Author Topic: Reiner Magier / Pure Mage  (Read 386 times)


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Reiner Magier / Pure Mage
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:04:51 pm »


ich habe mal wieder Never Winter Nights 1 ausgebuddelt und wollte mal mich mal mit einem Magier versuchen.
Meine Startattribute wären wohl:

Stärke: 10

Geschick: 14 (Hab eigentlich nicht vor Bögen oder Armtitten zu nutzen, sonst wärs 16)

Konstitution: 16 Damit man ein wenig durchhält

Intelligenz: 16 oder vll doch 18?

Weisheit: 10

Charisma: 10

Wäre das ok so ?
Danach alle neuen Punkte absolut nur in INT ?
Habe auch beide Addons, daher will ich natürlich auch in den Epischen rein und das pure Magie.

Welche Zauber sollte ich definitiv und unumgänglich lernen ?
Welche sollte ich tunlichst vermeiden ?

Allgemeine Vorschläge ?



since I just dug out my old NWN1 Gold I wanted to restart the game and try a pure mage.
My starting attributes will be about those:

STR: 10
DEX: 14 (don't think about using Bows or Crossbows, except for those immunes)

CON: 16 so I can survive a bot

INT: 16 or should I directly go 18?

WIS: 10

CHA: 10

Would that be okay ?
All points coming only INT? Even after Level 20 ?

What spells should I definitly learn and which should I leave away ?



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Reiner Magier / Pure Mage
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2010, 12:50:54 am »

               Ok. You don't need charisma and wisdom, so you can go directly to 18. Strength is good thing, to allow you carry more load, but if you will use henchman for this, you can forget about strength and put more dex which also gives you AC.

Would that be okay?

Depends where you wanna play with it. After some time, I found out that its not about build. I can survive even with bad build, while some other player can die even with strongest builds. Its about skill, knowledge, practise and keyboard/mouse control.

All point coming into INT?

Depends. Minimum is 19, thats obvious to allow cast all spells. But you can do such mage type that has milion of hitpoints and rely on being hit which cause creature damage (damage shield spells). In such case you dont need more than 19, and you need as much con as possible. Other that that, you could be the wizard with the as much spells as possible and high DC. That would require you to get as much INT as possible. And third choice is DEX, which would give you AC in order to not be hit. All ways have their own pros and cons.

Spell to learn:

You are wizard, he learns spells not only at level up, but from scrolls. Learn as much spels as possible, then you can change them beforehand.

Usability of the spells would take a two page essay. And I'm not sure if I wanna write it... Its also enviroment dependant aka Where you wanna play with it.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 21 novembre 2010 - 12:52 .



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Reiner Magier / Pure Mage
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2010, 03:12:34 am »


ShaDoOoW wrote...
 After some time, I found out that its not about build. I can survive even with bad build, while some other player can die even with strongest builds. Its about skill, knowledge, practise and keyboard/mouse control.

Really?  Where were you in 2005?  The build has alot to do with how successful a player is.  I also agree that the skill, knowledge, etc has LOTS to do with it, but, the reality is, a player with GOOD playing skills wouldnt make a crappy character!  Its the catch22!

Now, if you are looking for a challenge Shadow, here is a "pure caster" for you to try out! 

The Crafting Machine
Starting Elf Rogue Chaotic Evil so people can use smite good on me! 'Posted

Str: 9
Dex: 18
Con: 7
Int: 9
Wis: 18
Cha: 9

Bump dexterity at levels: 4,12,20,28,36
Bump wisdom at levels: 8,16,24,32,40

You take your levels like this:
*1 Rogue
*19 wizard
*20 sorcerer

Your final stats look like this:
Str: 9
Dex: 23
Con: 7
Int: 9
Wis: 23
Cha: 9

Notice how I timed everything so that every stat ended on an odd number. That took great skill and planning. 'Posted

You are unable to cast any sorcerer or wizard spells. 'Posted You get 1 hit point per level except the first 3 because it makes you roll your maximum. I was first hoping because of the -2 modifier to constitution that I would be able to get a 0 each time, but alas, it seems the Gods are against me, and I have to take at least 1 hit point each level.

