Yeah. TSM Dude makes a valid point, Superfly. I like the X fire platform, although it does bring an occasional munchkin prowling into one of my "elitist rp" hangouts and that always pisses me off.
I don't suppose you remember the X-Fire Snafu we had when one of your munchkin buddies followed you into a DM tutorial Skunkeen and I were running? We were trying to teach newbies some tricks of the DM trade and some idiot named ragdollknight popped in and started spawning in monsters to eat the NPCs and penguining everybody.
It got so bad we had to restart the server and ban his CD key.
I generally keep X-Fire turned off during real RP sessions. But I agree it's a great matchmaking tool.
If you really want to get the MP community involved you're going to have to at least agree to disagree with those of us in the the hardcore RP crowd. A part of that means creating a culture of respect for "cultural" differences between servers and discouraging boorish behavior when visiting new servers until the "house rules" can be established.
Shamen, I understand your bitterness. I REALLY do. I was also quite antagonistic when NWN2 came out. I felt betrayed that the MP client was so buggy. I was angry that so little was done to improve gameplay. I hated that it was so hard to attach animations to models. And I said so. Forcefully. Every chance I got. I even got banned from the old forums for "Atari Bashing" during the whole MoW debacle...
Boy... did I call that or what?
But you know what?
NWN2 isn't so bad. Most of us play both. We share the same websites. We share the same forums. Our primary matchmaking site, NWC, caters to both versions. The toolsets are similar, and the scripting languages are almost identical. The rules are basically identical. Both games are becoming retro and suffering from a shrinking player base.
At least at NWC we're actively trying to create a culture of cooperation. A single community of like minded gamers. I may prefer mustangs and you may prefer explorers, but what's important is that we both love Fords.
Nobody is suggesting that NWN users should switch to NWN2, at least I'm not. My personal preferance is still NWN, but I reserve the right to join an NWN2 game if a particulary good DM is running one I'm interested in, or build an NWN2 module if I find myself with time on my hands.
I'm just suggesting that we let go of all the bitterness and angst and celebrate what we have in common rather than dwell on our differences. The entire community will last longer that way.
We're much stronger together than we are apart.
Modifié par UrkOfGreyhawk, 31 mai 2011 - 08:13 .