Author Topic: To new faces of an old game?  (Read 392 times)

Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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To new faces of an old game?
« on: October 11, 2010, 04:00:20 am »

               Excuse me if this already exists, but sadly I could not find where you are supposed to introduce yourself. So I am making this in case it does not exist, if moderaters have a problem with this then by all means close this topic.

Without further adieu...

Greetings and salutations, I am an old stlye player of Neverwinter nights. Sadly I haven't had the luxury of playing any expantions even though I have SoU and HotU, I have yet to complete the original campain so I have resisted the urge to play the expansions.

I found this community only about a month ago, but did not join as I have joined other forums and received no help fo anything I asked. Some time not too long ago I've become reinterested in the game Neverwinter Nights, but am irritated by it's inflexibillity. So searching for a means of compromise I stumbled on the forums that were closed and following the links arrived here. I lurked around for a while, looking through posts to review the personallitys of those participating in the community before I came to the decision to join. And that is how I am here...

All things take time, so I will simply end this here and continue about my business for the moment. Is any wish to greet me back, feel free to do so. I am simply leaving this post to establish that I have join the forum, if this is the wrong place to post such subjects then please direct me to a more proper place for such a post.

Thank you

Till next we meet.



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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 04:18:14 am »

               inflexible how so?



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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 04:25:53 am »

               Bah theres nothen wrong with syen hi no mater where you post.....your new and thats that.I just got back online my self and its been fun and thats what were all here for.So welcome to nwn i guess.Theres alot of people willing to help you if you need something just ask.Hope you have fun with the game.

I run a server myself.......The link below is for some screenshots of it if your intrested.Im not awalys hosten but will try to when im off work.



Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 04:34:11 am »

               ElgarL: All good things come with time, when I am more comfortable here I may illuminate more to the reason of my being here. The henchmen in Neverwinter surly did not revealed all their secrets when you first spoke with them did they?

Builder_Anthony: Thank you very much, I have had some unfortunate incidents where I caused upset because I did not pay attention to the surrounding sections. Though, I will point out that even if I may be a new face here, I am in no means new to neverwinter. I just have not taken as much interest in it as I have other games.

Ah, that would sound fun to play with other people... sadly a few things keep me from being able to do so.


                     Modifié par Necronomicon Des Ombres, 11 octobre 2010 - 03:35 .



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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2010, 08:03:19 am »

                'sounds very much like you're french to me. At least you could apply easily, as you already seem to fulfil all of the requirements. Sadly a few things keep me from being able to tell you why '<img'> !
Si c'est le cas, bienvenu!
If it's not the case, you're welcome, feel home... which should never forbide you to travel.
Nice name by the way...


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 11 octobre 2010 - 07:04 .



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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2010, 01:41:29 pm »

               Hola Necronomicon Des Ombres! Welcome to NWN & the bioware social forums.

You chose the correct forum for your post, so have no worries on that issue. As you can tell, there are many here who welcome you and are available to help answer your questions if you need assistance.

While I agree the original campaign was fun, I am a Persistent World (PW) fan and play online all the time now when I play NWN. When you have installed and completed the 'in-the-box' adventures, we hope to see you online too!



Legacy_Tren of Twilight Tower

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2010, 07:53:50 pm »

               Well met, Necro.  May you have a long and jolly stay at BW NWN forums.



Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2010, 09:37:06 pm »

               Thank you all for your hospitality. It's good to be part of a friendly forum again, while it lasts.

jmlzemaggo: Le c'est pas, mais je vous remercie. (Not 100% sure if that's accurate.) Technically I am what is refereed to as a Mut. I do have french in my blood as well as German, Dark Scott, Cherokee, Jolly ol' England and probably more I don't know about. As for my nationality, I'm a little embarrassed to say where I am from at the time with how things are "Progressing" here.

Thank you, it is actually the name of a character of mine who's history I have yet to write. I'm sure someday though I'll be able to get things strait and write it.

ehye_khandee: Salutaciones amigo y gracias por lo caluroso bienvenida. (Think that's correct)

Well, I did find the section where you are supposed to post that you are new to the forum, it was just a ways back in the listings. But at least I found the proper section. As to my questions, I don't wanna seem as the type that will vanish as soon as they are answered. I've seen it happen before, heck I've done it by accident once or twice as I lose track of the forum and forget about it entirely. Besides, I'll save my questions for when I am not so green around the gills here.

