Author Topic: Blackguard Build Help..  (Read 504 times)


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Blackguard Build Help..
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:27:45 am »

                Only new at these forums, so excuse any ignorance. 
I play a bit on a PW server, capped at level 30 and has a few changes to classes, races, and feats. 
I'm looking for a BG smite build to hit sweet revenge on some pallys...
I'll write my idea below, but if anyone has changes/improvements, or even a better build i'd love to hear.

Note with this build: CoT is allowed for evil characters. It acts more like a Champion of (Insert Deity). Handy for the extra feats for Great Smite. Any new class must take the first three levels consecutively before multiclassing. 

Starting starts
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 10
Wis 10
CHA 19 (Normally it would be 18, but the server allows +1 CHA for a subclass).

Finished Build is 
9 Bard
11 BG
10 COT

Level Progression:

1   Bard            Power Attack, Cleave
2   Bard         

3   Bard           Toughness
4   Bard                                                     +1 CHA
5   Bard 
6   Bard            KD
7   Bard         
8   Bard                                                     +1CHA                     Skill Dump Disc, Tumble, Taunt, Spellcraft, and 5 Hide   
9   BG               Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
10 BG
11 BG  
12 COT             Extra Smite                    +1 CHA
13 COT             Imp Crit (Warhammer)
14 COT     
15 BG                Divine Might
16 BG                                                        +1 CHA
17 BG
18 BG                Divine Shield
19 BG
20 BG                                                          +1 CHA
21 COT             Great CHA 1, Epic WF (Warhammer)               (CHA hits 25)
22 COT
23 COT             Great Smite I
24 COT             Great Smite II                 +1 CHA
25 COT             Great Smite III
26 COT
27 COT             Great Smite IV, V
28 Bard                                          +1 CHA          Skill Dump Disc(15), Tumble (20), Taunt(15), Spellcraft (20), UMD(10)
29 BG
30 BG                 Great Smite VI

Finishing Stats
Resting with +3 Full Plate, +3 Warhammer, +3 Tower Shield, +8CHA, +6 Str (Approximately the stats on equipment)

AC 39
AB 35
HP 300ish
Fort 36
Reflex 37
Will 35

With the following Bard Buffs and other tricks: Haste, Mage Armour, Bullstrength, Eagles Splendor, Divine Might, Divine Shield, Bard Song, Divine Wraith.

57 AC
41 AB
Fort 42
Reflex 44
Will 40   (Saves not including Spellcraft ranks)

I think thats all the info I have... The problem I'm dreading is the AB, which I believe may be unfixable. The goal is to maximise his Smites and Damage... The cool thing about allowing CoT and BG together, is I can smite both good and evil for roughly the same damage.

I'd love to hear feedback, or any questions!



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Blackguard Build Help..
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 06:25:15 pm »

               What specifically is the server name?  Or better yet... website. That may help canvas other members of the community that are familiar with all the nuances of it.  Anyhoo...

What is your starting Int?

I loathe PvP builds but must question why not leaving Dex and Wis at 8 and bump Str for another 1BAB (unless the choice has something to do with the hakked subclass?) 

I would prefer Called Shot: Arm over KD (without IKD, that is) because the -2AB is cumulative and lasts 4 rounds instead of 1.  If you are seriously concerned about your AB, KD attempts (especially against high-Discipline types) will be only occasionally effective.  At least with a landed Called Shot the attack reduction will persist longer.  With IKD, I would reassess the decision, however.

Since you are relying on smiting to do the main damage, why pick such a low crit range weapon (i.e. not scimi or ls)? Coolness?  Bluntness?  Just curious.

Essentially, you are trading damage for hitting power.  As long as you make contact, you will do nice damage, otherwise you will be swinging in the air.  Taunting is one solution unless the foe has half a brain and maxes Conc. Then you just waste a round when you miss the check.

Not sure how the high saves factor into PvP.  You'd need to explain that to me.  Or were you expecting to encounter clerics or arcanists?

Is DevCrit available on this server?

