Author Topic: What next. Suggestions please  (Read 1270 times)

Legacy_Shia Luck

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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2010, 12:24:43 am »


Chiefsonny wrote...
I have NWN 2 and MotB expansion pack unopened sitting on my desk. Also my wife brought me DragonAge Origins for my birthday (this Sat) so I have it staring at me to. Was trying to decided which one to play first after I finish up with the NWN expansions.

Happy Birthday '<img'>

Despite DA being a great game, I'd try a few of the wonderful nwn community modules before trying it. (Tho different controls makes it a small hell to switch between the two... YMMV.)

Chiefsonny wrote...
By the way, I used Dove soap. Had a better taste. '<img'>

Dove is silk ':wub:'

Trentoster wrote...

HotU was when we finally got our heads together on how to make good NWN content. I still feel guilty about the original NWN campaign. We had some good ideas, we just didn't finish the technology in time to really do a good job on them.

Nothing is perfect, and this way it worked. If you hadn't finished the technology and brought out a better story in a totally unplayable game then... we all wouldn't love you quite so much. ':wub:'


Legacy_NWN DM

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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2010, 02:26:47 am »


Chiefsonny wrote...

Just finished NWN OC.
I have the Diamond Edition which includes as you know
Shadows of Undrentide
Hordes of the Underdark
Witches Wake.
Is there any order I should play these in?
Are they all worth playing?
In the Diamond Edition are they all patched to the latest patch?
Can I bring my Fighter from the OC over to these addons?
Thanks in advance'Posted

PS Looking forward to playing NWN 2, heard some where it was a little better than 1.

a) Get yourself into MP.  That's where the game shines.

'B)' Make up your own mind about NWN2.  The bashing here is well ingrained and you are unlikely to get a fair representation (my opinion obviously).



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2010, 09:56:12 am »

                I also believe the true NWN lives online. That's why I never went there. ':crying:'      ':?'



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2010, 08:52:10 pm »


Chiefsonny wrote...

Just finished NWN OC.
I have the Diamond Edition which includes as you know
Shadows of Undrentide
Hordes of the Underdark
Witches Wake.
Is there any order I should play these in?
Are they all worth playing?
In the Diamond Edition are they all patched to the latest patch?
Can I bring my Fighter from the OC over to these addons?
Thanks in advance'Posted

PS Looking forward to playing NWN 2, heard some where it was a little better than 1.

I definitely recommend you play through SotU (Shadows....) and HotU (Hordes...), at least for the experience.  They are good stories, and they also make references to the OC which you might appreciate.

After that, I highly recommend you download and install the latest CEP version to open yourself up to world of quality custom content.

I also HIGHLY recommend you play through the Aielund Saga.  The author weaves a great story, plus he gives just about every class a chance to shine.  classes that are perhaps weaker in the OC get the benefit of special quests and items (e.g. monks, rangers, druids, bards).  BTW, I know that page says it requires CEP v2.1, but I found 2.2 to work fine, so 2.3 probably does, too.

I wouldn't even bother with NWN2.  I haven't tried it myself, and have no desire to since NWN1 keeps me happy.  '<img'>



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2010, 09:51:56 pm »

               Count me with the people who liked the NWN OC even better than the expansions ! But I definitely recommend playing the expansions before trying custom content.

Don't bother with NWN2, it's crap. Maybe the story is good, but the game is slow and buggy and you must fight the game user interface (especially the camera) to play. I bought NWN2 and couldn't play more than an hour because of that.


                     Modifié par FlowerGolem, 02 décembre 2010 - 09:53 .


Legacy_Talia Kirana

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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2010, 05:51:16 am »

               I liked the OC too. Had a ton of fun with it.


Legacy_NWN DM

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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2010, 02:41:12 pm »


FlowerGolem wrote...

Don't bother with NWN2, it's crap. ... but the game is slow and buggy and you must fight the game user interface (especially the camera) to play. I bought NWN2 and couldn't play more than an hour because of that.

Yeah, unpatched and back in 2006, this was accurate.

In December 2010, it isn't the case.



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2010, 04:21:49 pm »

               I tried few months ago, with the last patch for NWN2, v1.23 with hotfix. Still horrible to my opinion.


Legacy_NWN DM

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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2010, 08:40:52 pm »

               Are you aware that the controls can toggle between the three camera modes by using the '*' key on your numeric keypad?

Or that you can manually change what the camera modes react to, and make it just like the NWN camera mode?


                     Modifié par NWN DM, 03 décembre 2010 - 08:41 .



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2010, 08:10:45 am »


Xenovant wrote...

