It seems a long time ago on the old forum, someone asked a question but never got a strait answer. Since the idea of a Macro seems just what I'm looking for, I want to reignite this seemingly age-old (Game-age) question.
Can a macro be made for neverwinter nights using the text macro system already in place?
I have been scouring the internet looking for the answer, from looking at script to short-cuts. Nothing seems to get where I need to. What I basically want to do is use the text option to talk directly to the game and tell it I've initiated the use of this spell I have already learned. I know that setting a spell to a key does this, but I what to know HOW is does it. If I had something to watch whats happening inside the program as I manipulate it, that would at least keep me from feeling like I'm falling on my face.
I've always had the problem of taking steps, even as a baby I tried walking before crawling. It seems ingrained into me at a core level for some strange reason. I see where I wanna go, but cyberly I can't even find my feet. I've wanted to learn programing at it's base, it's core... I have yet to find anything that explains it at a level I can grasp. I have difficulty learning from books, I'm more hands on; A kinetic learner if you will. Books explain these things yet when something messes up they have nothing that covers that, so I end up flopping around like a fish out of water. But I digress...
Basically the reason for this is a certain class I've been playing with from the old forums Epic class builds; The Dragon-Kin. This class I find to my liking as it is very versitle and follows a creature I idolize. I have found a few things about the build I wasn't crazy about, and after testing it out decided to try and modiffy to make more friendly. At least to my standereds. I also learned the hard way, when you try tweeking a little bit much, the whole thing can fall apart. With my testing I also came to a conclusion, their were just too many spell and not enough hotkeys. Trying configuration after configuration I decided that something had to change, so I looked around and REdiscovered macros. It had been a long time since I had messed with them and the idea of having more repeditive functions applyed to one keystroke inspired me. Unfortunately, I don't know jack about coding/scripting/programing or anything of the nature.
<(First smily and it's sad... lol)
So after spending so much time trying to figure this out on my own, I decided to join to ask that question. If anyone has an answer I would be delighted to hear it, if you can explain it in more depth of how it works that would be even better... as long a I can understand it. <>
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on this mystery, and I hope someday soon someone may discover an answer. To all those reading, take cae and good luck.
Till next we meet.