Without the specifics of the server you are playing it is futile trying to refine your build as much as I enjoy a foreign challenge.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 17 mars 2011 - 06:29 .



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Blackguard Build Help..
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 10:59:31 pm »

               Thanks for the post... The server is an RP server called Arelith, some people may be familiar with it. It has a bunch of changes to spells, feats, classes and all the rest.

My starting int, would also be 10. After last nights post I had already considered dropping the dex and wis for str, so I guess that will be change #1.
I've never really considered Called Shot vs Knockdown, but that would be an interesting idea to think about.

Next thing I didn't really look at was the weapon. The server offers two types of top line weapons. The first being +3 AB and +6 physical damage. The second being +3 Enchancement and Keen. Each can then have a +4 elemental damage put on. If I were to use a scimmy I could get a nice crit threat range, and still some okay regularly damage. Change #2 I think XD

The high saves are nearly a must. The server is packed with casters focused on bigbys, hold spells, and an overpowered Evards which meets around a 46 DC fort save. There are also cleric imploders like they are going out of fashion.  Only being newish to building, I saw the high saves as a must. Could be wrong though.

Dev Crit is disable, unfortunately.

Hopefully this helps for future replies. I don't even mind if you have a completely better idea for a BG smiter, this is just what I came up with.



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Blackguard Build Help..
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2011, 01:09:53 am »


TurningJim wrote...
The high saves are nearly a must. The server is packed with casters focused on bigbys, hold spells, and an overpowered Evards which meets around a 46 DC fort save. There are also cleric imploders like they are going out of fashion.  Only being newish to building, I saw the high saves as a must. Could be wrong though.

Ahhh... so this is not REALLY a build specifically to smite pallies after all ["I'm looking for a BG smite build to hit sweet revenge on some pallys..."] but rather an all-purpose build.  Got it now.

This is like learning a different game which I have no expertise, but I may touch upon something useful by sheer accident.

First... is this really a "subclass" or a "subrace"?  I found no info about subclasses on the the Arelith website or wiki.

Also, are you quite sure that evil CoT will be available for you? From what I've read the chances are very slim that this can be accommodated.  Just checking. It reads as though you will need to sacrifice your first born infant in order to build one.

I am guessing you are trying to play a drow?  If so, I am estimating a starting ability spread as:
Str 8 ---> 16 (cost = 10)
Dex 10
Con 6 ---> 10 (cost = 4)
Wis 8
Int 10
Cha 10 ---> 20 (cost = 16)

This means you have the Cha 25 prereq by level 20 and can begin taking Great Smites at 21 and thereby get up to great Smite VII at level 30. In both cases, final base Cha will be 27, a rather odd ending value especially if there is gear that you will be able to reach the cap +12.  ... which brings up another point....

Unless I am translating the level-up restrictions incorrectly, you aren't allowed to bounce back and forth with class selections except in minimum of 3 levels.  Correct?  If so, how will you insert the last two BG levels after only one level of bard?

Like I intimated, these custom servers are like learning the game all over again so I rely on your experience to interpret the redesigned rules.

I would try to equip some +SR gear and/or collect Spell Mantle scrolls as well, if there are that many casters around.  As far as saves go, I plan on rolling 9's to decide how much is enough.  If I am unlucky (less than 9), well, I deserve to suffer for being such a natural born loser.  So with the numbers you furnished above, your actual in-game base saves against spells would estimate at:
Fort 36 + 4  + 9 = 49
Reflex 37 + 4 + 9 = 50
Will 35 + 4 + + 9 = 48
(Against traps, 4 points lower.)

These are guaranteed with average rolls and no enhancements or buffs.  At some point, uber saves become overkill because they still can't protect you against a series of 1 rolls. (IMHO, of course.)

edit:  BTW, in your posted build, if you were planning on using bard song, you will need to allocate the following skill points to Perform: @Lvl2 - 2, @Lvl3 - 3, @Lvl6 - 2, @Lvl8 - 3 assuming you only have the Cha enhancement to boost it to the required levels.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 19 mars 2011 - 05:33 .