Ah, I have heard of the online mods. I even DLed the CEP, but sadly my computer lacks the room in which to install it. I'll eventually have to pick through and remove some programs I don't need anymore. Until then I'm afraid the online experience will have to wait.

Tren: Necros, if you please. Feels less like your calling me by my class and more like a name. '^_^' And thank you very much for your greeting.

Oh dear, seems I'm going to have to cut this short. Reality waits for no one I'm afraid.

Thank you all for your posts.

Till next we meet.



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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 09:47:48 pm »

               If it makes you feel better Necor...I have played this game for about 8 years or so and I myself have never played through any of the Orginal Campigns.


Legacy_Jenna WSI

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2010, 10:42:45 pm »

               It's been my experience that the people on the NWN boards always answer questions and are willing to help, though sometimes you have to wait a bit.. depending on the question.

Anyhow, welcome!


Legacy_Sharona Curves

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2010, 12:45:12 am »

               Greetings Necronomicon Des Ombres:

These forums and the Old Bioware Forums have always been a great source
of knowledge and information for this game.  You will find there are alot of people
who have been around both communities and still have not completed all
3 Expansions + the Premium Modules.  These Modules are fun, all of them.

What these modules can and should do though is get you used to the interface, used to the
paperdoll/character sheet rules of D&D, and so on, so you are ready to attack
Community-Made Modules or Multiplayer Game Worlds.       

The Community made modules list is quite vast and numerous.  I think
if you search hard enough, you will definitely find several stories or types
of gameplay modules you might enjoy. 

There are new ones being written all the time too.

Some of the newer ones have posts in the Modules Forum.
Posting in there is a good place to get help or suggestions
for a module at the  Neverwinter Vault.

No Multiplayer for you? It saddens me to hear that. ':crying:'

The Multiplayer Community is also quite vast and numerous in it's
diversity of gameplay styles. Finding a community you enjoy with
the right set of rules, the right set of players, and the right
set of server staff can be difficult. Maybe someday you will get an
internet gaming connection, I can say with confidence that this community
will still be there.


                     Modifié par Sharona Curves, 11 octobre 2010 - 11:45 .


Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2010, 05:09:40 am »

               TMSDude: Please no! I don't know why but I think of hickeys when I say that nickname of yours! XD Necros or N.O. is just fine if you would. I'm having a little difficulty in the Campains, but then to make an omelet you have to crack a few eggs so...

Jenna WSI: Love the portrait. I understand this, it's just that I wanna let the roots dig in a bit before allowing my issues to bud. Besides I will be posting my question in another topic as I am sure others would want to discuss the issue as well as locate it with ease.

Thank you.

Sharona Curves: At your service. Yes, sadly I only came upon the old forums as they were dwindling and fading away. I really liked the look of that forum, compared to it this ones OK but it lacks the luster the old one held. LOL yeah, I'd be included in that list. Hope sometime I will be able to clear them.

Yeah, I figured on that part. Though I'm not sure about the paperdoll remark, I am no stranger to D&D. My mom is an old style GM, though she does tend to give a tid-bit here and there and let something slide from time to time she does it good. Heck, back when she use to game she was dubbed 'the cantrip queen' on occasion. Frankly I believe them as I tried to stump her in a puzzle I had thought up and she completely blew it away. I've even DMed a couple times with a friend and my sister, don't think I was any good though. I was more of an as you go type, letting the players choose where they went and building the environment around them. But in any case, D&D and me are no strangers.

Ahhh, community made stuff is always better. Would love to dabble once I learn and get use to the intricate workings of building classes. Unlike in another game I play, neverwinter makes you focus on what you want where even the slightest adjustment can derail your build if not done properly. On yet another game I've been trying to find unique builds outside what most players call the norm and fight to make them work, sadly most of the time it's a rather costly experience. Then someone finds the proper way to tune it and they are showered with all the praise, becomes a pain after a while. Oooh, stories. Those sound fun as long as they are not too linear, when forced one way it tends to get boring if not done properly.

