Author Topic: Looking for an answer to the Macro question.  (Read 600 times)

Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:24:33 am »

               It seems a long time ago on the old forum, someone asked a question but never got a strait answer. Since the idea of a Macro seems just what I'm looking for, I want to reignite this seemingly age-old (Game-age) question.

Can a macro be made for neverwinter nights using the text macro system already in place?

I have been scouring the internet looking for the answer, from looking at script to short-cuts. Nothing seems to get where I need to. What I basically want to do is use the text option to talk directly to the game and tell it I've initiated the use of this spell I have already learned. I know that setting a spell to a key does this, but I what to know HOW is does it. If I had something to watch whats happening inside the program as I manipulate it, that would at least keep me from feeling like I'm falling on my face.

I've always had the problem of taking steps, even as a baby I tried walking before crawling. It seems ingrained into me at a core level for some strange reason. I see where I wanna go, but cyberly I can't even find my feet. I've wanted to learn programing at it's base, it's core... I have yet to find anything that explains it at a level I can grasp. I have difficulty learning from books, I'm more hands on; A kinetic learner if you will. Books explain these things yet when something messes up they have nothing that covers that, so I end up flopping around like a fish out of water. But I digress...

Basically the reason for this is a certain class I've been playing with from the old forums Epic class builds; The Dragon-Kin. This class I find to my liking as it is very versitle and follows a creature I idolize.  I have found a few things about the build I wasn't crazy about, and after testing it out decided to try and modiffy to make more friendly. At least to my standereds. I also learned the hard way, when you try tweeking a little bit much, the whole thing can fall apart. With my testing I also came to a conclusion, their were just too many spell and not enough hotkeys. Trying configuration after configuration I decided that something had to change, so I looked around and REdiscovered macros. It had been a long time since I had messed with them and the idea of having more repeditive functions applyed to one keystroke inspired me. Unfortunately, I don't know jack about coding/scripting/programing or anything of the nature. ':crying:'<(First smily and it's sad... lol)

So after spending so much time trying to figure this out on my own, I decided to join to ask that question. If anyone has an answer I would be delighted to hear it, if you can explain it in more depth of how it works that would be even better... as long a I can understand it. <>

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on this mystery, and I hope someday soon someone may discover an answer. To all those reading, take cae and good luck.

Till next we meet.



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 09:17:19 am »

               The only way I know of to use key macro's to perform multiple tasks is to enter all the actions you want to perform in a script and then execute the script with a macro (same as DM scripts).



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 09:53:07 am »

               You're talking about the Macro option through the radial menu I suppose?
I know nothing of it, being no tech at all. Only I saw that Macro working excellently already, in some Proleric's module, I believe?
But I would also ask in the module, scripting or toolset sections for that kind of thing, just my 2 cents.


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 12 octobre 2010 - 08:55 .



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 09:58:16 am »

               I think the macros were half implemented, as most things aren't exactly accessible through the UI, at least from what I know.  If there is a way to trigger feats through the macros, I'd love to know how.



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 10:00:09 am »

               There is. I saw it and even played with it.
The question is where...
But it's possible, everything is.


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 12 octobre 2010 - 09:01 .



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 04:05:52 pm »

               Here is the most complete info of the macros that I have found:
 The truth is that the macros in nwn are pretty basic, not like the WoW ones where you could do almost everything 'Image


Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 02:17:39 am »

               Hmmm, so if I have this strait. It's possible, but no one knows how to do it.

Technically, even if I'm not using the Text macro in the game. As long as I can cast the multiple spells on a keystroke would suffice. I am just unsure about using something about another program because usually stuff like that comes loaded with key-loggers, worms and Trojans. Not to mention it wouldn't be as fair to others if your using such a program and they are not. I just want a way to communicate with the system and tell it what I want done without the unnecessary clicking/button pressing all the time.

The radial menu is useful to a point, but when needing to cast multiple buffs and enemies are nearing can be quite hazardous if you accidentally cast the same spell more then once. I get tired of getting lost in the radial menu at times and forgetting if I had already cast something or running into an empty list.

