I have to go searching for it.

Still looking for screenshots. Nobody has sent any in yet, and I'm pretty sure not everyone would be thrilled if they were all from my own PW.  If you do send one or more in, please include source information that could be handy in captioning (module/PW it's taken from, what visual enhancements were used..overrides/haks that improve the game, your name/handle for credit, etc.).



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« Reply #67 on: August 15, 2011, 09:41:30 am »

               I sent in a LOT of screenies now.

Only problem is that most of them lack the HUD. Although I think it makes them look better when lacking the HUD a "real" screenshot should probably have it.

Also I think a fair amount of the screenshots should be of the original game (without HAK's). Don't frown on the original game. Some of my screenshots are from there and they are not ugly...even though some of the HAK'ed ones look even better...

The GOG site has some screenshots but they are very low resolution. Perhaps you can find some somehow...what about the ol' fansite kit? Was there screenshots in there?



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« Reply #68 on: August 15, 2011, 10:17:27 pm »

               Here the link to HR dm tool



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« Reply #69 on: August 24, 2011, 09:39:12 pm »

               AD...what happend? ...real life?

Sorry, don't mean to stress....just checking if you're here :-P

Edit: Comment...the link to CTP in the Players section should maybe be changed to the NWVault link page instead?


                     Modifié par SuperFly_2000, 24 août 2011 - 08:45 .


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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« Reply #70 on: August 24, 2011, 11:25:59 pm »


SuperFly_2000 wrote...

AD...what happend? ...real life?

Sorry, don't mean to stress....just checking if you're here :-P

Edit: Comment...the link to CTP in the Players section should maybe be changed to the NWVault link page instead?

Actually, I think CTP would prefer that the link stay as it is.  We do have active forums, complete with direct links to the vault downloads as well as Custom Content forums for folks wishing to learn how to do many things with tiles, placeables etc...

As I am sure Project Q would also prefer the links continue to point to their forums.


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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« Reply #71 on: August 25, 2011, 12:48:47 am »


SuperFly_2000 wrote...

AD...what happend? ...real life?

Sorry, don't mean to stress....just checking if you're here :-P

Edit: Comment...the link to CTP in the Players section should maybe be changed to the NWVault link page instead?

I'm still around.

Yes, real life happens. '<img'>  I've got four little kids I'm raising, trying to find and buy a bigger house, and I'm working on a ton of stuff for my PW, the monthly CCC, and  Oh, and trying not to get burned out on NWN in the process.

I am slowly building up more information for the site...right now I'm converting a series of forum entries from the CCP forum (on creature animation) into a single page tutorial (with the author's permission).  Also looking into the wayback machine site for information from the old site.

If y'all want to post your screenshots (either here or sent to with full credit'd be very helpful.  Credit info requested for each picture: module/PW is was taken from, any known visual overrides used in the screenshot (tileset, gui, etc.), your community name, any other pertinent info.

SuperFly_2000 did send some screenshots in, but the individual images don't have credit information to go with them.

I am still looking at suggestions as they come in, as well.  If you find something you think needs to be included, please post a link to it.  Or, if there's an article/tutorial that would fit nicely, drop a link or write it up in plain text and send it in for inclusion (like I'm doing with the animation tutorial).

As far as the link to CTP, I find their forum to be much more informative than a single Vault entry.  Their forum have links to the files, plus lots of other information.  Same for Project Q.


                     Modifié par The Amethyst Dragon, 24 août 2011 - 11:50 .



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« Reply #72 on: August 25, 2011, 09:08:09 am »


The Amethyst Dragon wrote...
SuperFly_2000 did send some screenshots in, but the individual images don't have credit information to go with them.

This is not completely true. My first e-mail clearly show which PW every screenshot is taken from.

My second e-mail however is harder to make out even if most PW's have been mentioned.

Besides...lets not go over the top on the credits part. Most of the screenshots contain mostly default NWN game resources...and even ones that contain HAK content is usually based on the original content or even in turn based on some other peoples work. Let us not forget that most of the credit should go to Bioware still... bone out my second e-mail, here it is:
163118, 181636, 192245, 192800 - Cormanthor
215627, 211719 - Arbor Falls
201711, 203209, 113221 - Sigil: Planar Legends

Screenshots in my second e-mail not mentioned in the list are from various PW's (Shores of Winter, Ages of Nordock, Dragon Myrth and Pool of Radiance) and and do not contain HAK resources at all.

Anyway #2, I don't think you sholud freeze just because some images lack credits. Just choose the best screenshots and put them there.

We all know who the CC artists are and most of us can even directly by just looking at the screenshot tell if its LoW, Maxam, Six, CEP, Project Q or whatever...


                     Modifié par SuperFly_2000, 25 août 2011 - 08:19 .


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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« Reply #73 on: August 25, 2011, 09:19:36 am »

               Thanks for the clarified info on the screenshots, SuperFly_2000.  I'll get them added to the site tomorrow sometime.



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« Reply #74 on: August 25, 2011, 10:04:13 am »

               Would it be possibly to add a link to my X-Fire guild page under "Players" and under the part about multiplayer and links for that (or Community Sites).

Although it does not cover ALL PW's (and it is a bit on the RP side) it covers many new and small ones that are good enough to require more attention. Also it is a way for players to search for servers, chat with each other...or whatever.

Other suggestions:

- Link to the newly formed NWN Facebook group.

- About multiplayer servers you link to the list on NWVault. Although it is a fairly good list most of the servers mentioned there are not up or the information is not current. This can be although I think you can still have the link you should write that much of the information there is old.

You link to the MP/PW section in theese forums which is good. You should also mention that there is a community kept PW list there....

- "Players" and "Get NWN" headers are in bold text and probably shouldn't. Looks like they are selected or something. Perhaps the selected header SHOULD be in bold or something...(anyway...yeye...I know you're still working on the just saying...).


                     Modifié par SuperFly_2000, 25 août 2011 - 11:41 .