Author Topic: I'm a new player and I have a question.  (Read 537 times)


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I'm a new player and I have a question.
« on: November 15, 2010, 12:43:59 am »

               So, I just ordered NWN1 and it should get here sometime this upcoming week.
I was wondering what classes are good to mix with the rogue class?
I would like some magic but I dont think they would mix well together, so what would be a good match with a rogue?

Also, would it be better to be an elf or a half-elf.

Please and thank you, I would appreciate any answer.



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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 12:53:41 am »

               Never a good idea to be an elf as they lack the ahem, twigs and berrys for true adventuring BUT if you do go elf then I would suggest you add sorceror to it rather than Mage as it seems more roguish to me than a mage.

Just my two coppers.



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« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 01:08:46 am »

               Thank you, I was thinking of Sorceress, but was unsure.

I'm female so I dont necessarily need the berries and twigs '<img'> (I understand what you mean though).

I may go with half-elf, but I like playing as an elf whenever I can.



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« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2010, 01:11:24 am »

               For the OC I like Rogue/ Ranger or Rogue/ Fighter.  If you go Ranger you get some minor magic and an animal companion.  Focus on the Ranger class and take a level here and there of Rogue for skill dumps.



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« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 01:27:31 am »

               Thank you, Shieldsmasher.

Now that I look at Rogue and Ranger, they do have many skills in common and it would make distributing points easier.


Legacy_olivier leroux

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« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2010, 03:49:09 am »

               I'm not a great fan of rogues but you might want to consider investing skill points into "Use Magic Device". It's a class skill for rogues and allows them to use wands and cast spells from scrolls, so you'd have a bit of magic even if you don't combine the rogue with a caster class.

Oh, and welcome to the NWN community. '<img'>


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 15 novembre 2010 - 03:50 .



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« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2010, 04:27:10 am »

               Thank you for the welcoming '<img'>

Well I went to the NWN Website, and looked up a bunch of stuff before coming here, but I just wanted a player's perspective.

Which class do you prefer and why?

Oh and I'll either go for a Chaotic Good, Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral alignment. (Probably neutral)



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« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 09:57:34 am »

               The monk/rogue is a fantastic combo too with a bit more monk than rogue. Specialize in dual wielding kamas and you'll destroy.



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« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 12:35:54 pm »


DalishAssassin wrote...

I would like some magic but I dont think they would mix well together, so what would be a good match with a rogue?

Also, would it be better to be an elf or a half-elf.

It's a bit unusual AFAIK, but bard/rogue should work well. 

They share the most skills in common of any other combo.  The only issue that comes to mind is that you may need to split your abilities between Cha & either Dex or Str to be effective.  Bard/curse song can't be dispelled, you'll get access to all arcane items, UMD, tumble, stealth.  The bard probably won't be an effective offensive caster, but a great buffer with a third more HPs/level than another arcanist class.  Your only task as an elf will be to keep the levels within one to avoid XP pen, which shouldn't be a problem with this combo as they overlap rather nicely.  Half-elf won't have the "juggling" problems.

Just an idea.

edit: BTW, an elf needs to use wiz rather than sorc to avoid the XP pen from rogue dumps, if that is your plan.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 15 novembre 2010 - 12:40 .


Legacy_olivier leroux

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« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2010, 12:51:25 pm »

               I don't know a lot about the best character builds but regarding game mechanics, my favorite classes are cleric, sorcerer and maybe druid. I also had fun with a bard character but only at the higher levels.

The reason for my choice is that I find armed combat in NWN not that exciting. All tactics aside, you basically just choose your target and watch your character hack or shoot at it every round and there are only limited options what else the player can do during the fight (e.g. attempt to disarm or knock down the opponent but it's dependent on your skills and dice throws, not your reaction). So while fighters are pretty strong and useful, often I find it too limiting and boring to play one. Rogues are usually less powerful in one on one fights, but they get more skills like sneaking, finding and disarming traps, unlocking doors and containers etc. - basically skills you need patience for, heh. Personally I'm not so fond of sneaking around all the time and doing everything in slow motion, I prefer Boots of Speed. (But that's just me.)