Aren't there always? lol

I might take a look sometime, though I'll need to make space for them. I've already got one game that has become far too large on one drive, though I can't seem to bring myself to cut anything out... at least not yet. But I will keep that in mind, thank you.

I know, it is quite sad. Even if I did have room I don't think my bratty 1-gig could handle it. (I say bratty because it may be a 1-gig but it acts like a 500 Meg if not less!) But try not to be too sad, I am preparing for when I am able to play an online server... I'm more or less getting myself ready before I make the plunge.

As I have learned reading some of the posts people here have put up. I didn't even know you could edit spells or even remove abilities, kinda sounds like a waste if you ask me but too each their own I guess. One of the reasons I booted up the game was to test out theories and class combination that would work on the server I plan on joining, seems they don't have the higher perquisite classes open without some reason. That's when I decided to look for a way around the system.

My mom said once before that I should have been a lawyer, because I tend to look for the loop holes and I bend, twist, contort, warp, wind and mold it into something I can use. Like in a game a mentioned once before I believe, one equally as famous as Neverwinter I think. The power of the potions in that game depended on int, when I found out you could craft potions that could increase your int I laughed myself silly when I found out these bonuses stacked. Unfortunately I never did get to use the potions for what I wanted too, but the fact that I could make them seems to satisfy me. I mention more on this over at the Uber Topic.

When I had researched the server, their was no way I could make any of MY characters there. So I had to make someone new, and off I went on the net to research classes and came upon the Epic builds of your old forum. When I finally found a build I could agree with, I started designing a story that would make sense. Unfortunately for me, making something from nothing is very difficult. Taking something and modifying it to be better is my strong point, it always has been. So after finding the build I wanted, first came testing. It went well... sorta, I'll explain more on that on the other topic I'll be making soon. But after the initial testing I decided to expanded and rearrange the original design into something not only more comfortable to me, but also safer to travel with. I haven't finished the redesign yet as I am still working on it, when I finish I hope to be able to post it and see if others like it... of coarse I would need the original creators permission before I could and would gladly credit them on such a magnificent build.

Now you know a little more in depth of why I am here. If your wondering how I plan on playing, I'll be using my mothers computer a 2.8-gig so it shouldn't be too much of a problem... certainly better then this old clunker I'm using ATM.

I dunno why, but I see the rules and regulations as a way to stop change. Frankly if someone becomes powerful enough, they are entitled to that power as they are the ones that strove to build it. Like the village weakling that returns as a hero, or the mild-mannered pauper that through intuition and opportunity becomes a prince. By cutting out sections, your basically singling out people that don't think like you. This I don't see as right. It creates too many narrow-minds that don't think about 'What if?' and I dunno what I would do if I couldn't think of possibilities that seemed right for me. I live enough of that day to day, I don't need that in my gaming.

OH NOOOO!!! I BOOOMERED AGAIN! Geeez, the last thing people wanna do is read horrendously long rants. I guess this is enough for now, perhaps I should get started on my question. It would definitely open a new type of conversation that I hope will be enlightening.

To those who posted thanks and take care.

May the powers that be watch over you.

Till next we meet.



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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2010, 09:54:04 am »

               Necronomicon Des Ombres: You strike me as strange.  I don't entirely think this is bad, as many of the points you bring up I had in my youth.  Over time I've found the best advice is to just go and try it.  Also, your wall of text has crit me for over 9000.  Have a good day & play with half as much effort as your post took.




Legacy_Necronomicon Des Ombres

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To new faces of an old game?
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2010, 02:02:50 am »

               *Cringe* Sorry. Just kinda got caught up and before I knew it I'd made a huge mess that I wasn't even sure people would read. Guess I should watch that from how on.

Youth? How long ago was your youth? Nevermind, that really isn't my business. lol *Ahem*

Half as much effort? So I should play with a vague disinterest, like I don't care what happens? That doesn't seem like too much fun. As for effort, the post before that one took more then it did. Trying to translate what I want to into another language takes a bit more effort then just speaking about my own personnel thoughts.