B_Harrison wrote...
I just bought a new copy of NWN Deluxe (the UK DVD version), and I'm not sure how to go about making sure my new CD keys are valid. So, a bunch of questions-
Is it safe to simply replace the keys in an install's nwncdkey.ini? Would this affect the NWN registry values at all, and would I need to create a new player account for the new keys? Are the NWN registry values actually needed?
I don't think registry is needed. You can simply copy a NWN folder onto a new computer and it works fine. (but I also have no technical knowledge of what the registry does. All I know is NWN will play fine.) I also think player account and keys are seperate. I know I have used different keys with the same account at least.
Can I register more than one CD key for NWN, SoU and HotU on the BioWare website without replacing the existing ones? I have two installs of NWN on this PC (one a duplicate of the other for modding): can I safely switch the CD keys of one install and not the other? (ie, run two installs with their own keys on a single drive.)
No idea, sorry. I have only one set of keys registered. Tho i wish I had tried to do more as I seem to have lost a set of keys *sigh*
I realise I could find all of this out myself, but I'd rather not re-install or compromise the validity of either set of keys.
I'd just copy and backup nwncdkey.ini and change the working one to your new keys. I wouldn't expect any problem. In fact, I installed NWN on my friends computer by copying my folder over and changing nwncdkey and the other .inis so it had her player name etc. Not quite the same case but it works fine.
Have fun