With casters you have a lot of choice at what you can do during fights. Not that the casting system is much different than the armed combat (you choose your target and click) but the diversity of spells gives you more variety in what you can do and additionally you get nice and sparkly effects.

Plus, you're never alone, as you can summon familiars or other creatures to distract your opponents in melee while you're casting your spells. So while a fighter is an army of one, a caster can always have a party of 2-4, even without henchmen (the max would be a druid with an animal companion, a summoned creature and another animal charmed with Animal Empathy).

I like sorcerer a little better than wizard, you get less spells to choose from but can cast them more often and also change your repertoire every time you gain a level. Wizards and sorcerers can possess their familiar, use it to scout or roleplay (or in the case of the Pixie, even use it for rogueish tasks like disarming traps and picking locks). That's another nice feature. Druids can turn into animals and other creatures which might not always be the most useful option but it's fun.

Clerics combine the best of both worlds, they're fighters and casters at the same time. Of course they don't excel at melee fighting or casting but they can hold their own pretty well. They can buff themselves up, summon companions, fight in melee or ranged combat, turn undead, heal themselves and their allies and also cast some neat attack spells. I like them because I think they offer the most choice and because they're pretty overpowered.

Of course, when it comes to roleplay, clerics would be my least favorite choice but in single player mode frankly I don't care that much.

My favorite alignments are neutral good, chaotic good and chaotic neutral.


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 15 novembre 2010 - 12:58 .


Legacy_Shia Luck

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I'm a new player and I have a question.
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2010, 03:00:17 pm »


DalishAssassin wrote...
So, I just ordered NWN1 and it should get here sometime this upcoming week....

... would it be better to be an elf or a half-elf

For a rogue? Go elf! The only reason to go half elf is to avoid a possible XP penalty, and you give up your +2 dex, keen senses etc. (Tho of course you get back your -2 CON, but if you want to look human (same model for elf human (Thank you for editing Shieldsmasher ':wub:' ) and half elf), then play human and get all the goodies humans get is my thinking. You might want as much XP as possible, especially if it is your first game and you are exploring, but personally I take the XP penalty and play elves and whatever classes I like. (With the obvious exception of Dwarven Defender '<img'> )

DalishAssassin wrote...
I was wondering what classes are good to mix with the rogue class?
I would like some magic but I dont think they would mix well together, so what would be a good match with a rogue?

Sorc/rogue is interesting, and can be great RP, but is in no way as synergystic as wiz/rog (unless you intend to have a high charisma anyway and even then, wiz is still a better choice). If sorc/rogue appeals I'd wait til you are playing a module with lots of options for diplomacy. (I am sort of assuming you will play the OC or SoU and HoTU first?) Oh and my favourite classes are sorc, monk, rogue, bard, assassin,  AA....  (in that order I guess), so don't think I don't like sorc. I am mad about them. '<img'>

Also I can't believe you've got so many replies and no one has mentioned ShadowDancer! What's up with you, boys???'<img'> Wiz/rog/sd is perfect, no? (and no XP penalty for elves;) )

... and given your name *grinning* ... rogue/sd/assassin with 16 INT and UMD and spend everything on scrolls to get your magic is another choice. (No XP penalty for elves either '<img'>.. Oh! Tho you need to be evil to take assassin soooo.... )

Arcane Archer is a good choice also and gets you arcane scroll use and scribe scroll. AA10/R8/W2 @ lvl 20 (Also no elf XP penalty)

Rogue/bard is a late developing character, and more bard than rogue is how she'd work best. B26/r13/sd1 for example. So that's another one I'd save for a different, longer  module/campaign.

Rogue16/ftr4 (ftr4 is needed for weapon specialisation which helps your damage against non sneakable enemies) is a classic. With SD you'd want to go R12/SD4/F4 because of  Base Attack Bonus. It is all too easy in harder modules to end up with an epic rogue who can't hit very reliably, especially if you didn't go halfling or elf and max your dex, and getting the 4th attack per round is obviously a huge advantage. (rog/ftr does get an xp penalty tho.)

