Yes, I remember it. Picked it up after reading the game had a toolset, and was easy to get into (because I had no D&D experience at all) Installed it and it never was removed from my PC again.
Also remember the old Main menu music, loved that one:
Clicking Multiplayer, found out the whole business with Haks, but coming from the Half Life modding scene (Day of defeat in it's beta period) that was no problem. A world of Rp and RPG gaming opened up to me, as the only thing I played before was predomanantly RTS games and Shooters. Some Diabolo2, but not much.
Someone in a Persistent world guided me through my first steps in the toolset, and that was the moment I knew i'd be with this game for a very, very long time.
The game and it's rules was a bit overwhelming at first, but liked that. Even back then, there werent so many games out there that went so deep, with so many different options on area design, character concepts and the like.
Best RPG game ever.
I so wished something like this would come from Bioware again.
Modifié par Ticladesign, 13 avril 2011 - 08:15 .