I didn't know that kingmaker and shadowguard are unfinished, the truth is that I have only played them a little because I didn't like the story '<img'>   I have played all the premium mods but I have finished only 3: witch's wake, pirates of the sword coast and wyvern's crown of cormyr (a shame that the story of wyverns is unfinished too)

of the premium modules, i've only played witches wake, kingmaker, and shadowguard.  honestly i didn't care much for Kingmaker, witches wake...was in my opinion little better.   Kingmaker ends with you being crowned after you kill your "brother", the masked man.
   Shadowguard had started a good story, it just stops at, what i guess what would be considered the climax.  Basically the crimson prophet orders his minions to kill everyone in the city(after killing your father), and you and the shadowguard recruiters fight your way back to the ship where the module ends with you and the others boarding the ship.  there is no formal induction into the shadowguard or anything it just stops.  all three were packaged with NWN diamond edition. 
  For the love of all that is unholy,  they shouldn't be allowed to slap togather 3 short quests and call it a complete premium module. ':pinched:'  especially when it's abundantly clear it's no where near finished.   I mean come on... i shelled out a second $30 partly, because i wanted a backup copy of the game along with those 3 mods in the expansion.  basically...i felt a little cheated.'<img'>

did they at least make it stable, or clean up the graphics? that alone would have been an improvement.  hated having to reload the game 8 times just so i could get menus i could read <><>


                     Modifié par Muric, 04 décembre 2010 - 08:16 .



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2010, 10:15:40 am »

               oh.. and incidentally i do have a few recommendations for modules you should try after you are done with SoU and HotU expansions Chiefsonny.  all of these are in the vault.

1. the Twilight Series - it's a paladin mod, has absolutely the best hench(wo)men and hench(wo)men AI i've seen in a mod so far. unfortunately the author has opted to not make the 3rd installment "Dawn" and the group that has taken over it's construction seem to no longer be working on it as well.  there hasn't been an update on progress for years.
hmm..getting the urge to redownload it...
biggest thing.. you MUST play as either a paladin or a cleric, as you absolutely must have the turn undead ability, and be level 1.  also you mustn't love ranged weapons as much as i do, for their use is strictly forbidden in your order ':whistle:'  Even if you dispise paladins like i'll love this.

2. Hex Coda (series) - kind of a sci-fish type mod, but very good, just don't expect to gain many levels. unfortunately part 2 is only half-finished.

3. A Dance With Rogues part 1 and 2. - what can I say... Valine does great work.  Under all that adult content lies a great story-line, you just have to have to keep an open mind.  Very few mods in my opinion are so well written, sure it has a couple bugs, but over all it's well worth playing.

4. Aribeth's Revival(2 part series) and Aribeth's Redemtion(3 part series) - two sets of modules that revolve around the nerfed aribeth romance at the end of the OC.  both are good quality mods.  they kinda go different ways, but are well written.

5. The Shadow Queen - it was a contest entry meant to bridge the gap between the SoU and HotU expansions
it's safe to say those first 3 mods have ruined all others for me . . . and im not sad about it 'B)'



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2010, 01:35:19 pm »

               There are many threads about that "modules list".There is one in my signature, Prophet, by Baldecarn, which is there alone for some of the very best reasons I suppose.I'm currently replaying Sanctum of the Archmage, by Andarian which is such a flying and creative module.



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2010, 02:03:43 pm »

               Sounds like that package doesn't include the best ones.

I've played them all.  Pirates of the Sword coast being my favorite followed by Wyvern Crown.  Ironically, probably the best of all of them "Darkness over Daggorford" wasn't released as a premium mod at all as Atari, in it's infinite wisdom, chose to cancel that particular mod.

Of the mods in question I liked Witches Wake best as it was made Rob Bartel and had some excellent writing.

My hope is that one day they will release a version of NWN patched to 1.69 and including all the premium mods.



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2010, 11:46:11 am »

               About NWN2 : yes it seems to be stable (but there are reports of white screens with some new video cards, unresolved at this time). I just couldn't get used to the camera modes in NWN2, they are not like NWN1. Besides, the new minimap on the top left does not help to avoid get lost, and I really got lost in the first dungeon, something that never happened to me in NWN1. Finally, unlike NWN1, there is no single critical rebuild patch you can download in advance to patch your game to the last version, you have to use the auto-updater and download every patch that came out of the sun to patch your game to the last version.



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What next. Suggestions please
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2010, 11:25:35 pm »

               IMO, NWN1 and NWN2 are both great games. I'd go into detail about what I like about NWN2, but I think it's a little off-topic for this forum.

As for the thread topic, I think NWN2 is a good place to go if and when you get tired of NWN1. The NWN2 OC and expansions are quite engaging, there is really good voice acting and cutscene work, the henchies come to life, and patching and installing Tony K's AI takes care of most of the complaints I've seen from folks who never stuck with it enough to do the learning curve.

And then, after getting done with NWN2, which has a relatively small amount of custom content available, the NWN1 custom, user-made content is practically infininte, or at least close to it, in the sense that unless you play as a full-time job for years, you're never going to exhaust it.

Use the NWN Vault! If you don't, you don't know what you're missing!