Anyway, I've talked enough *grin*. Welcome and..

Have fun '<img'>


                     Modifié par Shia Luck, 15 novembre 2010 - 10:37 .



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« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2010, 06:23:06 pm »


olivier leroux wrote...

 I find armed combat in NWN not that exciting. All tactics aside, you basically just choose your target and watch your character hack or shoot at it every round and there are only limited options what else the player can do during the fight (e.g. attempt to disarm or knock down the opponent but it's dependent on your skills and dice throws, not your reaction). So while fighters are pretty strong and useful, often I find it too limiting and boring to play one. Rogues are usually less powerful in one on one fights, but they get more skills like sneaking, finding and disarming traps, unlocking doors and containers etc. - basically skills you need patience for, heh. Personally I'm not so fond of sneaking around all the time and doing everything in slow motion, I prefer Boots of Speed. (But that's just me.)

I have to disagree.  I enjoy the combat in NWN.  It's not all just stand up and hack and slash.  Yes, there is combat feats you can use like knockdown (a rogue's dream) and disarm, but you have to sometimes have a strategy too and use tactics.  You can try to draw off individuals from groups, draw groups into doorways to bottle neck everyone into your killing funnel and as a rogue you can prepare the battlefield with traps before engaging the enemy.  This is one reason I like Ranger/ Rogues because Rangers get set trap skills too.  Plus, like you said, you're never alone.  Rangers can summon animal companions and get summon spells too.  Two summoned animals for a Ranger/Rogue = sneak attacks! 

Shia Luck wrote...

[if you want to look human (same model for elf and half elf), then play human and get all the goodies humans get is my thinking.

Actually, humans and half-elves share the same model. 



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« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2010, 10:04:32 pm »

               Thank you to everyone. I will take all of these in consideratin when I make my character '<img'>

and olivier leroux, thank you for replying.

Shia Luck wrote...

Sorc/rogue is interesting, and can be great RP, but is in no way as synergystic as wiz/rog (unless you intend to have a high charisma anyway and even then, wiz is still a better choice). If sorc/rogue appeals I'd wait til you are playing a module with lots of options for diplomacy. (I am sort of assuming you will play the OC or SoU and HoTU first?)

Also I can't believe you've got so many replies and no one has mentioned ShadowDancer! What's up with you, boys??? Wiz/rog/sd is perfect, no? (and no XP penalty for elves )

... and given your name *grinning* ... rogue/sd/assassin with 16 INT and UMD and spend everything on scrolls to get your magic is another choice. (No XP penalty for elves either .. Oh! Tho you need to be evil to take assassin soooo.... )

Shadowdancer sounds awesome, but sadly, I dont have any of the expansions, and slow internet. Would I be able to download modules without fast internet?



Legacy_Shia Luck

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« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2010, 10:49:20 pm »


Shieldsmasher wrote...

Shia Luck wrote...

[if you want to look human (same model for elf and half elf), then play human and get all the goodies humans get is my thinking.

Actually, humans and half-elves share the same model. 

Oops, typo. Thank you Shieldsmasher '<img'>

DalishAssassin wrote...
Shadowdancer sounds awesome, but
sadly, I dont have any of the expansions, and slow internet. Would I be
able to download modules without fast internet?

':crying:'   Ummm, well module size is often not too large and I know some people play lots of modules with dial up connections. It's more watching out how big the hak size is... but.. (and it's a really really BIG but.., sorry), umm the vast majority of modules will require the expansions.

...and they add so much content. And GOG sell the whole thing for $10??? (tho it's a download *sigh*.. internet cafe maybe?  ) ...

The huge joy of NWN is all the modifications and modules and custom content.. oh and the community ':wub:'  *cheeky grin* ... get the expansions is all I can say, sorry.

Have fun '<img'>



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« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2010, 10:58:12 pm »

               Perhaps I can download mods at a friends house, put them on a USB stick, and bring them home?

One thing that sold me on NWN was that you can create things like all the people do.