Does anyone know of a program that can watch the internal code of another running program?

Thank you for you time an patience.

Till next we meet.



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 08:09:16 am »

               Why don't you post in the techs sections?



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 12:43:45 pm »

               You are looking for a program like ELTank or ACTools. Years ago I wrote ELTank, but it was specific for Asheron's Call.
ACTools is mainly for AC but it's also universal, but it takes a LOT of knowledge to be able to master though.

With no hooks into the client you are limited to watching pixel colours.

However, as I've already stated you CAN achieve what you want to do, but it will take scripting knowledge and patience.
To achieve what you want to do.

Write script to perform all the buffs you want.
If it cant' be achieved in a single loop the script must assign itself to run again (assigncommand) as many times as needed to finish.
Then text macro runscript xxxx to a key.



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2010, 01:23:44 pm »


jmlzemaggo wrote...

Why don't you post in the techs sections?

 Yes, This topic is starting to become off topic for this board.   The Scripting or CC board could be a better place according to the way you want to go with this.
There are programs out there that will let you see the code in the program and step through it as it is being executed. The use of such a program however would be like trying to space travel complete with building your own craft, befor you learned how to walk.  If you really wanted to follow that route you would have to learn assembly. Use of such a program would also be a violation of the EULA.
To get back to trying to answer your original question, No there is no way to use the Quick Slot macro to cast more then one spell at a time without scripting a way for it to interpret the command.  Placing text in the macro do nothing other then have the PC speak that line. As stated in the wikki the text just defaults to a shout from the pc. That can be changed by prefacing the text with a volume command, as a side note. /tk for talk, /wh for whisper /t for tell or /tp for tell player. If my memory serves me right. 
Since the custom macro has the PC speak the line when used there are way to get it to do what you want. However the implementation of doing so will change per the module and expansions you are using.  Also the changes would have to be Server side. This means that you would not be able to make changes on your computer and have them effect any MP game you are playing on-line. For single player games. You would have to script a way for the chat line(macro)  to be read and implemented.     



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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2010, 01:32:38 pm »

               People have been fatigued by the tedium of buffing before a battle and have done some scripting to address it. You may be interested in a rod of buffing or similar item. I believe there are several variations on the concept, but the basic idea is that you set the spells that you want to cast as a typical buffing set and then, when you use the rod, it causes your character to cast those spells. If you google a bit you will find some links. A couple to get you started are loudent's rods here and here.


Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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Looking for an answer to the Macro question.
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2010, 11:26:43 pm »

               Ahhh, I see.

Sorry for posting this in the wrong section then, I did not know where it should go so I went to a general area that I thought would be more appropriate then simply assuming.

ElgarL: I may look into that, thank you.

Lightfoot8: Very well, sadly I had no way of knowing that so I did what I thought best according to my best judgment.

The part about the spaceship I am already aware of too a degree. As for Violation I believe the TOS says; "you may not distribute, publicly perform or display, lease, sell, transmit, transfer, publish, edit, copy, create, derivative works from, rent, sub-license, distribute, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise make unauthorized use of Content or Entitlements." If i remember correctly, though my memory may be a bit faulty. In any case, since 'Observe' is not listed as far as my knowledge goes and I do not seek to cause any altercation to the program or discredit of the company. I don't see how this would be a violation. I was simply wondering if their was an answer to this question, nothing more. Besides, hypothetically speaking; Would you still be able to fly, if you remained in a cage?

MrZork: Yeah, I've kinda been experiencing that. But sadly I wish to do this without the aid of an item which can be removed or deleted. Not to mention it makes people depend more on the item rather then the player. That is an interesting design though, this kind of item/player relation I like. Might look more into it at a later date.

Well, as it seems that this is the wrong section for this discussion as well as the conversation seemingly coming to a close I guess this should be my last post on this particular subject. Though not as enlightening as I had hoped, this has been very informative on a number of subjects.

Thank you all for your suggestions, time and patience.

Till next we meet.