Feat Progression looks like this:
LVL ___ Feat
1 Craft Wand
3 Brew Potion
6 Shielf Proficiency
6 No feat* (wizard bonus feat)
9 Weapon Proficiency Simple
11 No feat* (wizard bonus feat)
12 Skill Focus: craft armor
15 Weapon Proficiency Exotic
16 No feat* (wizard bonus feat)
18 Armor Proficiency Medium
21 Extend Spell
24 Empower Spell
27 Maximize Spell
30 Epic Skill Focus: Craft Armor
33 Silent Spell
36 Still Spell
39 Armor Proficiency Heavy

*at levels 6, 11, and 16 you would normally get a wizard bonus feat but because there are no wizard feats left to choose from you just have to hit okay. You don't get a bonus feat. 'Posted

Don't spend your skill points, except for craft armor. Don't wear anything but your underwear. Don't use a weapon. Fight bare-handed. 'Posted

AC = 16 'Posted

Hit point calculation:
+4 (level 1)
+2 (level 2)
+2 (level 3)
+37 (37 levels getting 1 hit point each time)
45 Total hit points at level 40.

Fort: 15
Refl: 24
Will: 26

Unarmed Attacks: +18/+13
Damage: 1-3 -1 (Critical 20/x2)

In other words, this level 40 character will possibly do 0 damage per hit. Max damage is 2 points.

This build is so fun to play. You can see how many armors you can craft before you get killed. 'Posted

Everybody will be coming to ask for your help, because you are a crafting machine. When people need that "very special armor look", that only you can provide, you'll be everybody's new best friend. 'Posted



This was the Premier builder making the worst possible character you could ever make, yet, it is still amazing at something: CRAFTING!  LOL   It was a challenge he put up for those of us that played on the server he designed for back then.  For all practical purposes, Useless!  But as far as building talent goes, possibly the most thought out build EVER!  LOL   How else could you do what he did here?

Have fun.  And sorry about the OT nature of this.  (although, for the builder, it is an amazing piece of artwork).



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Reiner Magier / Pure Mage
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 03:50:40 am »


avado wrote...

Really?  Where were you in 2005?  The build has alot to do with how successful a player is.  I also agree that the skill, knowledge, etc has LOTS to do with it, but, the reality is, a player with GOOD playing skills wouldnt make a crappy character!  Its the catch22!

That would be the best player rather '<img'>. I know one player, he after half a year understand building a bit. He is able to build almost perfect character, he can distrubute class and levels, he can use advantage of skill dumps etc. But he lacks skill. He just can't made up tactic and he dies a lot. You don't have to be good in building because someone can make build for you. You just must be able to play with it.

PS. fun build, '<img'>


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 21 novembre 2010 - 03:52 .



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Reiner Magier / Pure Mage
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2010, 04:11:01 am »

               I agree totally!  The build is from the man who gave us the Exalted Sorc, the Undead lord, and MANY more.  I met him one time in a game.  We sat and chatted in a nwn bar for about 30 mins.  The server I played had a few areas that he designed.  

And I am glad you are finally listening to my rants!  Whenever someone asks "What is the best build?" or asks for a build, what do I ALWAYS say?  Unlike others from ECB, I always ask "How do you play?"  I have always regarded that as more important than ANY build, and I believe I have said it many times!

I learned it by having 6 players on a log one night ALL playing a half-orc cleric build that I created (in PRC).  While, for me, it was a KILLER solo build (for a server that was HARD), they struggled together to get anything done, yet it was the same build.  Oh right, a few of them wanted to tweak it to make it "better" then complained that they were dying...  it isnt the build, though, the build does have some influence!  LOL  Thats the catch22.. or is it catch33



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Reiner Magier / Pure Mage
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2010, 09:06:51 pm »

               PLEASE discuss something offtopic not here.

I am desperate in need to get up a good mage.

Yes my mage is pure damage.

What about talents ?

Every spellsupporter except penetration, is that right ?